Saturday, July 27, 2024

Could Not Verify Domain Ownership Squarespace

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A Custom Domain Returns A 404 Error

How To Add and transfer Domain name in Squarespace


When you browse to the site by using the custom domain name, you receive the following error message:

“Error 404-Web app not found.”

Cause and solution

The custom domain that you configured is missing a CNAME or A record.

Solution for cause 1

  • If you added an A record, make sure that a TXT record is also added. For more information, see Create the A record.
  • If you don’t have to use the root domain for your app, we recommend that you use a CNAME record instead of an A record.
  • Don’t use both a CNAME record and an A record for the same domain. This issue can cause a conflict and prevent the domain from being resolved.

Cause 2

The internet browser might still be caching the old IP address for your domain.

Solution for Cause 2

Clear the browser. For Windows devices, you can run the command ipconfig /flushdns. Use to verify that your domain points to the app’s IP address.

Dns Can’t Be Resolved

You received the following error message:

“The DNS record could not be located.”


This problem occurs for one of the following reasons:

  • The time to live period has not expired. Check the DNS configuration for your domain to determine the TTL value, and then wait for the period to expire.
  • The DNS configuration is incorrect.


  • Wait for 48 hours for this problem to resolve itself.
  • If you can change the TTL setting in your DNS configuration, change the value to 5 minutes to see whether this resolves the problem.
  • Use to verify that your domain points to the app’s IP address. If it doesn’t, configure the A record to the correct IP address of the app.

Pointing Your Domain To Squarespace

Many HostGator customers order service from Squarespace to build and host their website.

Squarespace does not use nameservers and requires its customers to have DNS hosting elsewhere and manually set up the DNS to point to Squarespace. This article will show you how to point your HostGator domain name to a Squarespace website.

This is a two-step process. You will need to edit existing DNS zone records for your domain with the Zone Editor in the Domains section of your cPanel.


  • In the examples below, replace with the domain name you wish to redirect.
  • For the CNAME and A record, you will need to use values provided to you by Squarespace. These are frequently different for each user and must be specific to your account.

You may find some links below that will redirect you to your cPanel and its features provided that the following conditions are met:

  • You are logged in to your Customer Portal. You can also log in after clicking the link.
  • The hosting package you are attempting to access is either Shared or Cloud.

Recommended Reading: How Do You Transfer A Domain

Choosing A Verification Method

Search Console supports several different verification methods. See the table below to help choose a method that works best for you.

  • Ignore Google Workspace step 1 because you already generated your CNAME record in Search Console.
  • Sign in to your domain host .
  • Add your CNAME verification record to your domain’s DNS records using the record you got from Webmaster Central. Provide both the record name and record value in the appropriate fields on your DNS provider’s site. You can use the default TTL value suggested by your provider.
  • Your Custom Domain Key

    How to Transfer Your Domain Name from Squarespace Without ...

    When adding or editing DNS records, different domain providers expect youto enter different inputs for the Host field within their DNS managementsites. We’ve compiled common inputs from popular providers below.Refer to your domain provider’s documentation for detailed instructions.

    Domain type
    • The apex domain name
    • Leaving the Host field blank

    Also Check: How To Upload Website To Google Domain

    You Can’t Add A Tls/ssl Certificate Binding To An App


    When you add a TLS binding, you receive the following error message:

    “Failed to add SSL binding. Cannot set certificate for existing VIP because another VIP already uses that certificate.”


    This problem can occur if you have multiple IP-based TLS/SSL bindings for the same IP address across multiple apps. For example, app A has an IP-based TLS/SSL binding with an old certificate. App B has an IP-based TLS/SSL binding with a new certificate for the same IP address. When you update the app TLS binding with the new certificate, it fails with this error because the same IP address is being used for another app.


    To fix this problem, use one of the following methods:

    • Delete the IP-based TLS/SSL binding on the app that uses the old certificate.
    • Create a new IP-based TLS/SSL binding that uses the new certificate.

    Five: Add Your First Cname Record

    On the first line of your Squarespace DNS Settings, copy the code that appears directly under the Host column. The code will be a random string of numbers and letters that must point to

    In your provider’s DNS manager, create a CNAME with the value listed on your Squarespace DNS Settings.

    Squarespace Note: If you’re experiencing issues verifying your domain with a CNAME Record or if your domain provider doesn’t support CNAME Records, verify your domain using a TXT Record.

