Saturday, July 27, 2024

How Important Is A Com Domain

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Match Content Ideas To Your Value Proposition

Rapid7 Managed Detection and Response

What is it you are selling? Which problems are your products solving? Build your content ideation and keyword research processes around that.

Not every relevant keyword is worth pursuing if theres no way to tie it to your value proposition. The best content idea is the one that connects a searchable keyword with the product your brand offers.

Final Thoughts On Com Extensions

As previously stated, the .com extensions popularity has made it the diamond of the web world. Unless you are a government site, university, or non-profit, you will most likely want or be identified with a .com. Serious businesses may have to pay more money for one or even reconsider their brand name to fit an available one. Other extensions are available for your business needs and may be just as secure as a .com. It does not change the fact that a .com has more benefits at the moment.

With that said, this series will cover more extensions that you may consider if no .com is available for your business. Before you launch or relaunch a site, review this series before making a final decision.

The Dangers Of Leaving The Com Available

As we mentioned before, if people remember the name of your brand but dont remember the URL, theyll often attempt to go to If your brand isnt there, they may assume you have no website at all and give up the search and this is only one of the dangers of leaving the .com associated with your domain name available.

Another, more significant danger is that somebody else will use the .com domain. This may be a competitor, in which case theyll land your clients, or it may be an entirely different type of business, leading to confusion about what you do. If the site is involved with something risky, such as adult entertainment or gambling, it could even damage your reputation.

Finally, if you choose to invest in the .com domain later on, you may find that someone has bought it for the specific purpose of reselling. This will require a longer, more involved purchase process, and will likely also cost you more money. For this reason, we recommend buying the .com domain, even if you primarily use a different extension.

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How Important Is A Domain Name For Seo

Getting a domain name is the first important step towards starting your online journey. After that, you need to work towards making your website established and successful online. For achieving this, SEO Search Engine Optimization is the most effective method.

Employing SEO tactics helps your website feature in top search results of search engines. Targeting the top spots of the search results through SEO is utmost necessary to be successful online, as most internet users use search engines to find websites and make their buying decisions.

Thus, the online success of your website largely depends on its SEO. But, does your websites domain name has any effect on SEO?

Actually, these two factors are not exclusive to each other, instead they go hand in hand. A good domain name can complement your SEO efforts to not only drive better but, immensely great results. Search engines like Google, Bing, etc. give due SEO weightage to a domain name based on some specific ranking factors while evaluating your website.

How Important Is Your Domain Name


Not how important sounding, but how important in terms of SEO and getting that natural search traffic! Ive read huge amounts of material about how to pick a domain name, the importance of branding vs. the significance the search engines put on the keywords in your domain. Personally Ive nearly always based mine on search phrases and its never failed me yet. My advice to clients is similar as well, what Ive found when working with the average web user is that they use search to find what they are looking for , very few normal users type a URL in directly. This makes it entirely possible to brand the actual look of your pages with your company name but to put it all under a search optimised domain name. One thing worth doing here is also buying your company name for e-mail hosting, the last thing you want is customers emailing you at

Around the beginning of September I finally decided a change was in order so I created a new search optimised domain and moved the EXACT same content under my new domain. I was very careful to remove any traces of the old domain from Google via the webmaster tools. Anybody want to have a guess at what if any difference this has made, remembering that this is a brand new domain name with no PR and no trust? Well in the 4 or so weeks it has been indexed it has made as much money as the previous domain did in 6 months. 4 weeks for 6 months earnings. Search traffic is roughly 30% of my other domains and increasing every week.

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So How Can You Find Df Technical & Consulting Services Ltd Online

Simply log on to! Our esteemed client was quite wise in selecting a domain name that didnt take forever to either type or say. As the web address is spoken, it can easily be remembered. The spelling is straight-forward, concise and simple, allowing for the website to be found with ease.

Youll notice, as well, that DF Technical & Consulting Services Ltd. uses a .ca address over a .com address. For Canadian companies that specifically deal with Canadian clients, this is ideal. A .ca web address connotes that the company is by Canadians, for Canadians. The generally more popular .com address is ideal for companies who operate on worldwide scales.

What Is A Com Domain

If you want to purchase a domain name, you may have some basic questions about .com and other domain extensions.

In fact, one of the questions you have is probably what is a domain extension anyway?. Put simply, a domain extension is the bit that comes after the dot in a domain name. The proper name for a domain extension is a top-level domain, or TLD.

The .com domain is just one of many hundreds of TLDs available today.

If you want to learn more about the history of .com domains, you can read this guide.

But in this post, were going to focus on practical uses of the .com TLD, so lets talk about the advances of a .com domain.

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Now That We Know How To Check A Domain Age Is Age Important To Search Engine Optimisation

It really depends on many factors, but usually, the answer is yes, it is important.

Although the age of a domain can help, it is no longer a key factor for search engines. New, quality and unique content, relevance, authoritative on your subject, mobile-ready, etc are considered more important.

However, a website with thousands of quality links to it can really help it have an edge against a new domain trying to rank for the same keywords and phrases.

So Should I Still Choose A Com Domain For My Business

As seen above, theres a lot of different questions to consider. Personally, I believe that if youre happy with an available .com domain name, you should choose that. But if youre not, you should strongly consider a different TLD.

In my opinion, having a brand that you believe in is way more important than settling on a name due to a concept thats quickly becoming obsolete. Having a new TLD might even make your brand stand out.

