Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Make Domain Secure

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Check The Zone Transfer Status Is Not Open

How to secure your domain name services

An open zone transfer status allows anyone on the internet to download all domain name server records.

Make sure the zone transfer status is closed on all of your name servers. This will protect your domain records from being downloaded and used to identify and exploit vulnerabilities.

To check your AXFR status you should:

  • Use an online tool to check your AXFR status on all of your name servers.

  • If the AXFR status is open, contact your registrar and ask them to turn it off.

  • If your registrar cannot do this consider transferring to a good registrar.

  • Promoting Windows Server To Domain Controller

    Note: If you already have a properly configured domain controller, then you can skip this step. If you have no prior experience creating a domain controller, or could gladly use a refresher, then this section is for you.

    The recommended environment is a Windows Server 2019 Core VM with a public IP address. The Windows Server GUI is not required, and so installing it is a personal choice.

    Start by reviewing the machine configuration:

    • The machine is configured with the intended final name .
    • The machine is configured with a static IP address on the local network.

    Once promoted to a domain controller, the machine name cannot be changed. Since the domain controller becomes a DNS server, it needs to be reachable using a static IP by other machines inside the domain.

    Install the Active Directory Domain Services feature, including the management tools:

    Install-WindowsFeature -Name AD-Domain-Services -IncludeManagementTools

    Create the new Active Directory forest with the Install-ADDSForest command. Do not merely copy/paste this line! Change the parameter values to fit your intended domain name. If you use the wrong forest name, then the easiest way to fix the problem is to create a new VM and start over from scratch.

    Install-ADDSForest -DomainName "" -DomainNetbiosName "IT-HELP" -InstallDNS

    Congratulations, you now have a domain controller! If this is your first time doing it, welcome to the club.

    Your Domain Setup And Ssl/tls

    You have 2 options to host your Foleon content: using a Foleon domain or your own custom domain.

    • Use a domain – If you use a Foleon domain, your content is automatically secured with an SSL/TLS certificate by us.

    • Use your own custom domain – If you are using a custom domain to host your content, you have to secure your Foleon Docs with an SSL/TLS certificate. As the domain owner, you have to acquire the certificate yourself. We have a built-in feature for uploading your own SSL/TLS certificates in the project settings. In the next section, well explain what files you need in order to make your domain secure and also demonstrate how to upload them.

      For security reasons, Foleon can’t install the SSL/TLS for you. Follow the steps in the next section for a detailed how-to guide. If you’re not sure about this process, we recommend reaching out internally to your IT department. They will likely have experience with securing a domain.

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    Use A Secure Browser And Windows Sandbox

    Microsoft Edge is a big improvement over the famously terrible Internet Explorer browser, but its just not good enough. You should switch to Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome they both offer better protection against phishing sites and malicious web scripts than Edge.

    Theres one more way for Windows users to ensure their browsers cant be a source for malware infection Windows 10 Pro now includes the Sandbox tool. This tool allows programs to run in a virtual machine sandboxed programs cant access any of your system files, and any changes they make disappear when you close the virtual machine.

    I run Chrome in Sandbox, which allows me to navigate wherever I want on the web with zero risk any dangerous web script or attempted system invasion is cut off the moment I close Sandbox.

    What Does A Wildcard Ssl Do

    Secure domain with HTTPS if your use your Storefront

    With a Wildcard SSL certificate, you can secure your domain and all its subdomains at one subdomain level. Remember, your wildcard SSL certificate cannot secure multiple domains. Likewise, if you wish to secure your subdomains at multiple levels, you will need a separate certificate. Wildcard certificates are not available with extended validation and are available only with organization and domain validation. Wildcard SSL certificates and multi-domain SSL certificates have many features in common. The main difference between the two is that a Wildcard SSL certificate cannot secure multiple primary domains and it can secure only multiple subdomains. You can add or remove subdomains at any time.

    Following are the types of subdomains and domain a wildcard SSL can secure:


    Read Also: What To Do After Buying A Domain

    Monitor Your Pc With Windows Task Manager

    If your computer is behaving strangely, you either have malware or some kind of performance issue. When it comes to diagnosing computer problems, Windows Task Manager is the best place to start.

