Friday, July 26, 2024

Are Domain Names Case Sensitive

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How Does This Effect Case Sensitivity

How to Register a Domain Name ( simple tip to get it for FREE)

Servers using Windows operating systems ignore case sensitivity when it comes to URLs.

Meanwhile, servers that run Linux or UNIX systems will identify capitalization on different websites.

If the server of your website migrates to newer machines, this would mean preparing to redirect your existing pages.

If the new server runs Linux, your once non-case sensitive URLs become case sensitive now.

Can You Make A Url Case Sensitive

As mentioned earlier, URL case-sensitivity depends on the operating system of your websites server. If you want to make your URLs case sensitive for the different pages of your site, use a Linux or Unix-based server.

But as mentioned earlier, having case sensitive URLs may cause problems later on the maintenance side.

This is why it is still best to have your pages in the lower case to reduce linking or redirection problems in the future.

How Do You Look Up A Fully Qualified Domain Name

Looking up the FQDN of your computer or server is simple. Just follow the instructions for your operating system below. If your machine does not provide the FQDN, it is not connected to a domain.

Windows 10. Within the taskbars Search Windows box, type control panel and select system and security. Next, select system and the FQDN is listed next to the Full Computer Name label.

Mac OS. Open terminal, and enter hostname -f into the prompt. Terminal will return the FQDN.

Linux. Open terminal and enter hostname -A into the prompt. The A is case sensitive. Terminal will return the FQDN.

Once you know your Fully Qualified Domain Name, you can make your device available online through the DNS.

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Does Case Matter In Domain Names

Domain names are not case sensitive and whether you type in a domain in capital or lower case, you will end up on the same website.

For example, if you andJOSHUAGEORGE.CO.UK, you will end up on my home page no matter what.

Whether you search for the upper case or lowercase version, you will end up at the root domain of a page. Search engines deal with domains in lowercase letters and this is the same for every website.

What Is Case Sensitivity

Are Domain Names Case

Case sensitivity differentiates between uppercase/capital letters and lowercase/small letters. EXAMPLE and example are two words, but the first has uppercase letters that the second doesnt. These two words are the same in the context of meaning, but the uppercase letters make the difference.

The input field that differentiates the upper & lowercase letters in their action is a case-sensitive input. Here, the password field is case-sensitive, whereas the username field isnt. Most of the time, accidental use of the caps lock button will not affect the email address to be recognized by most of the servers.

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Should Urls Be Capitalised

Generally, you should avoid using capitalised characters for your URL names. Using upper case letters for URLs makes them slightly harder to read as a pose to lower case and doesnt look too natural when a user lands on your website.

Whilst capitalised URLs will not make a difference in terms of the page location, you should generally avoid this. If your URLs also depends on the structure of your subcategories, some of your folders may pull in lower case with the URL of your page pulling in upper case.

Are Email Addresses Case Sensitive

I’ve read that by standard first part of e-mail is case sensitive, however I’ve tried to send e-mail to, and – it has arrived in each case.

How do mail servers handles usernames? Is it possible to miss with case and that message wouldn’t be delivered? Is it really very important to use exactly same letter case, as was written while registering when giving your e-mail address?

From RFC 5321, section 2.3.11:

The standard mailbox naming convention is defined to be”local-part@domain” contemporary usage permits a much broader set ofapplications than simple “user names”. Consequently, and due to along history of problems when intermediate hosts have attempted tooptimize transport by modifying them, the local-part MUST beinterpreted and assigned semantics only by the host specified in thedomain part of the address.

So yes, the part before the “@” could be case-sensitive, since it is entirely under the control of the host system. In practice though, no widely used mail systems distinguish different addresses based on case.

The part after the @ sign however is the domain and according to RFC 1035, section 3.1,

“Name servers and resolvers must compare in a case-insensitive manner”

In short, you are safe to treat email addresses as case-insensitive.

Way late to this post, but I’ve got something slightly different to say…

> > "Are email addresses case sensitive?"

Well, “It Depends…”


if   else 

Per @l3x, it depends.

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Are Website Names Capitalized In A Sentence

Is the word website capitalized? Both World Wide Web and Internet are currently considered proper nouns and should be capitalized. So if youre writing the phrase Web server, or if youre saying, Lets surf the Web, its better to capitalize Web the same way you would capitalize Internet.

Does Http Hostname Case Matter

Case Sensitive Lookup Formula – Exact Match Lookup in Excel

In other words, does it matter whether I use or ?

