Wednesday, July 24, 2024

How To Increase Domain Rank

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Googles Pagerank Is The Original Authority Metric

How to Increase Domain Rating (DR Manipulation Exposed!)

Long before Domain Authority was on the SEO scene, Googles PageRank was the original authority metric.

Google used to publicly display the PageRank of web pages in its toolbar, but because black-hat SEOs exploited that information to help their rankings, Google now keeps PageRank scores under lock and key.

Essentially, every time a page links to another, it passes along a portion of its PageRank . That means that pages with lots of backlinks will pass along more PageRank than others. It looks something like this:

Unlike Domain Authority, PageRank is actually a ranking factor that Google relies on when promoting web pages. So although Google no longer gives us direct insight into PageRank, site owners need to realize that every hyperlink is still passing along PageRank throughout the internet.

Improving Domain Authority & Off

Because the Domain Authority calculation primarily relies on backlinks, off-page SEO strategies like link building and digital PR are really the only way to elevate site authority metrics like DA.

Although improving on-page SEO will always be a worthwhile endeavor for improving your relevance and quality in the eyes of Google, on-page optimizations wont directly influence your DA like backlinks will.

However, with higher-quality content on your website, earning backlinks through off-site strategies will likely become far easier. In general with SEO, a multidisciplinary approach is likely to be more effective than relying on a single strategy on its own.

What Is Domain Authority

Domain authority is a ranking metric that you can use to predict how well your website will rank on search engines.

Its created by Moz and assigns a score from 1 to 100. So, if your website has a high score, it means it has a greater chance of performing well on search engine page results .

Another way of looking at domain authority definition is that it shows the relevance of your site with respect to your industry or a specific topic. And you can see the strength or authority of your domain in terms of rankings.

But dont confuse domain authority and page authority, as theres a slight difference between the two.

Domain authority tells your entire domains ranking strength. While page authority looks at the ranking ability of individual pages.

With that, what domain authority score should you target?

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Generate High Quality Links For Your Site

Its not going to be easy to generate high-quality links for your site, but its going to be worth it.

Many bloggers and webmasters make mistakes here. They end up making low-quality links which dont add any value, hence reducing their sites ranking on Google.

Let me tell you where they go wrong: They practice rubbish methods.

For example, they generate links using sites like Fiverr and other sites which guarantee backlinks within a few minutes. These links suck.

I mean there are many people working hard day and night just to get high-quality backlinks what the hell is wrong with them? Actually, theyre right, and the ones who are generating backlinks by illegal means are going to pay for it. They may lose their ranking and their site may get penalized by Google.

So what are the good methods of generating high-quality links?

I recommend you follow these steps:

A. Share your content on social networking sites- Most social media sites have a high Domain Authority. When you share your blog posts on sites like Facebook and Twitter, you reach a new audience. And if your content is good and gets more shares, then it will go viral in no time.


  • Even the best content needs to be shared and promoted.

Do not be a spammer and develop a schedule. Social media sharing is a skill. To master this skill, a great strategy and lots of practice is needed.

Lets look at an example:

Go Hard On Technical Seo

Increase Domain Authority Rank high in Google

Obviously, you need to improve on all aspects of SEO if you are keen on growing your domain authority.

Technical SEO is aimed at optimizing the workings of the complete website for the sake of search engine crawling, indexing and general visibility.

As the name implies, a measure of technical knowledge is required. However, the good news is that for the most part, once you get your technical SEO on lock, you wont have to do it again.

Security is one core facet of technical SEO. You should add SSL to your site to make it HTTPS. This means that your site can only be accessed with https and not http.

The big deal with HTTPS?

It helps with search engine ranking, and also develops trust with your users. It shows that any information transferred between your site and the server is encrypted, and thus protected from malicious eyes.

If youve ever made a purchase online, then you know how relevant this is.

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Repeat For Other Keywords

Ranking high for one keyword is great. But ranking high for many is even better.

So once this process works for one keyword, go back to step one and repeat the cycle from start-to-finish. Then do it again, and again.

In time, youll rank high for hundreds of keywords and get tons of organic traffic every month, just like us.

But before you get too obsessed over your rankings, consider this

Be Smart About External Linking

Your external links and backlink profile play a VITAL role in improving your domain authority.

According to Moz, external links are the most important source of ranking power.

Have a look at the image below to understand how important backlinks are when it comes to boosting your domain authority.

Heres another important thing to consider. If youre giving away too many links to others from your site without actually acquiring new backlinks, its very hard to increase the domain authority of your sites. So be smart while linking out to other sites, references, or web pages.

As a rule of thumb, you can use rel=nofollow tag whenever youre linking out to

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How To Check Your Sites Domain Authority

Checking your sites domain authority can be done effortlessly. In my opinion, the domain authority is not something you should obsess over. However, it doesnt hurt to take a peek once in a while.

