Wednesday, July 24, 2024

How To Transfer My Domain From Wix To WordPress

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Import Wix Content Into WordPress

Wix to WordPress: How to Transfer Domain Name

The next step requires you to import the content to your new WordPress site. Luckily, WordPress is an open-source platform, so there are tons of plugins & tools designed to help you achieve different goals. One of those tools is called RSS Importer and its entire purpose is importing information from an RSS feed file like the one you have saved in the previous step while exporting content from Wix.

  • Log in to your new WordPress site
  • Navigate to Tools -> Import
  • Choose RSS and click the Install icon below it
  • Wait for a few seconds for WordPress to load a new page and click on Run Importer
  • Depending on the size of your blog, this may take a while so dont panic if nothing happens for several minutes.

    Once everything is done, you should see a message that confirms the import. To check it out, simply go to Posts -> All Posts where you should be able to see all Wix articles listed in WordPress. Thats amazing you have just successfully imported content from Wix into WordPress, but there is just one small problem. If you open any of the posts, you will notice that none of the images are there. Unfortunately, the RSS feed doesnt allow you to import images automatically, so you will have to handle this task manually.

    Connecting Email Purchased Outside Of Wix

    While moving from WordPress to Wix, you have to take care of the proper migration of your email. Thats not quite easy to do, if your mailbox was initially registered outside of Wix. If so, then keep in mind that, in this case, all your email settings will be lost. To avoid this unpleasant situation, youll have to add the required records in your Wix account.

    Before doing that, though, you have to make sure you have got a Premium Plan. Otherwise, domain name and, correspondingly, email transfer will be impossible. Another thing to do is to check, if you domain name is connected via the use of name servers .

    If its still connected via pointing, you have to contact your previous domain host to figure out and adjust the DNS records of the email provider you work with. Are you done with that? Then mind the must-have steps to undertake in order to connect your email to Wix:

  • Choose the records of your email provider. To do that, you should initially access the My Domains page and click the expand arrow found next to your domain . If you have only one domain name, you may just pick it and proceed to the next step.
  • Activate the Mailboxes tab.
  • Find the Change Settings or Configure Your MX Records tabs and activate it.
  • Reach the Your Email Provider drop-down list and choose the one you use. If its not on the list for some reason, click Cancel button and proceed to the next step to add the DNS records. Then click OK.
  • Professional WordPress To Wix Migration Services

    It is quite real to switch a website from WordPress to Wix on your own, if you are competent in the niche and know all the intricacies of the process. Most users, however, lack this knowledge and, thus, are looking for third-party assistance.

    When browsing the web, they may come across specialized website migration services. They promise to transfer your website from one platform to another with no effort required from you, but is it really worth that?

    Situations, when the website transfer process proves to be unsuccessful or incomplete are quite frequent, while the problems may be too serious to be fixed on your own.

    The very process of website migration is of medium complexity from the technical point of view, while WordPress and Wix templates and plugins may prove to be incompatible. Whats more, it is impossible to switch the CMS website database to a website builder directly. This means that lots of tasks should be done manually.

    I recommend ordering the website transfer process from SiteBuilders.PRO professional team. These guys will transfer your website in a short term and with maximum care. If you are not sure about your skills, you shouldnt even try to cope with the task on your own: the financial loss may be more serious than the cost of the paid transfer. However, if you still decide to cope with the process yourself, well show you how to do that properly.

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    Setup Pages And Posts

    The best advice we can offer if you are going to do a manual conversion is to create the pages and posts you need in advance. Doing so will enable to move quickly when you get to the next step, rather than having to stop to create each page as you go.

    You can, of course, create the pages and posts manually, by going to the Add New menu option in the WordPress admin panel and making sure all the URL slugs match the ones in Wix. To speed up this process, you can enlist the assistance of the Mass Pages/Posts Creator plugin to automate the page creation.

  • Once the plugin is installed and activated, click on the Mass Pages/Posts Creator menu item and go into the settings.
  • Enter the names of all the top-level pages, separated by commas . You can enter the actual titles of all your pages right now if you like. That will create the URL slug for it, too.
  • Go through the rest of the options and enter the content as you see fit. You can enter placeholder text, excerpts, and if you have the pro version, set an author or even a custom post type.
  • Make sure that you check which post type that youre creating posts or pages, as they are very different creatures in WordPress.
  • Click Create, and you magically have a site populated with dummy posts.
  • If publishing date is important to your posts or pages, you will have to edit that manually each time on the next step.