I’ve been running into strange issues with host-names lately: I have an Apache2.2+PHP5.1.4 webserver, accessed by all kinds of browsers. IE6 users in particular seem to have problems accessing the site when entering via , but not

I’ve checked the HTTP and DNS RFCs, my P3P policies, cookie settings and SOP yet nowhere I’ve seen even a mention of domain names being case-sensitive.

and treat them appropriately am doing no parsing/processing on domain name in my code)

Am I doing something wrong or is this just some browser+toolbar crap I should work around?

Recommended Reading: How To Register A Domain Name Without A Registrar

Why Is A Url After The Domain Name Case

While the actual domain name is not case sensitive, the full URL to a specific webpage on the domain may be case sensitive. Lets say, for example, you have a page called product.htm on your website. So the URL to this page will be This URL is not the same as

For the same reason that links within a website should match the letter case of the name of the file they actually link to, the address after the .com needs to match the letter case of the specific file or folders name. In our earlier example, although the domain is valid, the product.htm file name is in upper-case in the second example, and that file may not actually exist on the server.

In other words, will go directly to a page on the webserver that is in a folder named product. This wont work with PRODUCT because there is no folder on the server with that name.

Operating systems treats a file with different letter-casing as a different file. In our example, because the PRODUCT.HTM file does not exist on the server, your browser will generate a 404 error message.

Is Domain Name Case Sensitive

In this post you will get a simple answer to your Is Domain Name Case Sensitive? question, and useful information about case sensitiveness in URL parts.


Domain names are case insensitive. It means, if you write domain name in uppercase, lowercase or mix, then in all cases you will land on the same page.

For example,

If you type in the browser, https://TECHPOSTPLUS.COM or, then in the result your browser will open the same page for all cases.

Domain name case insensitivity helps to create uniqueness between domain names.


In URL, string after the domain name is case sensitive.

e.g., URL is different from

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How Do I Secure My Domain Name

Your domain name is significant to your branding.

Registering a domain name does not automatically get you all possible variations of your website URL.

This is why it is recommended that you get all possible permutations of your domain name, including .com, .net, .org, among others.

While it may come out as expensive, this brings peace of mind for big brands and businesses who want to protect their brand from misuse by competitors.

Case Sensitivity Of Domain Names

Are Domain Names Case

Normally the DNS uses an ASCII based encoding system which results in case-insensitivity to domain names this encoding system only uses ASCII-based and Latin-based characters to form domain names.

Most of the domains you see around you use this system. Thats why we said earlier that writing like FACEBOOK.COM wont make any difference.

Not only this, but you can also write as



It makes no difference.

Rather, when you buy the domain, only at that time do you get that domain in lowercase characters. You would never see your search bar showing domain/internet name in uppercase letters, Thats because your browsers automatically convert uppercase names to lowercase names.

If you are new to blogging then you do not need to think about these case sensitivity and insensitivity.

Also Check: Can You Buy A Gov Domain

You Cannot Change A Domain Name

The only way you can change a domain name is to buy another one and transfer your current website to it. Domain names don’t have a EDIT button somewhere. Once it is registered it is done.

TIP: When choosing a domain name keep it as short as possible. Keep your keywords and leave out any extras. I recommend not using more than 2 words in a domain name. The longer your domain name the more difficult for your website visitors and clients to remember it.

A catchy and easy to say and remember domain name is ideal. I know this is not always possible but keep it in mind.

In the image above my domain have 2 words. Insensitive domains. I did not include “for everyone”.

Elements Of An Email Account

You dont need to be a technology expert to understand how the email address works. An email address has three different parts

  • Top-level Domain

User Name

The text you type before the @ sign is your Unique Name or User Name. This section represents the local section of your email address. This section will allow the web to locate you precisely.

The User Name or Unique Name can contain digits and 64 Latin characters. You can use periods in this address section, but not as the first or last character.

Domain Name

Take a glance at the given picture above. The provided information after the @ symbol is called Domain. It indicates the email server and the web address by which you send an email. A random domain doesnt have its server, so you cant use an arbitrary one. You have to make sure that this part refers to your email and that its server truly exists in the first place.

The domain name must not surpass 63 characters. This part of the email address contains numbers 0-9 and 255 Latin characters.

Some common domains are Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Outlook, etc.

Top-Level Domain

The final part of your email address is the Top Level Domain, and it takes place after the dot . symbol. There are two types of TLD.

  • Country-specific

Other Parts of an Email Address

Besides these three major parts, there are some other parts of the email address that you should know.

@ symbol
Display Name

What if you use uppercase letters instead of lowercase or mix up both? It might be

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Is There An Option Available For Importing Matching Sets Of A And Ptr Records

Yes. There’s a shorthand available for this when using the zone file importer. To use the zone file importer, select Import zone file from the DNS record group page. Once there, enter the matching A and PTR records using the following format:

ip-address < =>  domain

For example, to import a reverse DNS record for “” that maps to, and an A record for that maps to “”, enter: < =>

To import a reverse DNS record for that maps to “2604:a880:800:10::7a1:b001”, and a corresponding AAAA record, enter:

2604:a880:800:10::7a1:b001 < =>

See the “Reverse DNS Shorthand” section of our Reverse DNS Records documentation for more information.

