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How To Use Unstoppable Domains

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How To Use Unstoppable Domains All You Need To Know

Unstoppable Guide By Hashoshi (Setting up and using your domains)

They exist on the blockchain, allowing the use of smart contracts on your website. How To Use Unstoppable Domains

Perhaps the best and most enticing feature of Unstoppable Domains is that is offers you a way to have one address for you to get 276 various crypto possessions, indicating once you set it up you will just ever need to know your domain and your payments will be routed to the wallets you set up for each cryptocurrency. It is simpler not just for you, but for anybody who you want to get funds from.

Prospective Dealbreakers.

There is only one real prospective dealbreaker when it concerns using Unstoppable Domains, which is the cost of declaring your domain with Ethereum.

This might just be a dealbreaker because you do not have any Ethereum at your address and need to acquire some in order to claim your domain, or if for some reason you think it is unreasonable to pay the gas costs. However, this is a one-time deal cost, and unless you decide to sell/transfer your domain to somebody else it will be the additional charge related to getting your domain.

How To Tether The Domain To Your Account Name Or Address

To do that, you will need your Wombat wallet. If youre using a mobile device, please open Unstoppable Domains within Wombat.

Next, go to Account Settings in the menu and choose Add Wallet. Choose Metamask as the option dont worry, Wombat will still work!

Sign the transaction and go back to the menu you will need to claim your domain. Go to My Domains and simply select it from the list and hit the Claim .Crypto button. The claiming process takes between 1020 minutes.

After that, find it in My domains again and use the Manage option. Paste in all account names and addresses you want this domain to work with and voila youre all set for Web3!

How To Setup A Decentralized Website Using Unstoppable Domains

The decentralized web already exists. It is already out there, providing an exciting digital landscape for developers and users alike to explore. In many ways, we are already living in the age of the dWeb and we are already reaping its benefits.

And yet, in other ways, we are not. Ask the average man or woman in the street about the decentralized web and youll probably be met with blank looks. Take a quick survey of the most popular web properties or even of the most exciting up and comers and youll receive nothing more than a list of centralized apps and websites.

Yes, the dWeb may exist, but for most of us the four horsemen of Facebook, Amazon, YouTube, and Google still reign supreme.

Whats the problem here? There are many answers to this question, but one of the most pressing is access.

Want to start a blog on the centralized web? Head to Blogger and set one up.

Have some products to sell? With Shopify, you can whip up an ecommerce space in about half an hour.

Looking to boost your brand by securing a corner of the web for it? GoDaddy can handle that for you.

To put it simply, its super easy to get started on the centralized web. The tools are all there for you already.

On the dWeb, its a little trickier. But that is all about to change.

Also Check: How Much To Get A Domain Name

Unstoppable Domains And 30 Global Crypto Wallet Providers Form New Wallet Username Standard

“.wallet” usernames will be the new standard, streamlining peer-to-peer crypto transactions for 40+ million users

SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 5, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — NFT domain name provider Unstoppable Domains and 30 of the world’s leading wallets, including Trust Wallet, IMToken, Bread Wallet, and MyEtherWallet today introduced the .Wallet Alliance, an open collaboration across crypto wallets to simplify peer-to-peer crypto transactions and break down the silos that exist in traditional payment systems. This new group of wallets, representing 40 million users, is teaming up to establish a new global standard for peer-to-peer crypto transactions using Unstoppable Domains’ simple, easily-readable .wallet NFT Domains.

In the coming months, wallet holders across the world will be able to use these .wallet usernames to replace lengthy alphanumeric wallet addresses across most major wallets, making it easier than ever to transfer 275+ cryptocurrencies and tokens across a growing number of apps, wallets and exchanges. As of today, nearly 100,000 .wallet NFT domains have already been purchased from

Many of these providers will soon add the option for new and existing users to create a .wallet NFT domain username directly from their apps. This new alliance will accelerate the adoption of crypto payments, and change the way crypto is sent around the world.

Build And Connect Websites

How To Use Unstoppable Domains, Q& A, and more w/ Bradley ...

Unstoppable Domains also enables users to build and connect websites to their domain name. This may sound like its too technical for the average person, however Unstoppable Domains provides some great tools to make the process easy for anyone.

The Unstoppable Domains website offers four different types of templates you can use for free, including:

  • Personal
  • Coming soon
  • Blog.

