Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Register Io Domain

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Sixth: Finalize The Auction

Creating an I/O Domain: Part 2 – Detaching a PCIe Endpoint Device for an IO Domain

Once the Reveal Stage ends it will be ready to finalize. To do this go back to the ENS section of MyEtherWallet and search for your .eth domain. Youll get a message stating Is that your address? Finalize the auction to claim your new name. Below will be options for accessing your wallet.

Finalising your domain auction on MEW

Make sure you use the same wallet you used for the bid and once its unlocked youll get a message to Finalize xyz.eth . Click the button to finalize. Next youll get a confirmation prompt where you should click Yes, I am sure! Make Transaction.

Confirmation of Finalisation on MEW

You can go back to to confirm the transaction went through. You should see an transaction at the bottom with an action of finalizeAuction. It may take 5-10 minutes for the transaction to show up.

How Do I Get A Io Domain Name With Ionos

Buying a .io domain with IONOS couldn’t be any easier. Simply enter your desired web address in the search bar and with just the click of a mouse, you’ll find out if it is still available. If so, you can buy your .io domain directly, easily and cheaply. Our tip: make sure you get the domain you want before someone else does. Otherwise, it may already be taken, and can only be acquired if the website owner violates your name or trademark rights. At worst, this will then require litigation. All of this can be avoided by securing your .io domain early.

As soon as you have checked your .io domain availability, you can also check if there are other domains available that you are interested in. You will automatically receive suggestions for additional domain names or top-level domains that may not have crossed your mind yet, but which may also be of interest to you. If this is the case, you can also place the corresponding domains in your shopping cart, and complete the purchase.

How To Register A Nft Or Crypto Domain Using Unstoppable

A step-by-step guide to registering a .nft or .crypto domain using Unstoppable Domains.

In the past, I have covered domain registration on Solana and Ethereum. Both posts continue to garner a lot of interest, so I’ll cover a few more options that might be of interest to Web3 aficionados.

Web3 is a fairly contemporary catch-all term used to cover blockchains, cryptocurrencies, DeFi , NFTs , DAOs and more. So what better way to dive in than to own a .NFT, .DAO or .Crypto domain, eh? In this post, I’ll walk through the steps required to do exactly this using Unstoppable Domains .

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Third: Make Sure The Transaction Was Processed

Call me paranoid, but I like to make sure everything worked as planned. This means double-checking to see if the bid was processed. You do this at where you can search the .eth address. Below is the example of our bureau.eth domain.

Confirmation of the Bid on the Blockchain

Youll get the details of the auction and at the bottom you should see a list of transactions, including yours which will show the Action Taken as startAuctionandBid. Note that it could take 5-10 minutes for the details to show up.

About Io Domain Names


A great majority of the domains registered under the .IO ccTLD are foreign language sites. Additionally, the .IO domain name presents a great opportunity for local and international companies wanting to represent their business in the British Indian Ocean Territory. Local domain names give your company a professional image, which demonstrates proof of your commitment to local customers. By targeting this local market, you can maximize your company’s revenues.

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Wide Search Engine Recognition With Your Io Domain Name

Several ccTLDs are treated as territory-specific by Google and other search engines, hampering SEO efforts.

Google treats .IO as a gTLD, and thus despite it actually being a ccTLD, you wont be victim to geo-targeting. Unlike other ccTLDs, Google acknowledges that .IO is used by a much broader audience than just those in the British Indian Ocean Territory, and thats why they treat it as a generic domain.

The bottom line, a strong .IO is a great bet for your tech startup. Dont wait to register yours: thousands of founders secure .IO domain names every day, meaning your perfect domain could be gone tomorrow.

Why Register A Io Domain Name

  • It’s short and memorable.

    .IO is useful because itâs short and to the point, making it one of the more popular TLDs on the web. Countless apps, plugins, libraries, and other technologies have made their home using a .IO address.

  • It’s perfect for

    More and more tech players are turning to .IO to support their brand. Itâs a natural fit for startups, online services, entrepreneurs, engineers, developers, and geeks.

  • Get Creative

    .IO has opened the door to clever ‘name hacking,’ where site owners incorporate the domain extension as a pronounceable, marketable part of their URL . But the good ones are going fast. Secure your own .IO domain name now.

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Con : All That Glitters Is Not Gold

While trendiness is certainly a trademark of the tech startup field, there is no denying that an ancient fixture like .com has some favorable cachet as well. advises: .com should always be your first choice whenever possible, particularly if youre planning to go big, nationwide, or international with your new brand.

Why? Because its worth paying attention to anything thats been around the internet for as long as the internet itself. While you may not be able to get your first choice domain name, it might still be worth brainstorming to find a .com.

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What Is The Io Domain Extension Doing In Tech

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You may notice that a lot of tech startups and SaaS companies use the .io domain extension , and theres a good reason for it. Its similar to the abbreviation I/O, which means input/output, a common term when discussing computing processes. And it has other advantages, too. While it is technically a country domain, most people dont connect it with its host territory.

Its pretty easy to remember, as more companies in the tech space are using it, and its easy to pronounce: eye-oh. Its short, and its visual, with its vertical bar followed by a circle. Its more expensive than other domains the price depends on which registrar you choose but not by much. A number of well-known companies have registered this domain:,, and even In this case, these companies dont actively use the domain, but have reserved them to protect their intellectual property, and most of them simply forward the .io domain to their primary domain. In fact, if you already have a .com or other domain for your brand, you might want to do the same.

