Thursday, April 25, 2024

How To Get A Su Domain

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What Is A Subdomain

How To Create A Subdomain For Your Website

A subdomain works alongside a websiteâs main domain. They are one way of keeping a site organised, categorized, and navigable. Underneath your main domain, you can create multiple subdomains. Sub domains are also sometimes called child domains.

So for example, if your website was:

A subdomain for it might be:

Here, the âwww.â was replaced by âstoreâ.

One of the most common reasons people create subdomains is to build and test new elements of their website. Staging sites are extremely helpful because updates can be double checked to make sure they donât break a website before going properly live.

We hinted at the second most common reason for a subdomain above, to have an online ecommerce store. Ecommerce sites need to be set up slightly differently to normal websites, creating a subdomain means that they can be kept separate from the normal functionings of a site and focus on handling transactions effectively.

Where Can I Find A Trustworthy Domain Registrar

There are hundreds of domain registrars companies that sell domain names and help with the registration process. However, not all of them are safe to give personal information. Therefore, it is essential to find a trustworthy domain registrar to register a domain safely.You can do that by using the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names accredited registrars list, which stores all related personal information of a domain name.The accredited registrars, such as Hostinger, have permission to change your domain name information in the database on your behalf. Therefore, make sure to check the list first before registering a domain.If you get a free domain by purchasing a web hosting plan, then the registration will be taken care of by the provider. Whereas with free subdomains, there is no need to register.

The Bizarre Afterlife Of Su The Domain Name And Last Bastion Of The Ussr

A surprising Soviet relic from the end of the Cold War has found new life in the 21st century.

On September 19, 1990, a forgettable event failed to change the course of human history. The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority assigned the Soviet Union .su as its country code top-level domain. This presumably would have mattered a great deal more if the âEvil Empireâ hadnât collapsed 15 months later, but .su, notably, didnât collapse with its country. The domain lives on and now, 25 years laters, itâs making a strange and unsettling comeback.

Letâs start from the beginning: ccTLDs are like the country codes used in international phone calls. As opposed to top-level domains like .com or .org , ccTLDs are reserved for use by people or groups operating in a specific country, state, or territory â for the most part anyway. Back when the internet was first becoming a popular tool, different countries began registering their own ccTLDs. In 1985, the U.S. got .us, the U.K. got .uk, and Israel got .il. A year later Australia , West Germany , France , Japan , and a few others all registered their own ccTLDs as well.

The Russians were predictably late to the party. The country had many other problems to deal with at the time, so you canât really blame Moscow for failing to notice the internet. At the time, getting on line generally meant queuing up for beets.

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Putting It All Together

If you’re a web developer and have subdomains, runnings scans on your website is a great way to check how exposed you are. Don’t assume that no one will find your subdomains just because you’ve configured your robots.txt.

If you’re a pentester, this is a vital step to understanding the attack surface of your target. If you’re doing bug bounties with wide scopes, sometimes it’s worthwhile to even ignore the official domain altogether and only focus your efforts on the subdomains.

Happy hacking!

This post was originally published on

Dnsrecon On Kali Linux

How To Create a Subdomain Using cPanel 2020

Kali Linux is an excellent platform for a security researcher, and you can use DNSRecon on Kali without installing anything.

It checks all NS records for zone transfers, overall DNS records, wildcard resolution, PTR record, etc.

To use DNSRecon, execute the following, and you are all done.

dnsrecon d

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What Is Subdomain Lookup

A subdomain lookup tool, also known as a subdomain finder tool, helps identify subdomains associated with a domain name using passive DNS data. It can have different use cases like supporting cybersecurity research, spotting dangling records, and creating lists of possibly suspicious subdomain artifacts.

Why Do I Need A Domain Name

Without a domain name, visitors will only be able to access a website using its IP address. However, its easier to access a website by typing in a domain name than a series of numbers.Other benefits of getting a domain include:Brand recognition. As a domain is the first thing visitors see, it is a part of a websites identity and branding. It can add credibility to a site, which is especially useful for an online business.SEO ranking. Domains with a keyword in the industry, for example,, can drive high organic traffic.Investment. There is a large marketplace of domains continuously growing. If you no longer use a domain name, it is possible to sell it.Reach. Connect with more potential visitors by making your website more accessible.Control. By registering a domain, there is no need to rely on the platform. If there is an issue with it, it is always possible to point the domain elsewhere.