To check your domain authority, visit Moz. A page similar to the one below will pop up. Then you enter the URL of the site you want to check.

I typed in

But, if you dont have an account with Moz, it will prompt you to create one. Dont worry. Its nothing stressful. Once youve created the account, you can then check the domain authority of whatever site you please.

Below is an image of the result for JeffBullas.

A domain authority score of 72 is simply fantastic.

You can also use Ahrefs to check. The process is equally simple.

The page below will appear, and you can enter the URL in the tab, and fire off!

Now you can assess your sites performance or spy on your competitors.

How To Increase Domain Authority

How To Increase Website Authority (Domain Rating)

As you start to work on boosting your websites domain authority, you should remember that its a long-term strategy. Here are some ways you can increase your sites DA:

1. Acquire High-Quality Backlinks from Authority Sites

If you noticed, backlinks play a huge role in calculating domain authority. Not only that, backlinks are one of the two most important ranking factors.

A study by Ahrefs showed that 55.24% of websites dont get any organic traffic since they dont have any backlinks.

Therefore, its safe to say that you need backlinks and high-quality ones.

There are tons of ways you can get backlinks to strengthen your link profile. To start, you can look at your top referral sources and then find similar sites for backlink opportunities.

And to uncover your top inbound link sources, you can use MonsterInsights. Its the and shows you detailed reports on your dashboard.

You can also ethically spy on your competitors, look at their backlink sources and then try to acquire links from the same websites. Another easy way of securing links from high-quality websites is through guest posting.

For more details, follow our 15 actionable tips on how to get backlinks.

2. Create Killer Content Thats Link Worthy

The second way to increase your domain authority is by creating great content thats link-worthy. Why should your content be amazing?

And with links from different sites, youll also boost your root domains. All of which will contribute towards securing a high DA.

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Similarities Between Domain Rating And Domain Authority

Two different SEO companies introduced DA and DR, respectively, and both are related to the SEO of a website. If a website has high DA and DR, then it is perfectly optimized for search engines. Both DA and DR focus on the links of a website. DR shows unique backlinks of the website but, most importantly, do-follow backlinks.

DA shows spam links, lost links, and top backlinks of a website. Both DA and DR can have the same number. They both dont have any impact on search engines. They just predict how well your website is doing on search engines. To rank a certain content, it must have unique backlinks to it. But backlinks do not always impact the ranking on Google.

Difference Between Domain Rating And Domain Authority

Domain Authority and Domain Rating are almost similar, but they still have some significant differences. They both are essential scores to analyze a websites SEO.

  • Ahrefs introduced Domain Rating, and Moz introduced Domain Authority. According to Ahrefs, the Domain Rating of a website reflects its authority, but it is different from Mozs Domain Authority.
  • Its backlink profile measures a websites DR. It does not consider factors like age of the domain, traffic of the website, and spam links on the website.
  • Many factors come into play when it comes to the DA of a website. A websites ranking pages decide the DA of a website.
  • When you check the DA of a website on Moz, you will get data metrics like linking root domains, domain authority, spam score, ranking keywords, top pages by link, and top-ranking keywords.
  • When you check the DR of a website on Ahrefs, you will get data metrics like Domain Rating, the total number of backlinks, and the total number of linking websites.
  • If a website has high DA, then it will also have high DR. But in some cases, a website can have high DA and low DR.

These are a few differences between Domain Rating and Domain Authority.

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Tactic : Repurpose Your Content Across Multiple Platforms

If you are wondering how to increase your domain rating, you should look at diversifying content exposure. For instance, one of the many factors that influence ranking on a search engine is high-volume search terms.

Simply put, people should get more than just one link to your blog with a simple search query. And, you can obtain that by having video versions of your articles on YouTube. Alternatively, you can discuss them with other guests on podcasts.

This way, when users search for your content, they find it in multiple formats. In the end, your domain should increase its reputation, and subsequently, its DR.

Gauging The Ranking Potential

How to Increase Domain Authority (DA) of a Website in 2021

If you have roughly the same DR as your competitor, you can plug their website into Ahrefs Content Gap tool and look for keywords that bring them traffic and that you dont currently rank for. Theres a good chance youll be able to rank for them too.

For example, has nearly the same DR as . So the folks at Basecamp can try going after the same keywords that Asana is ranking for, as theres a good chance their site will rank for the keywords fairly easily.

But if your DR is just 20, going after the keywords that a DR 80 website is ranking for is rather unreasonable. You should instead look for lower-DR websites to get rankable content ideas from.

Obviously, its not guaranteed that youll rank for a given keyword just because a site with a similar DR is ranking for it. But sourcing your content ideas from websites with similar link popularity is a reasonable strategy.

