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How Much Does A Domain Cost On WordPress

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Other Costs To Consider When Hosting A Website

How Much Does A WordPress Website Really Cost?

Web hosting is only one segment of the true cost of building a website. To create a truly successful website, the project needs to be looked at holistically as an entire business, not just a standalone item.

Aside from planning and creating the website, consideration also needs to be put into other factors such as longer-term content development, marketing, eCommerce fees and so on. And of course, the domain name that will point to the website sitting on the web hosting space.

Once you factor in all of these additional components of the business, then you will have a more realistic idea of the true cost of building a website.

How Much Does It Cost To Build A Website With WordPress

Now that you know why we, and 35% of the websites on the Internet, choose WordPress, lets dig into how much it costs to build a website with WordPress. Well cover:

  • Two unavoidable costs. These are the bare minimum costs to make a website.
  • Four optional costs. You can avoid these, but most people will spend a little money here.
  • Three maintenance costs. After you launch your website, youll need to pay these ongoing costs to keep it running.

Can I Build A Free WordPress Website

I dont mind limited functionality as long as its free.

When you just need to get a site up and youre not picky about its functionality, theres no price point like free. You can visit WordPress.comand set up a blog in minutes for no money down.

This is perfect for the person who wants a bare-bones blog, but this option does come with some significant drawbacks:

  • A uniquedomain nameisnt included, so your URL will end with
  • Since youre sharing the free resources with all of WordPress.coms other users, you have a very limited amount of bandwidth and storage space.
  • You cant have a custom blog design.
  • will place ads on your site that you cant remove unless you upgrade to a paid account.

As they say, theres no such thing as a free lunch. But if youre willing to go with the flow and dont mind the limitations, a $0 WordPress blog might be what youre looking for.

Free WordPress Website Costs

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Estimate The Cost Of Your WordPress Website

Your journey to build your online presence on WordPress is an exciting one but, it can also feel slightly overwhelming. Hopefully, the above information cleared up any confusion related to the costs involved in building your ideal website on WordPress.

This post was originally published in August 2020 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

Originally published Sep 28, 2021 7:00:00 AM, updated September 28 2021


How Much Should I Spend On WordPress Security

How Much Does WordPress Cost: Pricing Estimates for a ...

One of the downsides to using WordPress is that because it is so popular, it is targeted by hackers and malicious code creators for the purposes of distributing malware and viruses. There are security solutions that can help. But how much do security solutions for a website cost?

One popular solution is Sucuri. They will help your website with malware cleanup, blacklist monitoring and removal, website firewall and protection, brute force / DDoS mitigation, and HTTP monitoring. Their service starts at per month. Although not as comprehensive, there are some free and lower-priced options to help keep your WordPress website more secure. Some of the popular WordPress security-related plugins are:

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How To Choose The Best WordPress Pricing Model For Your Needs

Now you know the differences between different hosting plans, here are a few tips that will help you choose the best WordPress pricing model for your site:

  • Find out how many visitors you get per month: Almost all hosting providers will list those numbers for each hosting plan they offer. This will help you determine which plan is right for your WordPress website.
  • Consider what type of website you have and your personal preferences: If you dont want to spend any time maintaining and managing your website, a managed hosting plan is a great choice. Similarly, a managed hosting plan is also great if you have a small business website so you can focus on growing and scaling your business.
  • Keep your budget in mind: There are different WordPress pricing options for shared, VPS, and managed plans. Pick one that suits your budget but also allows you to easily upgrade your plan as your site grows.
  • Don’t forget support: Make sure your chosen hosting provider has customer support thats available around the clock so you can get help no matter when you might need it.

In the end, you should select a WordPress pricing option that you can afford and that suits your business needs. Yes, of course, you can choose a cheaper hosting plan over higher-cost hosting, but keep in mind that you usually get what you pay for. As such, its worth paying extra for a hosting plan since your website is the most powerful asset you have.

Is The Cost Of WordPress Worth The Money

WordPress is an excellent option for building your website, but there are good and bad features of this service. Lets take a look at a few pros and cons of using WordPress and whether the cost of WordPress is worth it.


WordPress offers a lot to businesses looking to create their website. Let’s look at the three pros of using WordPress to build your website.

  • Options: WordPress gives you the freedom to build any website for your business. From a basic blogger site to a complicated ecommerce site, you have the opportunity to create what your business needs. With all the available plugins, you can continue to expand your website as your business grows.

  • SEO-friendly: WordPress creates very SEO-friendly websites from the start. While you can add plugins to help with SEO, WordPresss site structure makes it very SEO-friendly. This structure means youll rank better in the search results and drive more traffic for your business.

  • Affordable: WordPress can be affordable for your business if you only have basic needs. As you add more to your site, it can get more expensive, but overall, its relatively affordable for businesses that need a standard website.


While WordPress has a lot to offer to your business, there are cons to using this service. Lets look at three cons of building your website on WordPress

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How Much Does A WordPress Website Cost In 2019

Are you looking to build a website that youre in full control of? Do you want a site you truly own, where the data is yours? Are you done with pages on social media platforms that may sell your valuable data to the highest bidder?

A WordPress site is the perfect solution for most of you. Why? This way you can decide for yourself about each feature of your site, each piece of content and each bit of data you share! Hosting providers just provide Web space for your website. WordPress gives you much more.

For many years, most people were afraid to publish on their own site. Beginners either assumed that they are not tech-savvy enough or they were convinced that they needed a third party service to provide an actual audience. Who in their right mind would visit my website? Nobody knows me! stepped in to create a compromise between social networking sites like Facebook and actual hosting providers. The latter started by selling so-called shared hosting and later went on to a more advanced managed service that is usually based in the cloud.