Read Also: Godaddy And Squarespace

What Is A Domain

To have a website, you have to have a domain. A domain is also known as a domain name, itâs what people type into the search bar of their internet browser to visit websites. Itâs the online address of your website.

Are you looking for a slightly more technical answer? Below weâll go into a bit more detail about domain names. The internet is made up of a huge ecosystem of computers. Each computer on this network can communicate and pass information to another computer. The amount of computers in this network is so huge, you need clear markers to identify where they are located specifically. This is called an IP address and every computer has one. An IP address is a combination of numbers that are broken up by full stops â.â.

The difficulty is that a series of numbers is hard for humans to remember. This is why domain names were invented. A person doesnât have to enter a string of numbers to go to a website, but instead can type in a memorable set of words.

Use A Free Domain Name Registrar

How to Setup a Subdomain in GoDaddy

We do not recommend this method because it has more cons than pros. However, this method exists, so we decided to talk about it in this article. You can register a free name using a special service for registering.

What do you get? A free domain name for your website.

Next, likely, you will not get the most popular extension. It will affect the reputation of your site among users and harm search engine optimization. You can get a free one with Dot TK.

Of course, the final decision is up to you, but we strongly advise against using this method if your goal is to promote your site in SERPs and to attract traffic.

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Setting Up Https On Nginx Domain And Subdomain

Youve successfully set up and tested an NGINX domain and subdomains on HTTP protocol, which is great. But you must secure your domain and subdomains connection by enabling HTTPS. How? With a certificate that youll get from a Certificate Authority like Lets Encrypt SSL.

1. First, run the command below to install the Certbot software package . Certbot lets you download an SSL certificate for your domain and subdomains.

sudo apt-get install certbot python3-certbot-nginx -y

2. Next, run the certbotcommand below to download an SSL certificate for your domain . Notice that you agree to the term of service with your email address .

sudo certbot certonly --agree-tos --email  -d

Replace the email with your own.

3. Enter 1 to select the NGINX Web Server plugin to authenticate with the ACME CA, as shown below.

After selecting the NGINX Web Server plugin, youll see the download progress of the SSL certificate for your domain .

By default, Lets Encrypts SSL certificates are stored in the /etc/letsencrypt/live/ directory.

4. Now run each command below as you did in step two to download SSL certificates for the remaining subdomains .

sudo certbot certonly --agree-tos --email  -d web1.awstutorial.netsudo certbot certonly --agree-tos --email  -d
ls /etc/letsencrypt/live/*

Below, youll see the SSL certificates for your domain and subdomains.

Why Should I Secure All My Subdomains With An Ssl Certificate

When you buy a single domain SSL certificate for your primary domain, it will not secure the accompanying subdomains. For example, a single domain SSL for will secure but not

However, securing a subdomain with an SSL certificate is as important as securing your primary domain. Since 2014, Google has announced that it favors encrypted webpages. For all HTTP websites, Google Chrome is showing a NOT SECURE mark before the website name in the address bar. If you secure only your main domain with HTTPS but not subdomains, Google Chrome will show NOT SECURE warning for all those subdomain webpages. Users might not trust those webpages and decide not to deal with your website, which would ultimately affect your online business.

Plus, if you have subdomains for shopping cart, product pages, subscription pages, contact forms, etc., where users need to log in with their id & password and/or input their bank details or credit card/debit card details, such subdomains must be encrypted and secured by an SSL certificate.

Protecting your whole website with an SSL certificate, including all your subdomains, is not a luxury. Its a necessity in order to secure your online business and gain the trust of your customers.

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How Do I Transfer A Su Domain

Transferring your .su domain name is a fast and easy process. Get started by clicking “Transfer Now” below, and our Domain Specialists will help you navigate the process. Every .su domain transfer into 101domain includes an additional year renewal, so you’re not losing any time, just saving money and gaining the access to the largest portfolio of extensions in the business and 101domain’s powerful domain management system.