How Important Is A Domain Name

How To Get Domain For Your Website | Register Your Domain Now

Why Are Domain Names So Important? A domain name gives your business instant credibility and puts you in the same online marketplace as your largest competitors. It says that you mean business and helps online shoppers and customers see you as a forward-thinking company that is conveniently accessible online.

Also Check: How To Create Email Domain In Gmail

Are Domain Names Case

Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. This means, if you click on the link and purchase the product, I will receive a commission at no additional cost to you. Dont worry, I only recommend products or services that I have personally used and believe will add value to my readers.

I never thought that someone would have this question. But I was completely wrong! There are tons of people who dont know if domain names are case sensitive or not.

So are domain names case sensitive? The ASCII-based domain names are not case sensitive. However, we now have Internationalized Domain Names , which may seem like they are case sensitive. But in general, the intent of domain names is to be case insensitive.

I know you are scratching your head, so let me explain in plain simple English.

Are Domains And Urls Case Sensitive

Domain names are not case sensitive, but there are times when URLs are. This means you can enter a websites URL in all capital letters, and it will still bring you the designated homepage, but a URL depends on the server that hosts the site and whether or not it supports different cases.

  • References:
  • Don’t Miss: What Is Web Hosting And Domain

    Does It Matter How I Capitalize A Domain Name On Business Stationery Or Content

    Domain names are not only used in internet browsers, but they also abound offline, as well. Your domain name likely appears on your stationery, your business card, brochures, and other marketing content media.

    In any URL, upper-casing is optional but only up to the .com part. Internet addresses become case-sensitive after the .com . When advertising your URL , it is okay to use upper-case letters in the domain name part of your websites URL for emphasis, distinction, or easy reading. could be printed on your letterhead as and you can still be confident that your potential customer will find your website.

    Furthermore, it pays to consider the aesthetics of your domain name on print media. The first consideration in this aspect is the use of upper and lower case to enable identification of separate words within that name and help clarify its meaning.

    It is not only rude or questionable misinterpretation or association that can cause problems when multi-worded domain names are presented offline. Confusion or misreading may happen when consecutive words in a domain name end and start with the same letter. Some might even construe it as a misprint. Upper-casing, where such words join, will help distinguish the words.

    Do Capitals Matter In Urls

    Domain Names Are Case Sensitive But Paths And File Names Are Never Case ...

    Its just convention. Capital letters are commonly used in Wikipedia, YouTube and Twitter URLs if the article/channel/username has capital letters. All caps are rarely used because its considered loud and harsh, but there is nothing technical preventing it. URLs are not case sensitive up to a point.

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    Are Domain Names Are Case Sensitive

    In this manner, what does it mean when you use all capital letters?

    In typography, all caps refers to text or a font in which all letters are capital letters, for example: Text in All Caps. All caps may be used for emphasis .

    Are spaces allowed in email addresses?

    Just like an Internet URL no spaces are allowed in an e-mail address. However, names can be broken up using a period for example, John Smith may have an e-mail address: or because no spaces are allowed in the e-mail address.

    Are Google account passwords case sensitive?

    Passwords must be at least 8 characters long. You cant reuse a password that youve used in the last year. Please note that passwords are case-sensitive, so a G is different from a g. Numbers .

    Domain Names That Are Not Case Sensitive

    Traditionally, the Domain Name System has had ASCII-based domain names. ASCII is nothing but a character encoding standard for electronic communication.

    All such domain names that are based on ASCII are not case sensitive and will continue to be so.

    The domain names that you see in daily life like ,, etc. are not case sensitive at all.

    So it does not matter whether you type,,, or something else in your browser, you will be taken to Amazons website.

    This is true for a majority of the domains in the world, even for domains that end with .gov, .edu, .net, .org, etc.

    And it makes perfect sense to do so because you dont want your customers or website visitors to get confused and land on some other website.

    If you were to register a domain name for your business, I think you will want your domain name to be case insensitive as well.

    Alright, with that out of the way, let me explain a catch in all this.

    While the actual domain name is not case sensitive, the complete URL to a specific page on the domain can be case sensitive.

    Confused? I know. Let me explain

    Lets say you have a page called product.htm on your website. So the URL to this page will be

    This URL is not the same as

    So if you try to go to the second URL with all capitalized letters, you will get a 404 error . This is because there is no page called PRODUCT.HTM on your website.

    Got it?

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