    Task Manager tells you what programs are running on your computer, how much space theyre taking up, and how much disk space is left on your hard drive.

    Task Manager can be accessed by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Delete.

    The Processes and Performance tabs are the most important diagnostic tools.

    Check your CPU usage, and look at the programs that are taking up the most processing power if you dont know what they are, a little bit of research can help you figure out if youve got a malware infection or just some bloatware hogging your CPU.

    Its important to have a working knowledge of your computers essential processes. I use Task Manager almost every day to keep an eye on how well my computer is running.

    What To Do With The Csr File

    You can send the CSR file, for example: ‘my_ebook_com.csr’, to your certificate reseller. You can keep the private key safely on your computer.

    Do not send the private key with your CSR file to your certificate reseller. This can be dangerous for the security of your certificate.

    After that, you will get the SSL/TLS certificate and intermediates from your reseller. You can upload these together with the private key to the Foleon Doc that has been set up with this subdomain. Read all about how to do that it in our article Setting up SSL/TLS for a custom domain.

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    Check Name Server Records Are Resilient

    Make sure your domain has:

    • at least 2 name servers

    • all name servers resolving to a different IP address

    Where possible you should make sure your domain also has different class C subnet for these name servers.

    This will help you to make sure traffic to services on your domain, including email and web service, continue to work if a single name server, IP address or subnet goes down.

    You should have multiple name servers registered against your domain by following IANA recommendations.

    Check Availability Of Domain Name For Your Company

    Getting your “domain”: How to secure your website address on the internet

    Yahoo Small Business

    2 min read · 10 years ago

    There are more than one hundred million websites on the internet, all of which have a unique domain name. Your internet domain name will ideally be the name of your company, without the need for modifiers or characters. You will need to check availability of domain name that you desire, and secure it from a registrar or the current owner. This article outlines the steps for securing domain names, lists some helpful websites.

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    Check Name Servers Critical To Your Domain Are Locked

    Make sure any name servers for your domain that depend on a second level domain are locked at the registry level, if the service is provided. Critical name servers are at higher risk of being compromised and hijacked if they are not locked.

    Example: The Domain Name Administrator is responsible for the domain name ‘’.This domain name uses the name server ‘’. The administrator must make sure ‘’ is locked at the registry level.

    Instruct your registrar to implement domain server lock at the registry level.

    You should consider transferring registrar if you experience any ongoing issues with your provider. Follow our guidance on how to choose a good registrar.

    What Does Not Secure Website Mean

    If youve visited a website, , and noticed a warning in the search bar that says, not secure, youre no stranger to feeling cautious upon entering the website. You might ask yourself questions like what does not secure website mean? or what information isnt secure? These are both valid questions and something that you should be aware of before entering a website that has the dreaded warning in the search bar. Here are some things you should know when it comes to websites that arent secure:

    HTTP websites are not secure

    HTTP, or Hypertext Transfer Protocol, is placed at the front end of website URLs in order to display a website. Its a protocol used by the World Wide Web in order to fetch HTML documents or in short, display web pages. Unfortunately, website URLs that are preceded by HTTP are not secure. This means that your login info, or worse yet, your personal information like credit card numbers, could be stolen, read, or modified by hackers. You can read more about how HTTP affects site rankings further down the page.

    HTTPS websites are secure

    Not secure doesnt mean your computer is infected

    When users see a not secure warning, they may think that its the first sign of a computer virus or malware. Thats one thing you dont have to worry about! Like we mentioned before, the not secure warning simply means that your information is not secure on that website and that you should refrain from entering any personal information.

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    Registrar Your Website Domain For Long Time

    If you forget to renew your website domain then you will be in problem such as risk of losing your domain name to others. So, it is better if you register your website domain for the longest amount of time usually up to five years. Finally, avoid to shorter registration of domain name and turn on auto-renew.

    Errors And Problems When Changing To Https

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    Some mistakes should be avoided when converting a web presence. Heeding this advice can save you the trouble of having to deal with ranking losses or unavailable sites.

