Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Check If Your Domain Name Is Available

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Register The Web Address

How to Check Your Domain Name Availability

If your preferred web address is available, you can register it at any one of over a dozen accredited registration organisations or their resellers. For a list of accredited domain name registrars, visit the Australian Domain Name Administrator’s website. These are organisations authorised by auDA to provide services to people who want to:

  • register a new web address
  • renew their existing address
  • make changes to their record.

Whats The Difference Between A Domain Name And Web Hosting

Your domain name is like your address and your web hosting is like the house that you live in. If you want to launch a website then youll need both a domain name, which people can use to find you, and a web host, which stores the actual website.

Domain names and web hosting have a sort of symbiotic relationship, like software and hardware or yin and yang. While its technically possible to have one without the other, they work best when theyre working together, which is why many web hosts offer domain name registration and why many registrars offer hosting.

You can separate the two, of course, and register a domain name through one company and buy hosting from another. But its usually more time-consuming not to mention more expensive so why bother?

We are a web hosting provider on a mission to bring success to everyone who goes online.We do it by constantly improving server technology, providing professional support, and making the web hosting experience seamless.

How To Find A Great Available Domain Name

Ben Sibley Build SitesJuly 27, 2018

Follow the plan outlined here and you can create your own website from scratch without writing any code for less than $300.

Have you ever tried purchasing a domain name?

Just in case you havent, I want to prepare you for a major let down.

All the domain names are taken.

Theyre all gone.

Okay, Im being hyperbolic, but thats how it can feel when youre trying to find an available domain name for your site.

Why is it so hard to find a good domain name?

In this guide, Ill explain the current state of domain names and a strategy to help you navigate the challenge of finding a great available domain name.

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Avoid Hyphens And Numbers

Remember how your domain name should be easy to spell and pronounce? Hyphens and numbers make it more difficult.

Imagine explaining Facebook if it had a hyphen in there

Have you seen this new site Face-Book? Theres a hyphen in there by the way, between the Face and the Book.

Facebook might not have spread so quickly if that was the case.

The bottom line? Your domain name should be smooth and punchy hyphens and numbers get in the way of that.

Stick to the letters!

What Do I Do If The Website Name I Want Is Taken

How to Check Domain Name Availability (Easy Domain Search ...

If the domain name you want is already registered, you have a few options. First, check out the recommended, similar domain names in your search results to see if one of those works. You should also consider an available domain name with an extension other than .COM, such as .IO, .CLUB, or .ROCKS. There are hundreds of new TLDs to consider. If youre really set on securing your first choice of domain, find the current registrant using Whois Lookup and see if they are willing to sell it. Learn more

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Tools Check If A Domain Name Is Available Or Taken

Whenever we get a good domain name idea, we check it on the browser to see if its available. Thats good. But it doesnt show the actual scene all the time.

Sometimes the browser shows that the site cant be reached even though the domain name is registered.

To check domain name availability, we can use some tools offered by domain name registrars and web hosts. The cool thing is, these tools also show the suggestions and alternatives if the domain isnt available.

Lets check these domain name availability checker tools.

Check If Its Not Trademarked Or Already Used

Before you move forward with a specific domain name, check to see if the name is available on social media sites, as well as if there are any trademarks already registered to the name.

To build your brand, its ideal to have the same name across your domain and social networks. This builds familiarity and makes it easy for your visitors, fans, and customers to find you around the web.

Avoid legal issues you should stay away from names that already have trademarks.

How can you quickly check social networks and trademarks for your potential domain name?

Its quite easy with a tool like Knowem. Search your potential domain name itll show you if its available throughout over 25 popular social networks and if there are any trademarks already registered to the name.

If its taken, consider tweaking it so that you can create original social media profiles.

Recommended Reading: Domainnamechecker

Set Up Domain Monitoring

Still after that perfect .com URL?

Maybe none of these techniques have persuaded you to try something else, and thats okay. If your dream .com is what youre after, you can get it.

Lets say you only want a certain .com address, but its taken by someone.

If you dont have the funds to buy it outright , then the next best thing is to monitor the domain to check if it expires.

You can use a tool like DomainTools Domain Monitor to track any changes in its registration status.

If it expires and the owner doesnt renew it, you can swoop in and snatch it.

This isnt a surefire technique, but it can get you exactly what you want.

In the meantime, you can use one of these other strategies to set up a temporary domain. When youre able to grab your ideal domain, you can set up 301 redirects to the new URL.

Use A Domain Search Tool To Check If A Domain Name Is Available For Registration

How to check if your domain name is available with Godaddy

Type in the domain name you are interested in using the check domain tool.

It will now show you if the domain name you are interested an other variations is available.

You can now select the domain names that you wish to register and purchase them.

When you purchase a domain name you basically take it off the market so that nobody else can register it.

You can just register the domain name without getting a hosting service.

A hosting service is the service that you will need in order to publish a website to your domain. It provides you with web space, email accounts and so on.

There are instances where the domain name that you are looking to register it is already taken.

I hope you found this information useful on how to check domain availability.

Thanks for reading and leave your questions below to keep the conversation going.

This means that the domain name is already taken and registered by someone else.

If for instance they were not using the domain name for a website you could try to approach them to buy the domain name from them but pricing can be expensive.

Here is how you can find out who owns the domain.

We hope you found this tutorial useful on how to check If a domain name is available.

Thanks for reading and leave your questions below to keep the conversation going.