    Which Is Better For Seo Wix Or WordPress

    How to Properly Switch From Wix to WordPress (Step by Step)

    If your SEO requirements are minimal and you care about an easy-to-use website builder, then Wix may be your best choice. For more advanced users seeking the best of both worlds with scalability and customization, as well as those planning to use SEO as a long-term strategy, WordPress wins hands-down.

    Also Check: How To Send Email From My Domain Name

    WordPress Is More Flexible

    WordPress offers many valuable web development tools. Anyone with WordPress has access to the code and has full freedom to customize their website. Wix, unlike WordPress, only has tools made by the developers.

    While easy to use, its clear that WordPress offers a more diverse arsenal of web development tools. WordPress offers thousands of pre-made themes. You may even purchase a premium theme.

    Additionally, with Wix, youre stuck with the same theme for the rest of your life. WordPress allows you to switch between themes without affecting the content you already have.

    Pick A Theme & Customize It

    Once youve installed WordPress on your live server. Now its time to pick a website template. Be careful while choosing a theme for your WordPress site. It should match up with your Wix website.

    However, there are a number of Free & Pro themes available on the WordPress network. It only requires a few steps to install and use them. You can go through this guide to learn how to add a theme to a WordPress site.

    For your convenience, well shortly show how you can easily upload & install a WordPress theme on your website.

    First, navigate to the WordPress theme section. And there youll find the search option to find your desired theme instantly.

    Once you got the theme, download it and upload it to your WordPress site.

    Next, navigate to your WordPress Dashboard> Appearance> Themes> Upload the Downloaded File> Activate.

    Thats it your theme is uploaded and ready for use.

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    Sign Up For WordPress Hosting

    A web hosting company will give you space on a web server where you can install WordPress. This sounds complicated, but the process is actually pretty simple.

    For WordPress sites I personally recommend using as your web host. BlueHost has been recommended by WordPress since 2005, and currently hosts several million websites. WordPress also comes pre-installed, which makes this whole process much easier.

    Disclosure: BlueHost compensates me when you purchase with this discount link, so all of my help is free of charge to you! Contact me if you have any problems transferring from Wix to WordPress.

    Once you complete your registration with BlueHost you can continue with the steps below to get everything migrated over from Wix.

    Option 3 Automated Wix To WordPress Transfer With The Cms2cms Plugin

    How to Transfer your Wix Website to WordPress

    The CMS2CMS plugin automatically transfers over your Wix site to WordPress.

    Keep in mind that its a premium plugin, but as a small investment, it will handle everything for you. The CMS2CMS plugin does the entire migration in less than 20 minutes.

    Follow the steps below:

    • To open the plugin go PluginsWix to WordPress
    • Create an account, or log in if you already have one.

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    Formatting And Organizing Your Posts In WordPress

    Id urge you to spend some time doing this step. WordPress has two elements that can be associated with a Post Categories and Tags. You can use these to surface your Posts in the Menu and also format your URLs. Forget about the way Wix created your URLs. You can use the Settings > Permalinks to establish how you want your URLs in WordPress to look like.

    I prefer:


    Here, film is my category. This is referred to as the slug and the Category name is actually Film Explanation. The slug will appear in the URLs, so keep them short.

    Tags are similar to Categories but can be used to define another dimension to your posts. I the example of my site, I use Categories to identify the type of posts film, music, or technology. And I use Tags as sub-classification thriller, science-fiction. Categories form my Post URL, but Tags dont. But this is really up to you.

    In the Menu, you can use both Categories and Tags to appear as menu items. Clicking on them will display a page that belongs to that Category or Tag.

    Give yourself some time to think about this. Especially if you are going to have Category or Tag as part of your URLs. Changing this later would be painful as your URLs would change, and that is never good for SEO.

    How To Change Thumbnail Size In WordPress And Why You Want To

    Posted on April 21, 2019 in Tips & Tricks

    When you set up a new WordPress website, the platform gives you three image sizes to play with: thumbnail, medium, and large . This gives you a solid number of options to work with. However, thumbnails in particular can be tricky to use, since you need to…

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    How To Import Images From Wix To WordPress

    If you havent had a lot of images in your posts you can simply go ahead, open your Wix posts and save images one by one. Then, it will suffice to upload the images into your WordPress Media Library. If you keep the image name intact, that should do the trick and all of your images should appear in posts on the exact same places you had them on Wix.

    But chances are that you have more than just a few images. So, manually going one by one could be close to impossible. We have a cure for this remember, WordPress is open-source, and there are tens of thousands of free & premium tools you can use. Luckily, a tool that will help you handle images is completely free and you can have it up & running in the next minute.

