Saturday, July 27, 2024

How To Protect Domain Name

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Realize The Importance Of Personalization

How to Buy & Protect A Domain Name 2019 Webinar

Another thing you need to remember if you dont want your emails to go straight to the spam folder is that its very important to personalize each email.

Take the time to find out the name of the person youre contacting and use that information in the subject line and the email body. Emails with personalized subject lines are26% more likely to be opened, so just including the recipients first name can go a long way.

Hide Personal Data With Whois Protection

WHOIS protection can make a huge difference when it comes to limiting how much of your personal data is available on the Internet.

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers is the international governing body that oversees domain names.

Theres more about ICANN later in this article. Here, were concerned with the organizations policies that require every domain registrar to maintain a publicly viewable WHOIS database. For every registered domain, the database must contain personal contact information, including each domain owners street address, telephone number, and email address.

Most registrants offer a security feature called WHOIS protection. Heres how it works.

To complying with ICANNs policies, there must be some contact information in the WHOIS record for your domain, but it doesnt have to be your personal data.

WHOIS protection takes advantage of that fact.

If youve opted for WHOIS protection, a person looking up your domain will see the registrars company data instead of your personal contact information.

Can I Register The Website

Yes, the web site itself can certainly be registered.

If you use the online facility, and have a large number of smaller files, , we strongly recommend convert the files to a single .zip archive. This will preserve your directory structure, may decrease the overall size and will simplify your upload.If you are unsure how to do this, we have a page with instructions on creating Zip archive files.

If you use the postal facility, then you should simply send a copy of the site on a CD along with your application.

Please see our fact sheet P23 – Registering Websites for full details of how to proceed.

Also Check: How Much Does It Cost To Buy A Website Domain

Beware Of Incorrect Registrant Information

As per ICANNs rules, if a legal entity is listed in the Registrant Organization field of the Whois record then that legal entity is considered the registrant of the domain name.

However, its common practice for organizations to have an employee register their domain name and not get the corresponding fields filled in accordingly.

Usually the employee would leave the Registrant Organization blank and would include their own name in the registrant name field which automatically turns them into the actual registrants of the companys domain.

This would allow a malevolent employee to claim rights to the domain and attempt to transfer it away.

This is why organizations should make sure that their legal name is listed in the Registrant Organization field, and that a role-/department-based name is listed in the Registrant Name field.

Dont Use The Same Company For Domain Registration And Web Hosting Services

Domain Name System Protection

A lot of domain registrars also offer web hosting services like shared hosting or dedicated servers. Their goal is to keep all your business within their company to sell you complimentary products. This can be appealing, if you want to keep all your eggs in one basket.

But what if an attacker gains control over your client area? Not only will he have access to your domain names, hell also get to your web hosting space, access your files and cause even more damage to your company.

Dont gamble with your security. Keep domain and hosting on separate accounts.

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Check Name Servers Critical To Your Domain Are Locked

Make sure any name servers for your domain that depend on a second level domain are locked at the registry level, if the service is provided. Critical name servers are at higher risk of being compromised and hijacked if they are not locked.

Example: The Domain Name Administrator is responsible for the domain name ‘’.This domain name uses the name server ‘’. The administrator must make sure ‘’ is locked at the registry level.

Instruct your registrar to implement domain server lock at the registry level.

You should consider transferring registrar if you experience any ongoing issues with your provider. Follow our guidance on how to choose a good registrar.

Check Your Registrar Has Multi

Make sure your registrar offers multi-factor authentication when you access their portal to make changes to your records. This will help lower the risk of someone hijacking your domain name. You should also check your registrar uses MFA when they access the registry service.

To make sure your registrar uses MFA you should:

  • Ask your registrar to switch on MFA if it is not on.

  • Switch to a registrar which uses MFA if your current registrar does not provide this option within a reasonable time frame.

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    Be Suspicious Of Any Icann

    First and foremost, it is essential to know that ICANN does not process domain registrations, nor does it offer domain name management services.