    Squarespace Note: If you don’t add this CNAME, or if it’s entered incorrectly, the domain will unlink from your site after 15 days. If this happens, you can start over to reconnect the domain.

    Also Check: Is Gmail Com A Domain Name

    We Lost Our Site Owner

    If the only verified owner of your site leaves your team, or you’re not sure who the verified owner is, you should verify ownership to maintain access to the property.

    If you are taking over a site from another owner, after you verify ownership you can unverify previous owners by removing their verification token . See Add or remove owners for more information.

    You Can’t Purchase A Domain

    How To Verify Domain Ownership for Google


    You can’t buy an App Service domain in the Azure portal.

    Cause and solution

    This problem occurs for one of the following reasons:

    • There’s no credit card on the Azure subscription, or the credit card is invalid.

      Solution: Add a valid credit card to your subscription.

    • You’re not the subscription owner, so you don’t have permission to purchase a domain.

      Solution: Assign the Owner role to your account. Or contact the subscription administrator to get permission to purchase a domain.

    • You have reached the limit for purchasing domains on your subscription. The current limit is 20.

      Solution: To request an increase to the limit, contact Azure support.

    • Your Azure subscription type does not support the purchase of an App Service domain.

      Solution: Upgrade your Azure subscription to another subscription type, such as a Pay-As-You-Go subscription.

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    How To Disconnect Your Own Google Account From Squarespace

    What if you no longer want Squarespace to have access to your Google account? As the website owner, it is important to understand that you do not have to use Squarespaces Google Search Console integration. Opening and managing your own GSC account and submitting a sitemap is just as easy.

  • Visit Squarespace Settings > Connected Accounts and Disconnect the Google integration. Note, disconnecting the integration does not revoke Squarespaces 3rd-party app access from your Google account, so follow the next step.

  • Visit your Google account > Security > Manage 3rd-Party Access > select Squarespace Analytics Search Console > Remove Access

    Note, occasionally reviewing 3rd-party applications with access to your accounts is good practice.

  • We appreciate that Squarespace is attempting to streamline the Google Search Console verification process for one-owner websites, but they didnt think it through for sites that get transferred to new owners or larger businesses with staff turnover.

    Do Some Google Housekeeping

    The following items involve getting things set up with Google Analytics and Google Workspaces . You should take care of them ASAP. When I recently changed my domain name I ran into a hiccup. Apparently some one had owned my new domain name at some point and I had to verify that I was the new owner. This took a few days. If you run into problems, you want to get them resolved quickly.

    Fortunately both Squarespace and Google were very helpful in fixing the issue.

    Update Google Analytics

    As I wrote above, a new domain name may affect your ranking with Google and other search engines. You may be able to mitigate any hits your rankings may take by letting Google know about your new domain.

    Also Check: How To Set Up My Own Email Domain

    You Can’t Add A Subdomain


    You can’t add a new host name to an app to assign a subdomain.


    • Check with subscription administrator to make sure that you have permissions to add a host name to the app.
    • If you need more subdomains, we recommend that you change the domain hosting to Azure Domain Name Service . By using Azure DNS, you can add 500 host names to your app. For more information, see Add a subdomain.

    Start The Connection In Squarespace

    How to Transfer Your Domain Name from Squarespace Without ...

    1. Open the HOME menu in Squarespace and click on Settings > Domains:

    2. Click on USE A DOMAIN I OWN:

    3. Enter the domain to connect and click on the arrow:

    4. Click on Connect Domain:

    5. Select Other from the supplier drop-down list and click on the CONNECT DOMAIN button:

    6. Click on the CONTINUE button:

    Note: If you see a message that says the domain is already connected to another Squarespace site, find where the domain is connected and then disconnect it from that site.

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    Domain Ownership Error No Cname Records Were Found Please Add A Cname Record Pointing To Myappazurewebsitesnet

    I am trying to set up the urls and to work for my Azure App Service using with Cloudflare.

    Where mywebsite represents my web site name.

    Currently when I go to this url I get a 404 error.

    In Azure, In Custom Domains, when I try to add a host name for and click validate I get a Domain Ownership error”No CNAME records were found. Please add a CNAME record pointing to”

    If I try adding a CNAME for www with the value

    I get an error message:

    n A, AAAA or CNAME record already exists with that host. 

