Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Increase Domain Authority Quickly

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Do The Basic Seo Stuff Right

How to Increase Domain Authority Quickly

There is some basic SEO stuff that many cant go wrong with, but anyhow being said that, I think you need to have an SEO checklist in place so that you can make some potential gains through SEO.

In fact, not implementing the basic SEO will make you lose the gains that you didnt have in the first place, and somehow you may not even notice it.

Therefore doing basic SEO right is the foundation of any blogs growth these days.

a) Keyword research:

Before a blog is created, it is all about research. I mean, knowing your niche and targeting the right kind of keywords is a part of your research that lays your foundation.

Usually, bloggers start with a wide range of keywords within their niche instead of niching down the process. Their keywords seem to go broad within the chosen niches, and hence this is where I would advise newbie bloggers to try and find keywords that are super-relevant, connected, and, most importantly, easier to rank.

I have recently written a couple of articles where I have mentioned a few tips to consider while choosing your keywords. You can read them here:-

b) On-page optimizations

Probably on-page optimization is something that bores me a lot but anyhow they are an essential part of doing the Basic SEO stuff.

If you want your on-page to be solid, understand that only a few things matter, and doing these things right is good enough to rank on Google:-

Thats it.

Link To Relevant And Quality Web Pages

This part is all about outbound links. The links that you point out to other blogs are called the outbound links. If you can add the links to other relevant and quality web pages, this act can help your blog increase its DA over time.

So, do this when you see that its required. But in no ways, you can overdo it.

Make Your Site Mobile

You must be living under a rock if have not noticed the prevalent use of mobiles in accessing the Internet. A 2019 survey shows that there are way more mobile Internet users than desktop Internet users.

A sites mobile-friendliness is another technical element that determines its domain authority. In fact, Google seems to have a thing for mobile-friendly sites.

How else would you explain the introduction of the mobile-first index ?

A solid tip on making your site mobile-friendly is to make it responsive. This makes the content and layout respond to the users particular device.

The benefits of making your site responsive include:

  • A bump in user-friendliness.
  • A single URL which eliminates the need for a separate URL and also makes for easy sharing of content.
  • No need for dynamic serving which demands different HTML for a different device.
  • No worrisome redirects and SEO problems.

Some recommended tools to help you check your sites mobile-friendliness include Google Developers Mobile-Friendly Test Tool and Bing Mobile-Friendliness Test Tool.

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What Is Website Authority

Website authority is a metric from SEO tool providers. It measures the relative strength of a sites backlink profile compared to every other site in their index.

Pretty much every major SEO tool has this metric, but its name and the way its calculated differs in each one.

At Ahrefs, our website authority metric is Domain Rating .

Like most other website authority metrics, it runs on a scale from 0100.

Now, its essential to understand that the scale for Domain Rating is logarithmic. That means its much more challenging to go from DR 6970 than 910.

A good way to visualize this is to think about rankings in a video game.

Maybe you start as a Scout, and it might take you a few hours to gain your Ranger badge. But jumping to the next level could take months, and only truly dedicated players will ever get to Epic status.

The logarithmic scale also means that a DR 20 site is more than twice as authoritative as a DR 10 site.

Googles Pagerank Is The Original Authority Metric

How To Increase Domain Authority Fast.

Long before Domain Authority was on the SEO scene, Googles PageRank was the original authority metric.

Google used to publicly display the PageRank of web pages in its toolbar, but because black-hat SEOs exploited that information to help their rankings, Google now keeps PageRank scores under lock and key.

Essentially, every time a page links to another, it passes along a portion of its PageRank . That means that pages with lots of backlinks will pass along more PageRank than others. It looks something like this:

Unlike Domain Authority, PageRank is actually a ranking factor that Google relies on when promoting web pages. So although Google no longer gives us direct insight into PageRank, site owners need to realize that every hyperlink is still passing along PageRank throughout the internet.

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Understand How You Can Build Domain Authority In The Simple Way Possible

Im sure that most of you might have heard of Domain Authority or Domain Rating , and probably right now, youre either working on a blog or thinking about creating one.

However, the case maybe if youre looking to rank content on Google and other search engines. Then the understanding of domain authority is vital for you and your blog growth.

In this article, I will talk about things like, What is good domain authority? and What steps you can follow to improve your domain authority within the next 36 months?.

Tip #2 Social Media Content Optimization

Optimizing your social media can come in different forms:

a) Use hashtags. To me, hashtags on social media are what keywords are to SEO to get found so use it where applicable and when possible.

b) A helpful post is a good start but doesnt stop there also create a good social media copy. Write well, and since people have a short attention span on social media, use keywords at the beginning of your post to stop them from scrolling, and to encourage clicking and engagement.

c) Encourage sharing by installing the sharing buttons on your website. If you use WordPress there is a plethora of plugins that you can use for free or for a small fee.

d) Pin your latest blog so people see it first when they visit your profile. Twitter and Facebook have this feature.

Pinned posts stay on top of your social media newsfeed and it gets shared often.

The more it is shared, the more people see it and the more visits you get to your site. And we all want that, dont we?

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Create A White Hat Seo Strategy

Implementing white hat SEO strategy is nothing but getting natural backlinks to your blog. If a high number of pages linked to your blog which are relevant to your niche then Google loves to rank your site higher.

How to get natural backlinks?