    Consequently, the domain authority never sends emails directly to registrants about managing their domain names, and never collect fees from registrants directly either.

    All domain-management related notifications come from the domain registrar itself. These include:

    • WHOIS Data Reminder Policy notice
    • Registration data verification request
    • Domain name expiration reminder
    • Domain name renewal request message.

    Also, the registrar is responsible for collecting all domain registration and renewal fees as well as any other domain management-related fees.

    Also, legitimate email messages sent from ICANN will never come from a domain other than, such as or

    Besides, a real email from ICANN will never include an attachment or software that recipients will be prompted to open.

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    Domain Brand And Registrant Investigations

    How To Protect Your Company’s Domain Name

    Corsearchs domain investigations empower your brand protection team to aggregate domain ownership information and identify infringers targeting your brands. Traffic data and screenshots help identify and prioritize high-risk infringement.

    Our collaborative enforcement platform and evidence tracking features support swift infringement resolution.

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    Make Domain Name Security A Top Priority

    These methods are more than enough to get you started on beefing up the security of your businesss domain name, thereby neutralising major threats which could end up costing your business a lot of money. Or even cause you to lose your business altogether.

    If you have questions about other services EuroDNS provides to keep your domain name safe, get in touch with our Customer Support department. Theyll be glad to provide you with all the help and resources you need. And be sure to visit our blog where we regularly provide tips on how to best manage domain names and keep them safe.

    Obaid Chawla is an innovation buff with a propensity for hard debate. He has a deep interest in how humans can push forward into the fourth Industrial Revolution, and he loves covering every single development that takes place!

    What Is Domains By Proxy

    All eligible domains registered with GoDaddy have all domain contact info automatically substituted with proxy details from our privacy service provider, Domains By Proxy®. You’ll have your contact info on the domain itself, but it won’t be available to the Registry, or visible in the WHOIS directory unless you change the visibility settings on your domain. The domain still belongs to you except now, you and Domains By Proxy® will be the only ones who know it. Domains By Proxy® isn’t available on some domain extensions.

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    Register Variations Of Your Domain Name

    Register variances of your domain name online as scammers are often looking to register domain names similar to yours so they can imitate your brand. Through common hacking techniques like phishing or domain name typosquatting, hackers can use your domain to trick unsuspecting users into providing confidential details like banking information, putting your brands reputation at risk. Registering variations of your domain name limits opportunities for others to register those same variations and put your brands reputation at risk.

    Registering A Trademark Domain Name For New Domain Name Extensions

    11 Strategies to Protect Your Domain Name

    There are hundreds of domain name extensions that are currently available and new ones are constantly appearing. When new domain extensions appear they usually have a period in which trademark owners have priority to secure their domain name.

    This is one of the reasons why trademarking your domain name is so important.

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    If You Are Purchasing A Domain

  • Start by searching for your domain name.
  • When checking out, you will be able to manage your Domain Privacy Protection options as follows:
  • Domain Privacy is added by default to each eligible domain registration or transfer, but can be removed by unchecking its respective checkbox
  • If you wish to remove it , click on the checkbox
  • How To Choose A Good Domain Name

    Before youpick the perfect domain name, you need to think of a name that will embody the purpose of your website. And this is much more than just using a couple of keywords and hoping for the best.

    There are certain rules for anyone who is making a website that needs to follow if they want to have a good domain name. And while there are some domains that dont follow these rules, if you take a closer look, you will see they are mostly associated with unsuccessful websites.

    Remember the following tips when choosing your domain name:

    Once you think of the perfect domain name, its time to register it. You dont have to worry about paying an arm and a leg because there are always ways to register a cheap domain name. Keep in mind that you can find a perfect domain name that is affordable if you look at the right places.