  • Go to Plugins -> Add new
  • Search for Import External Images by Marty Thornley
  • Wix To WordPress Migration

    How to Transfer Domain from Wix to WordPress

    Now that youve taken care of all the preliminary steps, youre ready to start the Wix to WordPress migration process.

    There are a few different methods to move all your content, and you can even use free online tools and plugins to help with the process.

    In this post, Ill go over numerous migration options, including fully manual , semi-automated and full-service, outsourced migration.

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    How To Transfer Domain From WordPress To Wix

    Author: Howard Steele

    So, youve made up your mind to switch from WordPress to Wix. The reasons to do that might be numerous, but the algorithm of actions is nearly the same in all the cases. There are several steps you have to undertake to migrate your website to Wix. One of them is domain name transfer.

    The thing is that, in the prevailing amount of cases, users already have their active website domain names. As a rule, they are pre-paid and bought from a certain domain host. Correspondingly, access to the domains settings can be found at the websites registrars website.

    What are the actions you can do to safely transfer the existing domain name from WordPress to Wix? Lets review the most popular nuances now.

    • Individual Approach.
    to Build Your Website!

    How Hard Is It To Migrate Content From Wix To WordPress

    Well, it depends on your sites structure and space. If you have a website with so much data, it might look difficult and time-consuming factor. The statement is the opposite for a small website and it will take less time to move all the data from your Wix account.

    You can mitigate your effort by using an automated plugin. Using a migrator plugin will regulate all your migration tasks within a minute.

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    Redirecting From Wix To WordPress

    Your site is ready. Now you need to set up the redirection to keep your search rankings and traffic intact.

    Note: Redirection to WordPress site can only be possible if you own a custom domain on Wix. In case you are using the Wix subdomain, then you cannot redirect users to WordPress.

    To start with redirection, you need to create a new file with any text editor like Notepad and paste this code:

    var hashesarr =  for  }

    This is a sample code with examples of three pages that are redirecting from Wix to WordPress. The first string is the URL in Wix and the second string is the URL of WordPress page where you want your visitors to be landed.

    You need to manually add all the pages to redirect them from Wix to WordPress.

    Once you are done, simply save this file as redirect.js and upload it in your WordPress themes /js/ directory using the FTP client. If theres no /js/ directory available, then simply create one to add this file.

    Next, youll need to go to Appearance » Editor in WordPress admin area and edit the Functions.php file. Simply paste this code at the bottom:

    function wpb_wixjs  add_action 

    Once you are done, click on the Save Changes button. Now all your visitors from Wix will be redirected to your WordPress pages.

    Your visitors may still see 404 errors on your WordPress site after the redirection. Learn how to track 404 pages and redirect them in WordPress.

    Transfer Your Wix Pages To WordPress

    How to Move Your Wix Website to WordPress

    The RSS feed migration process only imports your websites posts, and not its pages. Unfortunately, there is no way to automate that part of the process. Insted, youll need to recreate each page manually in WordPress.

    To start this process, open the first page you want to transfer from your Wix website. Copy its content, then navigate to WordPress and go to Pages > Add New.

    Paste the copied content on the new page. You will also need to enter its title, adjust its formatting and styling as needed, and re-add any images, links, and other media. After that, you can select Publish to make the page live. Just as with posts, make sure to check out your pages on the front end to ensure that everything looks right.

    If you do not want to manually recreate your pages, you can use a third-party solution instead. Tools such as CMS2CMS enable you to migrate your entire Wix website to WordPress. This includes pages and images but comes at a cost.

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    Redirect Wix To Your New WordPress Site

    Your migration is now complete, but youll also want to redirect traffic from Wix to WordPress. This makes it easier for your existing audience to find your new site.

    While redirecting is important, it can only be done if you have a custom URL on Wix. If you used a free Wix account, you will not be able to set up the redirect. Instead, you can place a notification on the old website, letting visitors know youve moved and linked them to the new site.

    If you can redirect your Wix site, you will need to use the following code:

    var hashesarr =  for  }

    This code has three placeholder URLs that youll need to adjust for your website. Its important to list each URL on your Wix site in this snippet, in order to redirect visitors. The first part of the URL, such as #!about/ghit7 , is the Wix URL. The second part, such as /about-us/, is the WordPress slug for the new page.

    You can paste the code into Notepad or another text editor, make your changes, and then save it as redirects.js. Using a Secure File Transfer Protocol client, you will need to upload this file into the /js/ directory of your WordPress website. If your theme does not have this directory, you must create it.

    You can then edit your themes funtions.php file, adding the following function to the bottom of the file:

    function wpb_wixjs   add_action 

    Save your changes, and try visiting your old Wix URL. This should redirect you to your new WordPress website.

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