  • Content is the king. Write remarkably great content that is not easy to find on other websites. You can write controversial topics, case studies, fact and figures.
  • Hang out on forums, events related to your niche and build connection with the fellow bloggers.
  • Almost every social media sites allow you to put links in the Bio section. It has great value as far as SERPs are concerned.
  • Building relationships with other bloggers in your niche helps in getting natural backlinks. Comment on their posts to get their attention.
  • If you have good programming skills or know about html then create tools that helps users. It will fetch you tremendous backlinks.
  • Check for broken links and replace your link provided you have similar type of content.
  • Write genuine guest posts to authoritative sites in your niche and include a link to your site.
  • Republish the viral posts and link to original source. There is a possibility that most of the blogs link back to your blog while citing them.

Always remember that, quality backlinks help to get quality traffic and to get better rankings really quickly to any website no matter how old or new it is.

But Google Says Da Isn’t Real

How to Increase Domain Authority? – Dopinger

This topic is a blog post in and of itself, but I’m going to reduce it to a couple points. First, Google’s official statements tend to define terms very narrowly. What Google has said is that they don’t use a domain-level authority metric for rankings. Ok, let’s take that at face value. Do you believe that a new page on a low-authority domain has an equal chance of ranking as a high-authority domain ? Of course not, because every domain benefits from its aggregate internal link equity, which is driven by the links to individual pages. Whether you measure that aggregate effect in a single metric or not, it still exists.

Let me ask another question. How do you measure the competitiveness of a new page, that has no Page Authority ? This question is a big part of why Domain Authority exists to help you understand your ability to compete on terms you haven’t targeted and for content you haven’t even written yet.

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Generate High Quality Links For Your Site

Its not going to be easy to generate high-quality links for your site, but its going to be worth it.

Many bloggers and webmasters make mistakes here. They end up making low-quality links which dont add any value, hence reducing their sites ranking on Google.

Let me tell you where they go wrong: They practice rubbish methods.

For example, they generate links using sites like Fiverr and other sites which guarantee backlinks within a few minutes. These links suck.

I mean there are many people working hard day and night just to get high-quality backlinks what the hell is wrong with them? Actually, theyre right, and the ones who are generating backlinks by illegal means are going to pay for it. They may lose their ranking and their site may get penalized by Google.

So what are the good methods of generating high-quality links?

I recommend you follow these steps:

A. Share your content on social networking sites- Most social media sites have a high Domain Authority. When you share your blog posts on sites like Facebook and Twitter, you reach a new audience. And if your content is good and gets more shares, then it will go viral in no time.


  • Even the best content needs to be shared and promoted.
  • Save

Do not be a spammer and develop a schedule. Social media sharing is a skill. To master this skill, a great strategy and lots of practice is needed.

  • Save

Lets look at an example:

How Do You Check Domain Authority

Now that you know how to increase domain authority, here are some tools to check the DA of your website.

1. Moz Link Explorer

Moz Link Explorer lets you can use to check domain authority of any website. Simply enter the URL of your website or your competitors and view the domain authority.

The tool even provides information about the number of unique backlinks root domains and number of keywords ranking for a specific domain.

And if you scroll down, you can see more reports such as top followed links to this site, top pages, top anchor text, and more.

Ahrefs is one of the best SEO tools in the market and another domain authority checker that you can use to find the DA of a website.

Do note that Ahrefs calls it Domain Rating, but its the same as domain rating.

Another point you should note that it uses its own algorithm and factors for calculating the DA. So, you might see a difference in scores if you compare it with Moz or any other tool.

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How Often Should I Check My Domain Authority

This is a question that many people ask themselves and the answer really depends on what you want to get out of it. Some SEO experts recommend checking your DA once per week, while others say monthly is sufficient for most purposes. If you are interested in tracking trends or conducting a more detailed analysis, then monthly might be best.

About Deepak ChauhanHi, I am Deepak Chauhan, a Digital Marketing Strategist. I’m the CEO & Co-Founder of VOCSO Technologies, a creative web design, development, marketing agency based out of India & USA. I love to blog about my experiences and strategies to help new startups. When I’m not working, I’m either traveling, playing foosball, cricket or learning photography.

Remove Bad And Toxic Links

How to Increase Domain Authority Very Fast 2020 by 7 ...

Every once in a while, you should go through your link profile and search for any backlinks that are bad or toxic. This will allow you to remove links from bad sources that could end up hurting your domain authority instead of helping it.

You should also remove any links posted throughout your website that lead to bad sites or are broken as these will have a negative impact as well.

It can be a hassle to check on each and every link on your website. To make things easier, you can use SEOPressors Link Manager that can help to manage all of your links in one place. You no longer have to check the links one by one. Instead, you can check the status of your link whether its Broken or Alive on Link Manager itself.

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Write Epic Content And Nothing Less Than That

When you want to prove your authority, you need epic content that no one can beat. Epic content in the sense content that provides value to the readers.

You need to write posts after reading that your reader might not wander anywhere else for the same problem. Avoid duplicate content issues. If you have a post that is somewhat similar to an existing one or is an updated version of it, use the rel=canonical feature to point out search engines to the source of the article.

Use and Buzzsumo to find topics that are trendy and in demand. Then write a relevant and detailed post on it. If you cannot write on a topic that is new, simply take up any article that has good rankings but has chances of improvement and then apply Brian Deans skyscraper technique to rob him of his rankings.

The final say here is to prove your authority no matter what.


Increase Your Social Signals

Although officially Google has many times stated that social signals are not part of the Google Ranking algorithm, there is a clear coloration between pages that rank high on Google and social signals.

Pages that are popular in Google tend to have many likes, shares, and tweets.

For the purpose of increasing your domain authority what you need to do is:

  • To work on your Facebook business page and try to increase your followers
  • To make sure that you have an active social media presence in some of the social networks so that the content you share will get some traction
  • To ensure that you have a social media button on your pages to make it easy for readers to share your content
  • To check that your content looks good when shared using the social sharing buttons

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