When using a template to build a website, Unstoppable Domains will help you store it with the decentralized storage network, InterPlanetary File System , with just a single click.

There is also an option for more advanced users to create their own website from scratch manually and link the IPFS hash via the Unstoppable Domains user interface.

These decentralized websites are viewable natively in the well-known Brave and Opera web browsers, as well as in Chrome, Firefox and Edge by installing the Unstoppable Domains browser extension.

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Getting Started With Blockchain Domains

To get started you first need to visit the Unstoppable Domain website, and obtain the blockchain domain. There are two ways you can do this, either by free claiming protected brand names like facebook.crypto, and bitshills.crypto. The second way is to purchase your very own unique blockchain domain from an open market.

Note that only verified brand owners can free claim these protected domain names.

After you have obtained domain and you can see it in your account, youll need to claim the ownership of the domain so that it belongs to only you.

To do this you will have to connect your unstoppable domains account with metamask and sign the domain with your public key.

Once the domain is claimed using Ethereum public keys, you will be able to verify the domain through blockchain and it becomes manageable.

After you have claimed the ownership and can manage the domain, youll be able to directly control witch cryptocurrency addresses it is connected with, and you can also add a permanent email to the domain that will become visible on the blockchain.

Note that cryptocurrency addresses connected to the blockchain domains are on the front end hidden from the public, however, someone viewing the blockchain itself can reveal the separate cryptocurrency addresses the domain is identified with.

On top of BTC, ETH, ZIL, and LTC blockchain domain can also be connected to over 50+ different cryptocurrencies such as BNB, DASH, XRM, and ZEC.

Nft Website Builder Review

Probably one of the best features that bring value to the Unstoppable Domains Service is their website building service that works with decent services, like Piñata. The interface of the website builder is extremely intuitive and simple to use and includes very well laid out website templates:

Not just this, but the user also has the ability to run the builder in Brave Browser, which allows for even more templates to be included from a large database.

Furthermore, the service also offers various different options to fine tune the content of your website and make it based on your preferences:

When everything is finished and you have set up a website using the NFT Website Builder, it should appear live on the Ethereum blockchain. The way this works is that a new blog has just been created in the chain and your website is hosted in a decentralised manner there, however in the same time it is also publicly available and can be accessed from literally anywhere:

Recommended Reading: Cost To Buy A Domain Name

How To Buy An Unstoppable Domain Using The Bitcoincom Wallet

  • From the home screen, tap on the Discover icon

  • Scroll down to the Services section

  • Select Unstoppable Domains and tap “Launch Service”

  • In the search bar, enter the domain you’d like to purchase. Eg. Smile.crypto. If the domain is available, the price will be listed. Most .crypto domains are available for $40 while .zil domains are available for $20. As mentioned above, .crypto domains live on the Ethereum blockchain while .zil domains live on the Zilliqa blockchain. Premium names are more expensive and many have been temporarily reserved by Unstoppable Domains.

  • Create an account and complete your payment

  • How To View Your Unstoppable Domain Website

    How to use your .crypto domain with Coinbase Wallet (by Hashoshi)

    Traditional browsers do not support looking up a .crypto domain addresses saved on Ethereum. So to search for an Unstoppable Domain you need to download an extension in your Chrome or Fire Fox browser or download one of the other browsers listed below. These extensions and browsers support DNS and CNS .

    Recommended Reading: Transfer Shopify Domain To Godaddy

    Unstoppable Domains Your Corner Of The Decentralized Web

    Unstoppable Domains provides an easy access point for anyone who wants to launch a site on the dWeb. Similar to GoDaddy in the centralized space, Unstoppable Domains allows users to register domain names and launch content online, just in a decentralized manner.

    Unstoppable Domains also features its own version of DNS, which translates all those cumbersome, crypto-generated hash values and makes the whole thing searchable and user-friendly. Another upshot of this is the translation of alphanumeric hash values into qualitative values, such as actual words, with actual meanings.

    To clarify this means that your classic car parts ecommerce site can be registered under the name:


    Rather than something like:

    999534864327D4353434FT425 etc. etc.

    This makes the whole experience much more user-friendly for humans, and this means that the site owners brand is represented in the address. This is a far better situation than just a jumble of letters and numbers.