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    How To Protect Your Domain Name From Yourself And Others

    Posted by thomas | May 29, 2020 | Technology, Web | 0 |

    When people talk about all the factors that influence a websites success, very few mention the importance of domain names and how much they can influence your website. Your domain is the address your website has on the internet, so its in your best interest to have a good domain name.

    The domain name you choose can influence how people perceive your business, make them decide if the website seems trustworthy, and tell them what they can expect from it. If you choose a poor domain name, however, you will lose a lot of potential website visitors and customers.

    That is why its important to have a strong domain name that will stand against the dangers of the online world. But first, lets see how you should choose your domain name.

    Keep Whois Records Up To Date

    How to protect DNS Domain Name Server | DNSSEC – DNS Security | PDNS – Protective DNS

    The WHOIS database is a publicly available record that shows details about a domain name like administrator contact information, billing contact and the technical contact.

    Use the WHOIS lookup tool to check your record is up to date to lower the risk of your domain name being compromised.

    Contact your registrar to update your WHOIS record with any changes.

    The WHOIS record must have the correct:

    • organisation name

    • contact details

    Your email address is only valid if its:

    • monitored and you can send and receive emails with that address
    • a public sector address, for example,, or

    Gsi-family and personal email addresses are not valid. Check contact details work by making sure they do not contain any spelling mistakes and by testing them regularly.

    Contact your registrar to update your WHOIS record with any changes.

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    How To Properly Protect Your Domain Name

    Registering a domain name today has become simple and quick to do. Your service provider tells you whether or not your domain name is available, as well as the extension. But beware: filing is not synonymous with protection, you may find yourself copied, or worse, incur legal proceedings. To avoid this, follow our advice to protect your domain name and operate your website with peace of mind.

    Barely online, a domain name can be at risk, depending on the theme of the website it identifies. Because unlike trademarks, although it would have been logical, the filing is not directly accompanied by protection of the registered name. As the domain name is not considered an intellectual property title, the holder is not granted any private right. The owner of a domain name that has not yet been exploited may not oppose the use by a third party of a similar domain name reserved subsequently to identify a website with content similar to that which he himself is in the process of to create.

    How To Protect Your Customers From Domain Name Spoofing

    The best way to protect your customers from domain name spoofing is by sending cryptographically signed emails from an authenticated email server. That way when they receive your message theyll know it came from you and it hasnt been tampered with.

    There are two technologies you can deploy to combat domain name spoofing. The first is SPF, or Sender Policy Framework. SPF prevents email spoofing by enabling the recipient to verify that the incoming emails IP address comes from a list of IP addresses authorized by the sender.

    The other technology to prevent spoofing is DKIM . Email servers are configured to attach a cryptographic signature to the outgoing email. The attached signature has everything the receiving party needs to verify that the email came from the server it said it came from. Combined with DMARC and its reporting tools helps prevent phishing both inbound and outbound phishing with your domain.

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    Domain Names: How To Choose Register And Protect Your Online Presence

    Everyone looks to the internet first when searching for information, and that means businesses are setting up websites to promote their existence and services. But while it may be easy to just find a template website and input your content, finding and securing – a domain name that truly reflects your business can be a lot harder.

    Choosing a domain name

    Your domain name needs to fit your business, especially if your exact business name has already been used by someone else for a domain. It also needs to be easy to find, promote, remember and type, so keep it short and try to avoid unusual spellings.

    Numbers can be tricky because potential customers may be confused as to whether youre spelling the number out or using the numeral . If having a number is important, then consider registering both versions so you dont lose out on customers.

    Keep in mind that not only may your business name have already been taken, but some of your other choices may not be available either. When you register your domain name, you will have to input your choice and you will then be informed as to its availability. It is best to keep an open mind, and have several name options that you like, when you go to register your domain name.

    Registering your domain name

    Protecting your domain name

    If you receive an e-mail from a company threatening to sell similar domain names to other businesses unless you buy them first, do not respond! Instead report it to the Canadian Cyber Incident Response Centre.

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