Saturday, July 27, 2024

How To Start Domain Hosting Business

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What Is The Growth Potential For A Domain Registration Business

How to Start a Web Hosting Company in Under 10 Minutes

There is a lot of potential for the right person in this industry. As it becomes easier and easier to set up a website, more people are taking advantage of subscription services to get the word out about their interests. Whether itâs a cause, hobby, or career move, itâs not uncommon for people to have multiple websites to promote the things they care about. As this trend continues, domain names will become ever scarcer and thus more valuable to those who want to find the right name to get the most exposure.

Not sure if a domain registration business is right for you? Try our free Business Idea Generator and find your perfect idea.

Because Just Any Old Name Wont Do

Of course, the big reason to get a business email set up is to gain access to any email address you want. Most companies opt for a format like, but it really depends on what your goals are.

If you think about it, youll need some good luck getting the exact name you want if you are still on something like Gmail, competing with those 1.5 billion other Gmail users. When you choose a private email service, the only limit to your name is your imagination .To reiterate, when you create a professional business email, you can have any name you want. Most importantly, you can choose your name combined with your business name.

Use Account Hosting Reseller

As I said, you dont need to have any knowledge of systems engineering to start such a business. What you need is a user knowledge of cPanel and a desire to learn.

You can imagine the hosting reseller as . We at SupportHost will take care of the server, you will take care of the site. In this case the websites.

The particularity of reseller hosting is precisely the fact that you can resell the hosting. You can create packages according to your needs, and then create cPanel accounts for your customers. All this is done through a control panel called WHM.

Basically, the WHM panel allows you to create and manage your clients cPanel accounts.

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Control Panel For Hosting Provider

The first thing you need is a control panel to ease the processes behind running a hosting service and that covers the following aspects:

  • Value-added services
  • Information Technology in general

Even if right now you are not interested in all types of services, you never know how it’s going to end. For instance I started from game hosting followed by VoIP, web hosting and software development.

The good news is that this panel has a name: WHMCS. I’ve been using it since 2007 and today I’m still running the same installation . This software is provider-centric and comes with a lot of must-have features like:

  • Billing platform to issue invoices
  • Shopping cart from which visitors order and pay
  • CRM with support ticket system, knowledge base, news

Personally I think that automation alone is worth the asking price which by the way is 15.95 $ per month. The panel incorporates all your servers, registrars, payments, renewals almost flawlessly.

WHMCS is not perfect but offers an all-around platform that is highly extensible thanks to hundreds of third-party modules. It can accomodate any custom need. I’ve seen it used for radio stations, streaming, internet connections, consulting, webinars and IT support.

Probably I’m the responsible of one of the weirdest use of this software. I used it as an e-commerce website to sell physical products. In recent years I adapted it to remotely monitor and manage mining rigs, masternodes, wallets for cryptocurrencies and trading but I digress.

Get Your Website Running

Best Ways to Choose the Right Domain Name for your Business ...

Once you have completed the above-mentioned baby steps. Its now time to get your planning into action. This is where you start with setting up a website.

So the question pops up how is it gonna stand apart from others to get noticed. The answer is simple first make sure your website is user-friendly. The next step would be to make sure its appearance is pleasing for the eyes of your customers. Finally, get your hosting plans to be accessible to your customers easily. It shouldnt be a scavenger hunt kind of scenario to figure out your website.

The website development process depends upon your taste, in case you are planning to launch a website in a very short period using whmcs, then there are ready-to-use whmcs web hosting themes available in the market.

Last but not least add contact us, about us, terms and conditions, policy pages page on your website. If you want a loyal customer base then you have to make them understand how you do your business. How dependable you are and what kind of expertise you offer. Once you have done it, your website is good to go.

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Lifetime Free Hosting One Time Payment

Are you making payments annually to any Web Hosting Provider ? Do you need Lifetime Free Hosting ? If yes then you are at right place. With our Lifetime Free Web Hosting Plans you do not need to make recurring payments for Web Hosting. We provide Free .com Domain or .in Domain with Lifetime Free Hosting. Domain if free for first year only, next year Domain Renewal Charges will be applied.

Also They provide Free SSL Certificate With Lifetime Hosting Plan for first year, next year normal SSL Charges will be applied. All Services are cheapest than others. So you need not to worry about renewals. And of course Web Hosting will not be any annual Renewal Charges, it will be completely free of cost.