While was always great for starters, many people werent fond of the limitations down the road. Upgrading to business accounts was relatively expensive and did not solve all the issues.

Once your blog or site become very popular or they experiences momentary traffic spikes could interrupt the actual service and result in downtime right when you need your website most!

Accounting Blog Costs: $0 $500/year

How Much Does It Really Cost To Build A business Website with WordPress?

Accounting is one of those hidden fees that you may not immediately think about.

Its obviously not important if youre not planning on using your blog to make money, but it will be a line item in your equation of how much does it cost to start a blog? if youre looking at your blog as a future business.

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Typical Web Hosting Cost:

If youre getting started and dont expect a ton of traffic to your website, you should be able to get some very affordable web hosting. We recommend SiteGround, but any of the hosts mentioned above would be a great place to start your website. On a standard shared hosting plan, you can expect to pay around to per year.

Dreampress Plus Hosting: $29940/year

With even more features and none of the technical slog, DreamPress Plustakes care of all the WordPress upkeep so you canfocus on your content. Plus, its speedy five times faster than shared hosting.

This service is also designed to scale, so you dont need to worry about your site ever overloading. Whats more, youll get free access to Jetpack Professional, the gold standard for WordPress backups and security.

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How Many Sites You Can Host

Everything we said in the previous section is multiplied if you want to host multiple websites. Instead of needing enough resources to host one website reliably, your host now needs enough to host two or more websites with the same level of reliability.

Again, that means more resources, which means more money.

Some cheap WordPress hosts also advertise unlimited websites. However, these are only really an option if each individual website is low-traffic and doesnt use very many resources. If all your websites are high-traffic, youll quickly run through the limited resources in your account.


  • With shared hosting, each site you add still has to share the same resources.
  • With managed WordPress hosting, each site you add also comes with an increase in the resources that are available to your sites.

The Four Big Factors That Affect How Much It Costs To Build A Website

Why Is Web Hosting Important and How Much Does It Cost ...

If you want to make your own website, there are four big factors that will affect its cost:

  • The platform/software that you choose to build your website.
  • The complexity of your website, which dictates whether youll need premium apps or custom development.
  • Whether you want a
  • 100% unique design or youre happy customizing an existing template.
  • How much traffic your site will receive.
  • Hello! My name is Sujay and Im CEO of Astra.

    Were on a mission to help small businesses grow online with affordable software products and the education you need to succeed.

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    Why WordPress Is The Most Cost

    If you want the most cost-effective way to build a website, we recommended WordPress.

    WordPress is the most popular way to build a website. According to W3Techs, WordPress powers over 35% of all the websites on the Internet.

    Yes that number means what you think it does. On average, WordPress powers about one out of every three websites that you visit.

    In fact, the website that youre looking at right now is powered by WordPress.

    WordPress is used by every-day people, small businesses, and even the largest businesses, organizations, and celebrities in the world.

    So why is WordPress so popular and why do we recommend it as the most economical way to build a website?

    A few reasons:

  • The core WordPress software is 100% free.
  • You dont need to be a tech person to build a DIY WordPress website. This cuts out the need to pay for a developer.
  • Its easy to extend and customize your WordPress site using themes and plugins . Again, this cuts out most of the need to pay for custom development.
  • There are 50,000+ free plugins and thousands of free themes, which helps you keep your costs down.
  • Because WordPress is so popular, theres a huge community and its easy to find free help when you need it.
  • Content Creation Blog Costs : $0 $500/mo

    Will you be writing all of your own content or will you contract some of it out?

    In the beginning, its smart to write all of your own contentbut if thats difficult for you, seek ways to outsource the most challenging aspects of the content creation process.

    For example, if writing is difficult for you, consider hiring a freelance writer who can take audio recordings of you talking through a particular topic, and let them compile a first draft of an article that you can then be an editor of.

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    How Much Does A Premium Domain Name Cost

    Premium domain names are domains that are already registered and are up for sale on a domain aftermarket service. The price for premium domain names can vary widely, depending on the current demand. As such, the pricing can range from a 3-figure number up to a 7-figure number.

    When it comes to choosing a domain name, there are a few things to consider:

    Does WordPress Cost Money

    How Much Does It Cost To Build A WordPress Website [works best in 2021]?

    Certain features of WordPress will cost you nothing, while others could cost several hundred dollars. You can get the basics of your website, such as simple plug-ins and a premade theme, for free. More complex aspects like security or a unique domain name will likely come with a fee. So, much of WordPress does cost money, but how much you spend will depend on your website needs.

    There are six basic features to factor into your budget for a WordPress website: domain name, hosting, theme, plugins, security, and developer fees. Each aspect can range in cost, and you may choose how to distribute your spending based on the features you prioritize. For example, you might need to pay more for hosting if your website gets a lot of traffic, but you could pair that with one of WordPress free premade themes to save on design costs. When starting out, you wont necessarily need all the most expensive options.

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    How Much Does It Cost To Start A Blog

    Depending upon your goals and the type of blog you want to start, your blog costs will be around $34.50 to $65.40 to start a blog in 2021 and cover your first year of expenses.

    If you need to factor in buying a computer, phone or other hardware into your equation for how much itll cost to start a blogthen that can add anywhere from $200 to $2,600 in one-time purchases depending upon the brand of computer and features you decide upon. Plus, there are a lot more variables to consider when calculating all of your blog costs.

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