If you agree and youre ready to try out a new TLD, our guide on How to Choose a Domain Extension is a great place to start.

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Why The Right Domain Name Is Important

There are some huge advantages in owning a high-quality domain name. A premium domain will not only protect your brand and make you look more professional, it also improves search engine rankings, generate traffic and it is a virtual asset which tends to increase in value over time.

So many domains are registered every day, and have been for the last twenty years, that all the marketable and generic names in the dictionary have already been registered long time ago. In short, in all probability your first choice will not be available to register now, and buying a premium domain name that has already been registered and which the current owner is prepared to sell, is the only option left to still obtain a truly valuable business name.

Answer yourself this simple question: Why would you want to incur masses of time and vast sums of money marketing a mediocre domain name when you can simply buy at a premium the domain of your choice as a brandable or generic quality domain name that will instantly give you results that are far superior? It might cost you more money, but it will save you thousands of pounds in ongoing marketing costs.

Having a good domain name is the first essential step in your quest for success. Heres why:

Referral traffic normally comes from links from other websites. Plenty of premium domains are aged and come with a high amount of backlinks resulting in a higher amount of quality traffic.

Where Should You Buy Your Exclusive Domain Name

It is important to determine the right way to acquire a valuable domain. You can either get it from a registry or an individual who already owns the domain name.

Brandnic is a

Buying a domain name from an individual owner does demand a carefully thought-out strategy. There are many mistakes that can be made when buying a premium domain, such as revealing your identity.

Brandnic Marketplace for your brand names.

A better approach would be to either purchase your domain through a domain registrar or via a domain supermarket that exclusively sells attractive domain names. However, another alternative that many consider is to buy a domain along with their hosting. Your web hosts are also a staunch provider of domain names. You can seek their assistance to find the best luxury domain name for your business. The trouble with this particular approach is that it can lead to complexities if you become unhappy with your hosting.

When you decide to switch your user, you would want to switch from the domain name, as well as it is provided by the web hosts. Switching from domain names will affect your brand image and make you less professional in the market. By keeping your domains entirely separate, you make your life far easier should you ever need to change your hosting provider. It is important to always keep your domain names from web hosts as you would not want to compromise on your credibility.

Recommended Reading: How Much Does It Cost To Purchase A Domain

Avoid Using Doubled Letters

Using doubled letters in a domain name is practically asking for typos. Doubled letters are hard to read and even harder to type correctly.

If mistakes happen often enough, you may end up with someone typosquatting and stealing your traffic. Plus, having to spend even a few seconds longer than necessary trying to figure out how to spell your domain is an unnecessary distraction.

Most People Will Assume Your Website Ends In Com

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Because of the overwhelming market share of .COM, particularly with major corporations, most of the Internet-using public has grown accustomed to assuming a companys website is their brand name followed by .COM. Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, Googlethe list goes on.

In fact, according to this list of Fortune 500 companies from 2016, 495 of them use a .COM for their domain name. Only 4 used a .net and 1 used a .org.

There are over 134 million .COM registrations at the time of this writing. The next closest is .net with 14 million, which puts the extension soundly in second place.

There are a few companies, such as Nissan, who dont own their brand as a Dotcom, but those are the extremely rare exceptions. If you ever wanted to find Nissans website, for example, chances are youve had to backtrack to Google to learn that their website is actually .

Back before it went out of business, Twitters popular video app Vine existed on itself appears to be registered to Amazon. The domain simply redirects to their homepage.

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What Is Ctpat And Why Is It Important

What is CTPAT?

The Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism is a U.S. Customs and Border Protection voluntary trade partnership program in which CBP and members of the trade community work together to secure and facilitate the movement of legitimate international trade. The program focuses on improving security throughout the supply chain. CTPAT was launched in November 2001.

CTPAT continued to grow since day one. Today, more than 11,400 certified partners in trade community, have been accepted into the program.

Companies that are eligible to become CTPAT-certified:

  • U.S. importers of record
  • U.S./Canada and U.S./Mexico cross-border highway carriers
  • Mexico long-haul highway carriers
  • U.S. marine port authority and terminal operators
  • Consolidators
  • Mexican manufacturers
  • Third-party logistics providers

What are the benefits of CTPAT?

CTPAT Partners enjoy a variety of benefits, including taking an active role in working closer with the U.S. Government in its war against terrorism. As they do this, Partners are able to better identify their own security vulnerabilities and take corrective actions to mitigate risks. Some of the benefits of the program include:

With CTPAT, CBP is able to realize increased supply chain visibility and better focus resources on higher-risk shipments and supply chain participants.

In general, there are three steps to CTPAT certification:

  • The first step is for a company to conduct and fully document a security risk assessment.
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    Should You Consider Domain Misspelling Alternatives

    This is another area where trying to be too clever can end up getting you in trouble. Again, you want your domain name to be easy to remember and type, and the best way to ensure that is to keep it simple.

    If you try to capitalize on a misspelling in a domain name, you’re likely going to miss out on the people who are actually spelling it correctly, and that could be a huge segment of your audience. In general, your best bet is to avoid complex or misspelled domain names.

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    What Should You Know About Copyright And Trademark Issues With Domain Names

    You always want to be 100% sure that you’re not registering a domain name that has already been trademarked by someone else.

    The same goes for any domain names you might buy for niche sites. For example, if you’re planning to write reviews of a certain brand’s golf clubs, you should never buy a domain name that is without express permission from that brand. When in doubt, seek legal advice.

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