With these Plans you will get SSD Disk Space, Unlimited Bandwidth, 24×7 Live Chat, Support Ticket, Email Support for your issues and queries. Lifetime Web Hosting is best for Static as well as Dynamic Websites. They are the first Web Hosting Company in the World providing Lifetime Free Web Hosting. Signup Today with and Get Lifetime Free Web Hosting.

Provide Secure Payment Gateways With 24/7 Security System

Security policy is very important for a hosting business. For a powerful business, you need to make a secured payment gateway. You should offer different modes for online payment such as credit card, debit card, net-banking, and others. Make a reliable option for payment so that yours can make their payment easily.

It is very necessary to provide full security to your client. They may need you any time with any problems. So you should be prepared for that. If you want a better hosting business, keep a 24/7 security system for your business website.

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Ensure For White Label Solution

After selecting your reseller hosting, the next thing you need to do is to check whether the reseller has a White Label solution or not. White label is a type of service through which your clients wont be able to see your reseller hosting provider details anywhere in the Control panel and they can without any doubt enroll in your services.

This will help your web hosting business look independent from any web hosting and you can grow as a unique brand.

You Need To Advertise To Your Clients

How To Start Your Own Web Hosting Company In Under 10 Minutes

After purchasing a reseller hosting package, you need to sell hosting plans that will attract clients. One example to attract clients is to offer free services, especially if those services are being charged for by large hosting companies. Setting up a website as well as the accompanying SEO services could all be offered for free.

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Three: Establish A Process For Your Business

A sleek, modern website will let your clients know that your business is a brand they can trust. Integrating billing and management tools into your website is a must and having a means of handling customer inquiries is also a good inclusion.

Here are a few things to set up for your business to build trust with your customers:

  • Build your branded website with ecommerce capabilities. This will allow you to automate the purchasing of your products and services.
  • Have a flexible backend where you can easily create and modify your customers accounts.
  • Establish a Customer Support model that includes different types of support like phone, email, chat, ticketing system.
  • Find a solution for web security and common issues like IP blacklisting. MailChannels can help you manage all your email delivery to ensure that your customers emails dont go undelivered or blocked by spammers taking advantage of your network.
  • Set up customer communication process to support each stage of the customers journey

Important Terms Related To Web Hosting

What is SSL?

SSL or Secure Socket Layers is a common term in the industry. It is used as security when any browser transaction is made. For example, a customers credit card information or passwords are secured by SSL. It is essential to safeguard any confidential or sensitive information that is entered on a browser and sent to another system and one must consider this point while starting a web hosting business.Paid SSL is when a website obtains a certificate and verifies its business identity for the customers to feel secure. These are very widely used in e-commerce websites. On the other hand, free SSL is when the website owner only gets the validation of owning the cheap domain hosting.

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How To Start A Web Hosting Company

wikiHow is a wiki, similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 25 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 101,979 times.Learn more…

With the advent of the internet into all our lives and the growth of e-commerce all over the world, entrepreneurs do look for web hosting companies that provide cost-effective, managed services that allows them a higher internet presence and thereby a vast audience.

Is Gmail A Good Enough Choice

5 Best Domain Name Generating Websites

Gmail is perfect for personal endeavors like communicating with a friend or your professors , and its perfectly fine to use it as a free email domain for a small business if its a temporary solution. But if you have an already established business, you should think twice before setting up Gmail as your email domain for business purposesnot only does it sound unprofessional for companies to use Gmail, but many consumers might end up thinking that the mail they just got is a scam. Naturally, what most consumers expect is for the email address to match the business name, especially if your business focuses on communicating with clients. If thats the case, you might want to consider a more professional approach and get a customized email domain to help your company branding.

But if youre determined to use Gmail as your interface, you might be wondering how to integrate your email with the domain name on Gmail, and whether thats even possible. Luckily, you can use Gmail with your own domain and get the best of both worldsa custom email on the Gmail interface. Even better, your personal and professional life will be completely separate, but you can manage them from the same platform.

DID YOU KNOW: The most popular email domain is Gmail, with over a billion users around the world.

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Establish The Backend Processes

To run your online business, at a minimum youll need to create the following operating mechanisms:

  • Enable purchasing of your products and services which translates into building your branded website with ecommerce capabilities.
  • Facilitate account provisioning around creating, suspending and modifying client accounts.
  • Define and develop billing and payment processes that support your unique business model .
  • Establish Customer Support model that includes types of support , issue in-take process, tracking, escalation.
  • The development of all the customer communication to support each of the processes .

