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How To Find A Website’s Domain Host

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Domain Sleuthing to Find Domain Registrar, Website Host, and Email Host

Every website needs a web hosting service to even be available online. Since this is public information, you can literally find out who hosts any website on the internet, even your own. Thankfully, there are many websites and third-party apps that will give you this type of information for free.

Have you ever wondered what web hosting service a website uses? Did you try to check who it is? How did you do it? Let us know in the comments section below.

What To Do If Your Domain Name Expires

In case your domain name expires, you should contact the registrar that provided your domain name registration services for possible renewal options available to you. To determine your current registrar, conduct a WHOIS search by visiting, as we already explained in the post.

Note: Keep all your important business information permanently recorded somewhere safe. That includes your registrar name, login username, password, and domain management somewhere with your most important business papers. Ensure that all your information is properly added when registering your domain name.

Maybe someone else set up your website years ago and you cant for the life of you remember whos hosting it. You cant find anything in your email, and youve lost the password to your other email back in the early 2000s.

Or maybe youre a web developer, and your brand new client has no idea who their host is. This is understandable they just need the website to work, so whos hosting it is not exactly something theyve thought about. But even if theyre clueless, you need to step up and figure it out.

Or youre sick of your existing hosting provider what with their slow page loading time, downtime, and poor customer service. In the meantime, youve discovered that your competitors website runs as smoothly as a knife through butter, and youre thinking about making the switch to their host. But who hosts their website?

Lets get started.

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  • Unlimited domain data. Hassle-free searching. Its easier than ever to discover web host details, no matter what corner of the internet youre in.
  • The free Who Is Hosting This? browser plugin populates what you need to know about a websites web hosting with one easy click – no need to interrupt your browsing to visit our website.
  • Now available for or Firefox.
  • Browser plugin allows for fast and easy hosting analysis. Get results in seconds.

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How To Find Out Who Actually Owns A Domain Name

Last updated on June 2nd, 2021 by Editorial Staff | Disclosure: Our content is reader-supported. This means if you click on some of our links, then we may earn a commission. See how WPBeginner is funded, why it matters, and how you can support us.

Do you want to find out who actually owns a domain name?

Looking up who owns a domain can help you find the owners contact information, so you can purchase the domain name.

In this article, well show you how you can find out who actually owns a domain name, step by step.

Why Find Out Who Owns a Domain Name?

Finding out who owns a domain name can tell you valuable information about the domain name owner.

Usually, this information will include an email address and other contact information, so you can get in touch to purchase the domain name.

It also shows you useful domain name information, like the last time it was registered, how many owners the domain has had, and more.

If you find that multiple people have owned a specific domain name, then this increases chances of the domain being used for spam.

When youre creating a WordPress website, one of the biggest decisions youll make is choosing the perfect business name and matching domain.

If youve found a great domain, but its already registered, then youll want to reach out to the owner to see if theyre willing to sell it to you.

Method 1: Search for a Domain With WHOIS Lookup Tool

Then, the tool will display the available WHOIS results.

Identify Your Hosting Provider

How To Find Host Name Of Pc

To identify your hosting provider, perform the following actions:

  • Navigate to Digital.coms WHOIS Tool. This website allows you to search for a domain names hosting provider.Note: While this article uses Digital.coms WHOIS Tool, other similar search sites also exist, such as Webbiums cPanel, L.L.C. is not affiliated with either of these third-party sites.
  • Search for your domain name. Enter your websites domain in the Search text box, and then click Search. A new page will appear.Note:
  • If you do not know your domain name, search your billing records. If you see a Site not registered message, you either have not registered the domain, or the domain is not hosted anywhere. If you receive that result, use to check whether the domain is registered.
  • You can search for any domain, regardless of whether you own that domain.
  • Identify your hosting provider. The list of hosting information should include the following information:
  • Hosted by â The name of the hosting provider. This link might not point directly to the hosting companys website. Use your favorite search engine to search for the company website.
  • Country â The websites country of origin.
  • WHOIS â A link to access domain registration information. Most website owners often use their hosting companies to register domains. However, it is also possible to register domains through a separate company from the company that hosts the website.
  • Additional Documentation

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    One: Visit The Website

    In cases where the owner bought the domain as an investment, theyll make it easy for you to contact them. So start by pulling up the website to see what shows up.

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    They may say outright that the domain is for sale, and include contact information or a form you can fill out. Or in some cases where the domain is in active use, youll be able to find contact information on the websites Contact or About page.

    If youre lucky enough that this step does the trick and you find the domain owner, you can skip the next two steps.

    Using A Dedicated Tool

    Online you can find a ton of tools created specifically to help users find details about a websites hosting services. One of the best free ones, in my opinion, is the WPBeginner Theme Detector Tool.

    Its an application that tells you what WordPress theme a given web page is using, while also showing information about who is hosting the website.

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    Setting Up Http 301 Redirection

    Plesk provides two ways of setting up the search engine friendly HTTP301 redirection from one website to another. This allows preservingsearch engine rankings of the website to which visitors are redirected.For example, if you set up HTTP 301 redirection from, search engines will treat both www and non-wwwversions as the same site. If you use HTTP 302 redirection instead, thewww and non-www versions will be treated as different sites. As aresult, rankings will be split between them.

    To set up HTTP 301 redirection using domain aliases, go to Websites & Domains> Add Domain Alias.

    To set up HTTP 301 redirection using forwarding hosting type, go toWebsites & Domains> Add Domain.