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Checking Your Domain Authority

It is very important to check your DA score at least one a month. It will help you know your sites strength.

A high DA means a high search engine ranking.

There are many free Domain Authority checker tools available that will help you not only check your sites DA score, but also your competitors DA.

Heres one way to check your Domain Authority:

  • Enter your websites URL.

As you can see , ShoutMeLoud has a DA of 59.

Achieving a DA number higher than 50 is very challenging and will take a lot of time to get there. But I promise that if you follow all of the steps in this post, you will achieve that score one day.

Keywords Are Part Of On

Hardly ever is there talk about on-page SEO without mention of the term keywords.

In fact, many think that SEO is just all about keywords. It isnt, but keywords are important if you are concerned about growing your domain authority and boosting your sites visibility.

Keywords should be smoothly added to a pages content so that it flows naturally. Gone are the days of keyword stuffing. Worse still, Google penalizes sites that are guilty of it. Therefore, keywords should be cleverly spread throughout the text, and even included in the image alt texts.

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Icipate In Social Media

Theres no doubt that social media has become an important partner of SEO experts. For businesses, social media provides a way to reach out to potential customers and create a connection with them.

But whats the best way to use social media to improve your Domain Rating or Domain Authority?

  • . The more people who see your content, the more likely they are to link back to it. Make sure the content is relevant to your customers and their interests or to other experts in your industry. You can promote any new content your create, including blog posts, infographics, images, and other types of content.
  • Leverage social media to connect with other webmasters. Simply following or sharing content from another website owner can help you start building relationships and creating a link building strategy
  • Use social media to drive traffic to your website. Make sure your social media profiles link to your website, and use effective calls to action on your social media posts to encourage your customers to visit your website. When the see all of the high quality content on your website, they will be more likely to see your ebsite as an authoritative site and reputable site and link to your piece of content in the future.
  • How Can You Raise Your Domain Authority Score

    5 High Domain Authority (85+) Backlinks | How To Rank Without Backlinks

    Raising your DA is a long-term process, but there are several ways to go about it.

    First, conduct a link audit. This process involves making sure that links to your website are valid and dont include black-hat SEO tactics. Try Ubersuggest to get insight into your domain score, the current number of backlinks, and referring domains.

    Backlinks, which are links from other websites to yours, affect SEO rankingsthough backlinks arent all created equal.

    Do you know how to go about getting high-quality links? Try our free backlink tool, Backlinks, to get started. Among other things, itll show you which sites are linking to your competitors rather than to you.

    Various filters make it easy to assess which opportunities are best suited to your needs.

    Its also beneficial to search for local directories or best-of lists that could feature your business. These sites are often adding new businesses.

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    Sharing On Social Media

    Sharing is caring, and this principle will apply especially to social media platforms. Creating great content is one thing. Sharing it will help you get your message across. Good content is not meant to sit by itself on your website, with no promotion. And what better tool to use than your social media presence?

    Having a social media marketing plan in place can increase your domain authority by having more people clicking on your blog posts. Sharing on social media is just one click away and the more people it reaches, the better.

    A small social media button can also go a long way. Make sure you include a button for the most popular social media platforms in your article. Thus, your audience can click on the Facebook icon, for example, and have it on their page in an instant.

    Improving Da And Seo With Content Marketing

    In improving DA, content and optimization go hand-in-hand. You can not increase your DA without improving your sites overall SEO. So make a plan and work accordingly.

    Your main focus should be on your content. Content marketing is the key which will open every door for your online business. Believe it or not, you can never rank high for a creepy site with stupid content, no matter how well you optimize.

    For me, its always content that matters more than anything.

    If you are following all of these steps, then your DA score will doubtlessly increase over time.

    Thats all I have to say about DA. Please feel free to ask and suggest anything in the comments.

    Like this post? If yes, then dont forget to share it with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn!

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    How To Increase Your Domain Rating

    Build more followed links to your site and your Domain Rating will increase. Its as simple as that. Just keep in mind that if the site you get a link from has a low DR score itself, or links out to lots of websites, the increase in Domain Rating may be negligible.

    Its also important to note that building links to random pages wont always help increase your rankings or organic traffic. As thats almost certainly your end goal, you should focus on building links directly to the pages that you want to rank in Google. That will have a bigger impact on organic traffic and rankings than simply increasing DR.

    We know this because we studied it. The number of referring domains to a page correlates more closely with organic traffic than the DR of the ranking website.

    That said, building links to the page you want to rank in Google isnt always easy.

    For example, it would be hard for a printing company to get people to link to a page selling business cards because theres little incentive to do so. So, if youre struggling

    Heres how to indirectly increase your website authority in a meaningful way:

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