Starting @26.49 USD / yr

  • have minimum of 2 and a maximum of 63 characters
  • begin with a letter or a number and end with a letter or a number
  • use the English character set and may contain letters ,numbers and dashes or a combination of these
  • neither begin with, nor end with a dash
  • not contain a dash in the third and fourth positions and
  • not include a space .
Violating rigths to third parties, names and activities that are offensive or illegal are prohibited. See FAQs for complete restrictions.
Does .su domain have a special use?No
Other information I need to know about .su?No
Are there any additional fees for .su?No
Do I need a trademark/brand name to register .su?No
Private Registration service available?No
Trustee / Proxy service offered? Fees?No

How To Make Subdomains Dynamic

How to Create a Subdomain for RunCloud Web Application

As I mentioned earlier, you can use subdomains to allow personalisation in web applications, so they need to be dynamic. For example, Medium gives authors domains like

You can do this easily in Laravel as subdomains may be assigned route parameters just like route URIs. This allows you to capture a portion of the subdomain for usage in your route closure or controller.

Route::domain)-> group ', function  ) }) 

In this example, you could have a domain like with route parameters, too.

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How To Configure The Route Files

In your web.php file, you can define individual routes with their domain like this:

Route::get )-> domain) 

Now you can access the page at

But more often than not, you’ll have more than one path in an application, like a domain and subdomains. So, it’s a good idea to use a route group to cover all the routes in the same domain or subdomain.

Route::domain)-> group )     Route::get ) }) 

Now, all the routes for the domain can be handled in one place.

Do I Have To Get Myself Verified At Ru

Yes, as it written in domain registrant agreement: . However, your domain name will continue to work within registration period , regardless of verification. Renewals are possible 7-14 days prior domain expiration. Please note that unverified domain holders cannot transfer or sell domain name so it’s important to get yourself verified as quickly as possible.

Recommended Reading: How To Transfer Squarespace Domain To Godaddy

Using A Passive Dns Api To Find Subdomains Online

Our Passive DNS API is another great way to get subdomains from a URL in just seconds.

  • First things first: if you dont have one, grab your free API account.
  • Browse our API Reference to see how to Integrate our API endpoints with your favourite programming language.
  • Start finding subdomains manually or automatically from your own apps.

Heres a quick example using Python:

import requestsurl = ""querystring = response = requests.requestprint

And another example, this time using Ruby:

require  'uri'require  'net/http'url =  URIhttp =  Net::HTTP.newhttp.use_ssl =  truerequest =  Net::HTTP::Get.newresponse = http.requestputs response.read_body

This is the expected output in raw text :

{"subdomains": ["","","","","","","","154-173","154-174","154-208","154-210","154-230","154-251","154-4","154-58","154-70","154-86","154-9","206-140","206-141","207-171-168-25","","","","3pers-email",

Come Up With A Domain Name

How to create a Subdomain in cPanel – HostGator Tutorial

Choose a custom domain name that represents the content of your website. After all, whether it is a professional or a personal website, the domain name is a part of the branding.

For example, a business website should include the business name in the domain. Choose the domain wisely for better brand recognition.

With thousands of new websites created daily, make sure to check the availability of your desired domain name. It is essential to find an available domain to get a free domain name. If the desired domain is already taken, use a domain name checker to see alternative titles.

Consider the following factors when choosing a domain name:

  • Length. Short domains are great as they are easier to spell. However, be careful with acronyms as visitors might misspell them.
  • Meaning. Meaningful domains are easier to understand and remember.
  • Characters. Use only alphabetical and numerical characters. Too many special characters will be taken as a spammy website.

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How To Serve Nginx Subdomains Or Multiple Domains

Do you have a server with a single public IP address, but need to host multiple domains or subdomains? What would you do? This scenario can be confusing if you are a beginner. But no worries, this tutorial has got you covered, so you can serve an NGINX subdomain and multiple domains.

In this tutorial, youll learn how to effectively serve NGINX subdomains or multiple domains on one server with a single IP address!

If youre ready, time to get down to it!

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