And theres one more reason the .io domain extension is becoming increasingly popular among tech startups, web applications, and SaaS startups. Google considers .io to be a generic top-level domain , meaning that it is not country specific, so it may show up higher in search results anywhere in the world.

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What Does Io Mean For Your Startup And Should You Use It

One of the downsides of the .io domain is that it stands out. You might be wondering how that would be considered a downside the simple truth is this: it shows that your brand doesnt have a .com, which can be seen as a weakness. While this isnt always a significant problem for tech firms, especially for SaaS companies, other brands might consider this a negative. Additionally, until your brand reaches a certain level of popularity, it might be hard to find in web searches. If users just type the name of your brand without the .io extension, your company may not necessarily be the first hit in Google.

There are no second chances with domains. Once the prized .com is gone, its gone . You have a number of options, from .net to .co, to creative uses of other country codes, and .io is one that you should consider. If the .com domain is available, you should certainly buy it without hesitation, but you may want to consider other creative options as well.

While its likely that a .io domain extension wont resonate with people outside the tech sector, its certainly worth considering if your SaaS startup is in need of a domain and youre struggling to decide between a long, unmemorable .com or short, highly brandable .io. If your target is businesses, which is often the case with a SaaS service, the .io domain extension could be a great choice for building your brand.

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First: Create A Wallet At Myetherwallet

Youll need a public key to assign your domain to, so the first thing youll need is a cryptocurrency wallet. If you have a wallet already you can skip this step and use an existing wallet, but you will have to access it from MyEtherWallet.

To do that go to MyEtherWallet and click the link in the upper left that says New Wallet.

Creating a Wallet on MyEtherWallet

Follow the instructions, and be sure to download your Keystore file when prompted. When you get to the end of the process youll get your private key for accessing your wallet. Keep this private key safe and secure. You can unlock your wallet at this point by entering the private key or by uploading the Keystore file.

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Benefits Of Using A Io Domain Name

  • .IO extensions have more availability than traditional domain endings: One of the biggest reasons that so many startups choose .IO over a traditional ending is that there is more space available. Even though .IO is one of the more commonly used domains out there, it does not have the prominence that some gTLDs havethus your chances of registering your first choice of domain names is much higher.
  • Theyre a great opportunity for a domain hack: Domain hacks, or using second and third level domains to cleverly create words and phrases, is a great way to make your website memorable and interesting. For example, National Public Radio registered and uses the URL shortener, which utilizes the ccTLD of Puerto Rico to create a domain that mimics their brand name. The same can be done with .IO if your business or website name happens to have a io ending.
  • .IO domains are recognizable, and even embraced by the tech and startup communities: As we mentioned before, .IO domains are generally accepted by those who are web savvy. It appeals to the tech industry in particular as .IO has been associated with Input/Output. Using a .IO domain can be a good way to appeal to these industries and identify yourself or your business as part of the tech scene.
  • Top 3 Reasons Why Io Domains Are So Expensive

    How to Register

    Securing a domain name is one of the first steps in planning a business. You cant do business online without a domain. And if youre a tech or computer-based business, you might want to use the .io domain because it has cachet in your industry.

    After all, if there is a place a tech-related business might want to look good, its online.

    While the .io extension isnt exponentially more expensive than the more pedestrian .com or .net, it can have an annual cost of at least triple that of other domains.

    I made a quick comparison by looking for domains on a popular domain registration site

    Price comparison of an available domain name with different TLDs:

    So why do .io domains cost so much?

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    Using A Tld As Part Of Your Brand

    You may want to become creative and try to find a brand name where you can use an existing TLD as part of the word. For example, is DeviantArts personalized publishing platform for all members to upload and stash all of their images, writings, animations, and other creative works in progress.

    Additionally, the .ly TLD has become increasingly popular as a means of creating a unique brand, based on a single word simply by adding ly to the end of it. Websites like,,, and have all created their own memorable brand names from doing nothing more than tacking on the .ly TLD after a single word relevant to their business.

    While that using a TLD as part of a keyword is completely ignored when it comes to ranking for search terms, this strategy has become very popular due to the inherent value of having a memorable domain with the appearance of removing the TLD altogether .,,,, and are just a few examples of popular website that have successfully employed this strategy.

    Login With Unstoppable Authentication Protocol

    is a feature that allows domain owners to login and share information with applications, allowing developers to maintain information about their users without building a full-blown CRM tracking system. This feature is built using the Unstoppable Authentication protocol , which is an extension of the popular OpenID Connect protocol used for authorizing access to resources. Frankly, I have not tested this feature yet, but it looks interesting enough to warrant a deeper dive in a future post. Until then, have fun setting up your NFT domain!

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    Why Are Io Domains So Expensive

    Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. This means, if you click on the link and purchase the product, I will receive a commission at no additional cost to you. Dont worry, I only recommend products or services that I have personally used and believe will add value to my readers.

    Todays businesses, organizations, and individuals have expansive options when choosing a domain name for their website. Internet domain extensions or top-level domains can be almost anything, from the globally recognized .com and .net to the geographically specific codes, known as country code top-level domains , such as .us and .uk.

    The extension .io is a ccTLD assigned to British Indian Ocean Territory. This domain is well-loved by the tech industry and often costs more than three times more than other domains. So why are .io domains so expensive?

    .io domains are expensive because they quickly became trendy with tech startups due to their similarity with information processing, in tech circles, I/O stands for input/output. Another reason is that millions of .com domains are already taken, but corresponding .io domains are still available.

    I did some research to find out if it was really that simple. Would people pay extra for a domain because it has cachet in their industry?

    Heres what I found

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