    Here at, weve taken a bit of a shine to Unstoppable Domains. Its this kind of bridging point between real-world internet users and the as yet unexplored hinterlands of the dWeb that is going to open decentralized internet up to the masses. The sooner we can demystify the decentralized space, and get users onboard, the better. Once the digital migration begins, then the age of the dWeb is here to stay.

    The Preliminaries What Do You Need to Get Started?

    #1 A Zilliqa Wallet

    What Is Unstoppable Domains

    Unstoppable Domains is a San Francisco-based company providing domain name extensions that are tied to a blockchain rather than to the traditional Domain Name System . Specifically, Unstoppable Domains manages .crypto extensions and .zil extensions . This means you can create and own, for example, brad.crypto or brad.zil and that those domain names will be registered on public blockchains rather than in the private databases of traditional domain name registry services.

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    How To Register An Unstoppable Domain

    Step 1. Head to

    • Always check the URL to make sure youre on our legit site!

    Step 2. Access your wallet.

    • If you dont already have a wallet, you will need to create a new wallet.
    • You will also need $40 worth of ETH for the domain, and a small amount of ETH for gas. We generally recommend .01 ETH for 1 – 2 transactions.

    Step 3. Head to the Dapps section, to the left of your wallets overview page. It can also be found at the bottom of the page, under the Dapps section.

    • Here you will see the Unstoppable Domains option. Click there!

    Step 4. Enter your desired domain name to see if it is available.

    • Unstoppable Domains must be 6 characters or longer.
    • Keep in mind that the final product will look like YourDomainHere.crypto.

    Step 5. If your domain is available, you can buy it for $40 by clicking Buy.

    • Unstoppable Domains allows you to purchase the domain with fiat through a Credit Card, if you want to. This process is handled by a third party service called Stripe.

    Step 6. After confirming the transaction, your domain request will process for a moment. When its done, you will be redirected to a page that tells you to wait around 5 – 10 minutes.

    Step 7. After the processing is completed, youre done! Your new domain will be transferred to the wallet you used to purchase it.

    • The address your domain points to should automatically be set as the same one you used to purchase it.

    Use An Unstoppable Domain Template To Build A Website

    How to use Unstoppable Domains

    After you claim your domain go back to the domain tab in the menu and select the website button and then select choose a template. This is where you will build your website using a template provided by Unstoppable Domains.

    On the Select a Template page select a template. There are several different models to choose from.

    Then using the sections on the right navigation bar configure the text, colors, images, etc for your website.

    After configuring your site click the publish to IPFS button. You will be asked to sign two transaction to prove that you are the owner of the domain.

    After you sign two transactions your website will upload to IPFS. It will take about 10 minutes for the transaction to complete and for your website to become available.

    Recommended Reading: Wix Unlock Domain

    Autoconfiguration Of Blockchain Network

    In some scenarios system might not be flexible enough to easy distinguishbetween various Ethereum testnets on compile time. For this case Resolutionlibrary provide a special async constructor which should be waited forawait Resolution.autonetwork. This method makes a JSON RPC”net_version” call to the provider to get the network id.

    This method configures only Uns. Zns is supported only on Zilliqa mainnet whichis going to be used in any cases. You can provide a configured provider or ablockchain url as in the following example:

    await Resolution.autonetwork 

    Unstoppable Domains: Get Ready For A Censorship Immune Future

    Unstoppable domains is a new type of internet domain built on Web 3.0. The key feature of unstoppable domains is that its censorship-resistant it is impossible for any single entity to demand the removal of a domain. This is important as we experience more and more censorship on the internet. Ultimately the goal of unstoppable domains is to make the internet censorship resistant and information freely accessible. Instead of relying on centralized services to buy and sell domain names , Unstoppable domains uses decentralized platforms Ethereum and Zilliqa Blockchain as a neutral 3rd party. This gives registered domains censorship immunity as no government or entity can restrict or remove access to that domain. To further improve on censorship resistance, its possible to host the content on the Inter Planetary File System a decentralized hosting service where content cannot be removed.

    One of the first uses of Unstoppable Domains is the creation of easy to remember cryptocurrency addresses. One thing that scares people away from cryptocurrency is the address. A long mixture of letters and numbers almost freezes crypto users whenever they want to send or receive their digital wealth. However this can be simplified with Unstoppable Domains into a .zil or .crypto domain, such as boxmining.zil.

    Recommended Reading: Get A Io Domain

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