    Website owners wishing to switch their sites to SSL/TLS should, therefore:

    • Avoid expired certificates: an invalid or expired SSL certificate can lead to warning messages appearing in the browser window. This sends the wrong message to the user and can potentially reduce website traffic.

    $1 Domain Names

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    Ssl Web Hosting: How To Add Https To Your Domain

    Cybersecurity is a non-negotiable element of your website. This is true for the sole principle of keeping you and your customers data safe. But security also makes your business look professional and trustworthy.

    Google Chrome makes it clear to a user when they visit an unsafe website. The address bar will display Not secure before the domain name, which tells users that their information is vulnerable to being stolen.

    But when a website takes its safety seriously by using HTTPS and installing an SSL certificate, Chrome shows a padlock to signify the website has a secure connection.

    HTTPS is a pillar of a safe internet experience. It shows your customers youre committed to security and that you care about their data and keeping it private.

    An insecure website looks bad to customers, and it can hurt your search engine optimization ranking in relevant searches.

    Wondering how to add HTTPS to your domain?

    Heres the good news:

    Its a simple process.

    Some hosting providers, like Bluehost, offer free SSL certificates for dedicated IP addresses. This way, its easy to protect every custom domain and subdomain with HTTPS.

    Once you learn how to add HTTPS to your domain, you can secure your information from hackers and increase your customers trust in your business.

    Keep reading to learn about:

    • What HTTPS and SSL are
    • Why you need to use HTTPS
    • Setting up HTTPS
    • Installing SSL Certificates from third parties
    • The best SEO practices for HTTPS

    Setting Up Ssl/tls For A Custom Domain

    If you’re hosting your content on a custom domain, you have to secure it with an SSL/TLS certificate to make sure it’s safe for your audience.

    In this article, well explain the basics of SSL/TLS and help you secure the traffic to your Foleon Docs.

    Do you need to create a CSR for your certificate provider to obtain your SSL/TLS certificate? Read our article about the Certificate Signing Request .

    In this article

    Read Also: How Much Do Domains Cost Per Year

    How Are Sites Inspected For Valid Certificates

    Websites that are encrypted with a valid SSL certificate can be recognized as such by their URL:

    The s in the URLs HTTP protocol stands for secure and notifies users that the site is encrypted with an SSL/TLS certificate. Depending on the type of the certificate and the browser, there are also other visual cues that refer to secure encryptions:

    With the free SSL check from IONOS, all it takes is one click and you can check whether your current SSL certificate is correctly installed and your website is protected against attacks.

    Check Your Registrar Provides A Good Service

    How to Secure a Domain Name

    Services could fail or become unavailable without notice if your registrar stops operating without notice. Make sure you choose a good registrar. Registrars should:

    • be reputable

    • offer a secure, reliable and resilient service

    • provide the technical support you require

    • have a continuity plan for your domains should the registrar stop operating

    You should perform due diligence on your registrar by looking at their business history, checking to see if they provide a reliable service and respond to your enquiries.

    If your registrar provides auto-renewal, you should enable it.

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    How To Secure A Website: 7 Simple Steps

  • Install SSL. An SSL certificate is an essential for any site. It encrypts information passing between your website and your visitors.
  • Use anti-malware software. Use a software like SiteLock to scan and protect your site from malicious code.
  • Make your passwords uncrackable. Use a random combination of letters, numbers and symbols when possible.
  • Keep your website up to date. Install any software or plugin updates as soon as they become available.
  • Dont help the hackers. Watch out for phishing emails.
  • Manually accept comments. This allows you to trash any that are spam before they go live.
  • Run regular backups. If your site does get hacked, this way youll have a recent version to reinstall.
  • If you already have a website, the first step now is to check if you have an SSL certificate installed. Youll know if you dont, because your web address will start http instead of https. You should also check your passwords, and make sure theyre strong enough to stand up against attacks!

    Fortunately, SSL certificates are easy to obtain, and relatively cheap to purchase although wed recommend finding out exactly how much an SSL certificate costs before reaching for your wallet!

    If you havent started building your website yet, then the most important step for you to take next is to choose a good quality website builder or hosting provider, depending on how you want to build your site.

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