Also Check: How Much To Buy A Domain Name

What Is A Domain Name

A domain name is a bit like your physical address in that its how people find you out there on the World Wide Web. Thats why we call the bar at the top of a web browser the address bar – its where you enter a domain name to find a website.

If a domain name is like your address then the server your website is hosted on is like the physical building. When you create a website, you set your domain name to point to your server so that if people want to find your website, they can enter your domain name and itll take them straight there. Without a domain name, visitors would have to enter the IP address of your server.

Pretty much every website that you visit uses a domain name. is a domain name, for example. Facebook is the name of the website and is their domain name.

Domain names come in all shapes and sizes, but the one thing that they all have in common is that theyre made of two parts – the label and the top-level domain . A huge variety of top-level domain extensions are available, from country codes to specific codes for sectors like .gov for government organisations and .edu for educational institutions.

What To Do If Your Domain Name Isnt Available: 13 Strategies

Its part of the struggle of running a business in the digital age.

You come up with the perfect business name.

You design business cards, start all of the official paperwork, and tell everyone about it.

But when you go online to register the domain name, you discover something horrible.

Your perfect domain name is taken.

What do you do?

Do you give up your perfect name? Do you modify it somehow? Add a couple random dashes or underscores? Choose a weird domain name ending ?

Its one of the toughest situations to face as a business owner. It can bring your progress to a screeching halt.

This situation makes you rethink your entire brand.

The question remains: What do you do when this happens?

Ive gotten this question hundreds of times before, and Ive also heard some solutions to this problem.

Quite frankly, not all of those solutions are good.

Your domain name is a big part of any SEO campaigns you run, and it will affect your performance.

If you make a misstep with your domain name, it can negatively impact your SEO in the long term.

A large amount of your traffic will come from users who search your brand name. Its called navigational search. Thats why its good to use your brand name as your URL.

But if you cant, dont worry. There are alternatives that will still work for you.

Over the years, Ive seen what works and what doesnt. I want to share what Ive learned so you dont have to make any mistakes.

Recommended Reading: What To Do After Buying A Domain Name From Godaddy

Whats Needed To Register A Domain Name On Hostinger

Good news: there are no special requirements to register a domain name with us. In fact, were open to everyone – you included!

That said, well ask for certain information throughout the registration process to make sure that we have your contact details on file in case of any problems. Youll also need a valid payment method to pay for your domain name.

You dont have to be an existing customer of ours if you want to use Hostinger’s domain checker and register a domain name. You can point a domain name that you register with us to hosting that you own elsewhere. However, we usually find that its often best to keep everything in a single place. Thats why we offer both hosting and domain name registration services.

Make Sure Its Easy To Type

How To Start a .Com Blog at â¦2699 with DomainKing.NG ...

Think of some of the most popular websites in the world. What comes to mind?

Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Yahoo, CNN

One big thing they have in common is that theyre all easy to spell.

Your visitors should be able to type your domain name without a problem. If you have to explain the spelling more than once for it to be understood, its too complicated!

The last thing you want is for the potential visitors to mistype your domain and end up on a different website!

Heres an easy way to test this

Tell 10 people your potential domain name and ask them to spell it. If more than a few people struggle to spell it, you need to simplify it.

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Check Availability Of Domain Name For Your Company

Yahoo Small Business

2 min read · 10 years ago

There are more than one hundred million websites on the internet, all of which have a unique domain name. Your internet domain name will ideally be the name of your company, without the need for modifiers or characters. You will need to check availability of domain name that you desire, and secure it from a registrar or the current owner. This article outlines the steps for securing domain names, lists some helpful websites.

How To Find Out If A Web Address Is Available To Register

A quick way to find out if a web address is available is to use a WHOIS service, such as the one provided for free by Afilias. If your preferred name is available and will not be in breach of any law, the next step is to register it for your business. If you engage a third party, such as a website developer to register your domain name on your behalf, be sure the domain name is registered in your name or business entity. This can avoid potential issues down the track.

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Look At Alternative Tlds

In most cases, if your domain name is taken, it means the .com is taken. Often, the other TLDs arent taken, so you could technically opt for one of those.

But wait! Dont rush off and buy whatever TLD you can find.

This is a complicated decision.

Here are some of the factors to keep in mind.

First,people trust .com URLs more than any other TLD.

The .com extension has a lot on its side. Its familiar, its been around for a while, and its been the gold standard of TLDs for years.

Second, many people think some TLDs are spammy. People tend to think of .com URLs as safe and other TLDs as unsafe or untrustworthy.

Obviously, thats not always the case, but some people will think that no matter what. They cant get their heads around the idea of a trustworthy site that doesnt end in .com.

Third, alternative TLDs have no SEO advantage. No TLD is inherently better than any other.

That information :

So what does this mean for you?

If you want to use a TLD thats not .com, you can do so without losing any SEO power.

However, your audience might not trust it.

It helps if the TLD is directly related to your business or niche. Twitch, a site that broadcasts users playing video games in real time, smartly uses the .tv TLD:

In the end, you have to consider how easy its going to be for your users to remember your URL and whether or not theyll trust a domain thats not a .com.

Capitalize On Cultural References

How To Find Your Domain Name | Advanced Domain Search Tool & Check Availability

If theres anything we can take away from the unexpected success story of Dogecoin is that cultural references still have the power to boost visibility for new ventures, even in the fintech industry.

If theres a trend you can jump on that might get picked up by the media or influencers, its worth using it to your advantage.

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