If setting up all of this sounds like a lot of effort and very time-consuming, well, youre not wrong. Fortunately, there are smart people that have figured out whats needed to efficiently start and manage a Hosting company and have developed tools to automate many of these tedious tasks. If youre looking for the easiest way to get started, finding a good Reseller Hosting solution is the way to go.

Choose A Hosting Partner

Goals CHECK! Business model CHECK! These next steps will describe what you need to build a hosting company including the backend business processes.

Now that youve defined your business model, next you need to decide how youre going to deliver hosting products to your customers. At first glance, it may seem more profitable to purchase and maintain your own servers for resell, but once you dig into everything that goes into developing a secure and reliable server network, you may quickly learn that you spend more time managing servers than you do your customers. In this case, youll find that leasing server space from a reputable host provider is the easiest and least time consuming way to go.

When evaluating hosting providers, we recommend you start by partnering with a larger, more established company. There are several advantages to this approach:

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Things To Consider Before Starting Your Hosting Business

There are several things to consider when you start your hosting business.

  • Not every reseller hosting service is created equal. Make sure you choose the right reseller hosting provider that best suits your needs
  • Choose a provider that allows white labeled reseller plans, which means your customers would never realize that theyre on a reseller hosting service.
  • Make sure that the web hosting company offers ongoing technical support for your clients. This is extremely important if you dont want to have your own support team and customer service.
  • Lets take a look at a few reseller hosting providers and see which one is best for your needs.

    Depending on the pricing they offer up to 140GB disk space, unlimited domain names, free SSL and up to 1400 GB bandwidth. It also offers 99% uptime guarantee, private nameserver based on your domains, Free WHMCS Client Management / Billing software with each plan, WHM control panel, cPanel, premium support and a lot more.

    Create A Business Email Address Using Hostgator


    HostGator is a super affordable hosting company that gives you free business email accounts with any hosting plan.

    Just like with Bluehost, you dont need to have a website ready. You can sign up for today and start using your free business email with your domain.

    OK lets start by choosing a plan.

    Step 1: Choose a HostGator Plan

    HostGator plans are also very affordable for any business thats just starting out.

    Head to HostGator and click Get Started to see the plans.

    All of these plans are shared hosting plans. If youre not sure what that means, read our article on .

    Heres a quick look at what youll get on these plans:

    Unlimited Unlimited

    You can see that HostGator gives you more storage on its smallest plan compared to Bluehost. The renewal price on the Business plan is a little more expensive than HostGator.

    All plans include a free domain for the first year.

    Be sure to check the plan comparison on the HostGator website before deciding which plan to buy. Then click the Buy Now button to continue.

    All set? Great! Lets sign up for your domain.

    Step 2: Choose Your Free Domain

    HostGator gives you a free domain with any hosting plan. You can use the domain for your free business email account right away.

    Search for the domain you want in the search box and press Enter. If your domain is available, HostGator will mark it with a green label.

    Now you can scroll down and fill out the rest of the order form. You can safely uncheck the Domain Privacy checkbox here:

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    Do I Need To Own A Website To Create A Professional Email Address

    Professional business emails dont require a website a domain can be enough. Simply purchase a name from a domain registrar and sign up for an email hosting service. You can then add new users to your domain and manage them under one dashboard.

    However, creating a website will bring more advantages for your business. A website helps you establish an online presence and authority. With a website, you can also do more digital marketing strategies and reach a wider audience.

    If you already host a website with a hosting provider, like Hostinger, you will usually get free email accounts. In this case, you wont need to use a hosting service. Instead, simply create a free email account from your hosting admin panel.

    Why Use Inmotion Hostings Reseller Plans To Sell Domains

    As an industry leader in the web hosting business, InMotion Hostings Reseller Hosting services rank among the best. Every Reseller Hosting product provides you with everything you need to start a reseller hosting or domain reseller business. From the benefits of our relationship with domain registrar eNom, to included features like WHMCS, free SSD drives, WHM, and more, InMotion Hosting has everything you could want or need to get your domain reselling business off the ground.

    But, as if that was not enough, InMotion Hosting also has Reseller Advantage. With this add-on service, InMotion Hosting handles the configuration of eNom, WHMCS, a domain spinner, and installation of a free, premium SSL Certificate on storefront site we custom build for you. We automate the selling process, integrate all of the components of your reseller business into your custom storefront website, and set you up to start selling domains in just a couple business days. Your custom website uses the powerful BoldGrid plugin for WordPress, so any changes you want to make in the future can be done in an easy drag-and-drop page editor with no coding experience required.

    Also Check: Do You Have To Register Your Domain Name

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