    What Is A Domain Host

    How to Find Out Where Your Website is Hosted

    A domain hosting companys sole purpose is to sell domains but not hosting environments. Some companies specialize in selling a domain name without the hosting. You can purchase your domain with one company and then purchase hosting from another. The domain host will simply sell you your domain, and register it with ICANN on your behalf. If you use a separate hosting company for your internet hosting then youll need to use the nameservers of your hosting company to point your domain toward your website.

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    How To Check Who Hosts A Website

    Lee StantonRead more October 14, 2021

    Every website on the internet needs to have some kind of a host. If you want to find out who is hosting a particular website, it shouldnt be too hard, since this type of information is publicly available. You just might need to use a third-party app or a similar online tool to find out.

    In this guide, well show you how to find out who hosts a website, whether its yours or someone elses. Well also explain why it might be useful to find out which web hosting service a website uses.

    Check Website Hosting Provider

    Ops! Invalid Domain Name / IP.

    Try another valid website domain name / IP.

    About this tool:

    The free online Web Hosting Checker tool allows users to check Who Is Hosting a particular website. Just enter the domain or IP to perform Web Hosting WHOIS. Grab your competitors by checking their hosting provider and identify the technologies used by them.

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    Which Criteria Is Relevant When Choosing A Host

    Before deciding which host offers the best package, you should first determine exactly what you need from the hosting solution. Not every provider offers the full range of features and services, but this is usually not necessary: the hosting provider thats right for you depends on the specific requirements and conditions of your web project. By comparing your requirements with what the different providers are offering, you increase your chances of finding the perfect solution. Here, we provide you with the most important criteria for choosing the right web hosting package which can vary greatly depending on your web project.

    How To Find Your Domain Name Registrar: Whois Search

    How to host a domain / website on your own?

    I Cant Remember Where I Purchased My Domain Name! Who is my Registrar

    Update: This article explaining how to use whois search to was written in 2006 and has been updated with a photo illustration because it is one of the most popular articles on the site and continues to attract visitors 11 years after publication.

    It wasnt until my third client had called asking how to regain control of her domain name that I realized that it was a common problem for small business webmasters to forget where they had registered their domains. WHOIS my registrar? Why didnt I get an email about renewal? Why did my site stop working today?

    People rarely realize how important it is to keep their domain registrar notified of changes to their email address and and other contact information. The registrar will send renewal notifications to the email address last on file. For most domain owners, the only time they think about contacting a registrar is the day they reserve their domain name. If they move to a new city and get a new internet service provider, it doesnt occur to them that the old email address will change and that meeans that the registrar can no longer contact them through the previous address, or phone or fax as each of them change and we rarely notify the controller of our domain of those changes.

    The following URL leads to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers discussing the grace period and redemption period rules it enforces.

    Domain Name:

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    Why Do Companies Choose To Keep Whois Data Private

    Companies might choose to keep WHOIS data private for any number of reasons, including:

    • A home-based business that doesnt want or need the public to know its exact physical location or phone number.
    • Some companies use WHOIS data to look for prospective customers. If your WHOIS data is private, you can avoid receiving these sales pitches and emails.
    • Criminals can use WHOIS data for identity theft and other forms of fraud. Keeping the data hidden can help prevent this.
    • Ahead of an upcoming merger, Company A takes ownership of Company Bs domain. By keeping the WHOIS data private, they keep observers from learning of the merger before its made public.
    • Companies can choose to keep WHOIS data private for a variety of strategic reasons. For example, they may want to make it harder for competitors to see how many or which domains they own and use.

    Technical Resources And Safety Concepts

    For many modern web projects, its crucial that all project information is available at all times, is quickly transferable, as well as totally secure. In this case, the quality of the technology used by the vendor, as well as the security measures taken, are probably the most important criteria for analysis. To ensure the rapid transfer of data, hosts should have an excellent internet connection and rely on current, high-performance hardware in its data centers. Some web hosting services allow selected content delivery networks for a small fee. They assist the web server when delivering static content and large amounts of data, reducing the loading time of your web project.

    While the technical performance affects the user experience and how a search engine evaluates the website, secure hosting is primarily for the protection of all relevant data. The more sensitive the hosted data and the more important it is for it to be permanently available, the more crucial it is for the provider to offer a comprehensive concept. Possible security measures include:

    • Regular updates and backups
    • Georedundance through separate data centers
    • Redundant power supply
    • Intrusion detection systems

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    What Is Website Hosting

    Website pages and files need to be stored and made accessible via the Internet at all times.

    Info: stored and constantly running somewhere 24 hours a day

    In reality, most website material is stored in databases where you can log in and edit it via editing tools .

    When a page request reaches the server, layers of software and a database application construct and return the page and assets such as pictures .

    Hosting Checker: The Server Details

    Pointing Your Domain to Your Web Host

    The first part of the hosting checker report tells you who hosts this site or what is your hosting company. The second tab answers the question Where is this site hosted?. There you will find its IP address, sites webserver location , and name of the organization managing it.

    You might wonder why the server location is in the host lookup tool report. The proximity of the webserver is essential as it influences the loading speed. The closer the webserver is to the target audience the faster the data will transfer. Some web host providers even charge extra for choosing a specific webserver location. To check where a specific IP address is, try our Free IP Checker.

    If you want to save the content of any tab of our host checker, you can do it in one click. Copy it to a clipboard to paste elsewhere, download it as a pdf-file, or share it on social media.

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