    I am trying to follow

    • 1What exactly are you trying to achieve? A 5 second look at that documentation suggests you need a CNAME for the www subdomain pointing at Azure using the Azure domain name.Jun 25 ’17 at 7:17
    • 1The instructions seem fairly comprehensive. Maybe a screenshot of your DNS settings would help, along with a screenshot of the DNS part of your azure app. The main problem here is we’re having to drag information out of you, try to add as much information as you can before the question is closed for being too broad.

    The best workaround I’ve found is to:

  • Disable CloudFlare’s HTTP proxying this also disables CNAME flattening for that record.
  • Check your host on dig until you see the CNAME records show up.
  • You Purchased A Tls/ssl Certificate For The Wrong Domain


    You purchased an App Service certificate for the wrong domain. You can’t update the certificate to use the correct domain.


    Delete that certificate and then buy a new certificate.

    If the current certificate that uses the wrong domain is in the ââ¬ÅIssuedââ¬ï¿½ state, you’ll also be billed for that certificate. App Service certificates are not refundable, but you can contact Azure support to see whether there are other options.

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    Editing Your A Record

    This step will direct the A record for your domain to a SquareSpace IP. Before performing this step, you will need to be provided with that IP address by Squarespace.

  • Log in to your cPanel.
  • Navigate to the Domains section, then click on the Zone Editor icon.
  • Click on the Manage button for the domain you are modifying.
  • Click Edit on the domain’s A record.
  • Replace the IP Address provided by Squarespace under the Record field.
  • The entry will now show your domain name directing to SquareSpace’s IP address.
  • Since the propagation of these changes will take time, you may not be able to access your Squarespace site immediately. Until the changes are propagated, you may see a message similar to this one:
  • Squarespace may provide you with up to 4 IP addresses. You can create multiple A records for your domain. First, edit any existing records to match using the instructions above if you already have more than 1 A record. Then, if additional A records are required:

  • Log in to your cPanel.
  • Navigate to the Domains section, then click on the Zone Editor icon.
  • Click on the + A Record button.

  • There will be a pop-up box enter the additional IPs provided by Squarespace.
  • After editing and adding the desired records from Squarespace, check if you have any additional A records with different values from those provided by Squarespace. If yes, you should remove them:

  • In the DNS Zone Editor, select the excess A record.
  • Click Delete.
  • Log In To Your Domain Account

    How to Verify Your Domain on Google Search Console in 2019 (DNS and TXT Record)

    The following procedure applies to a N0C account.

    1. Enter the following address in your web browser and log in to your PlanetHoster domain that you want to link to Squarespace: .

    2. In N0C, choose Domains > Domain Management.

    3. Locate the domain to which you want to link your site.

    4. Click on the DNS button for that domain:

    Note: Do not delete the MX records during the rest of the process. MX records link your email address. Deleting them could interfere with your email service.

    Don’t Miss: How To Transfer My Domain From Wix To Shopify

    When To Change Your Domain

    There are several reasons for changing your domain name.

  • Your brands direction or message has changed and your domain doesnt reflect the new one

  • You want to either be the face of the brand and make your name the domain or you want to take your name off the domain

  • Youre unhappy with the domain you picked, either because you really didnt know what you were doing, or it just doesnt fit you

  • Your business coach suggested it

  • You have found too many other URLs are getting mixed up with yours

  • Your company name/affiliation has changed, and your URL doesnt reflect that

  • Know The Downsides Of Changing Your Domain

    Your Google analytics may take a hit

    A new domain means you have to register again with Google Analytics. And since Google Analytics cant pick up where your old domain left off, you may not like what you see on your dashboard there. And while there are steps you can take to mitigate the situation, your SEO may suffer for a while.

    Your customers may not be happy

    A new domain usually goes along with rebranding, and weve all heard stories of companies that had disastrous rebrands. Fortunately, small brands that are mainly on the internet can weather the storm better than the big guys. But still, if you have a solid relationship with your current followers, they may not be happy.

    Theres a work involved

    As I said, there is more to changing your domain than adjusting some things on you website. None of it is hard, but it can be time consuming depending on how far reaching your brand is. You need to be prepared to take a couple of days to get the bulk of it taken care of, and you may spend a few months fixing things you completely forgot needed to be adjusted to reflect the change.

    Read Also: How To Transfer Google Domain To Squarespace

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