Sunday, May 5, 2024

What Is A Good Domain Name For Affiliate Marketing

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Make Sure That The Domain Is Broad Enough

How To Choose A Domain Name For Affiliate Marketing (5 Tips)

Finally, this is actually the most important tip and that is to select as much as broad domain name as you can while staying within your niche.

You dont want to setup a whole website from scratch, spend time writing articles probably 100-150 and then run out of topics.

Your domain name should be such that you can expand on other topics of your niche as well later on. Instead of just sticking and limiting yourself with one specific topic!

Before we conclude , here is a great YouTube video about how to pick the right domain name for you

Be Prepared To Build Your Brand Name

Google favors sites that are built around a brand name. However, that doesn’t mean you can simply choose a name, include it in your website URL and expect immediate growth. You will need to work hard to build awareness of your brand and what it has to offer. The good news is, it is worth all the hard work. What is more, there are many free tools and tactics you can use to build your brand name online, including:

  • Writing one or more eBooks
  • Guest Blogging

Select Com As The Domain Name Extension

It is important to select the .com as the domain name is really important. Just tell me how many websites you encounter on daily basis of google search that dont have .com? Probably very less, right?

So people have sort of familiarity with the .com domain name so it is recommended to go with that only whenever you are selecting domain for your affiliate blog.

Recommended Reading: Cost To Buy A Domain Name

Pick A Domain Name That Comes Without Restriction

If all else fails pick a domain name that you can pivot with. For exmaple, if you purchase a that you no longer like, plus you want to change niches.

Youll be able to change directions as long as you use a generic name but, if you use something like As you can imagine, youll only be able to talk about the Keto Diet.

Dont Use A Hyphenated Domain Name

5 Affiliate Marketing Scams to Avoid At All Costs

You wont be penalized by search engines for choosing a hyphenated domain

…But this type of domain shares the same problems as an unusual TLD.

If you choose the domain name, you will lose visitors to

When people link to your site, theres a good chance theyll forget the hyphens and link to your competitor site.

A hyphen domain also looks less trustworthy.

It can even give the impression that you are trying to deceive visitors and mimic another website.

You want a brandable domain name that is easy to type and say out loud.

A hyphenated domain name doesnt fit that criterion.

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Best Domain Affiliate Programs To Join For Bloggers

Neha Kaushik Affiliate Programs

Domain Affiliate Programs

You might have heard a lot about domains, but are you aware of any domain affiliate programs?

One of the biggest challenges faced by bloggers is to find ways to make money. However, before that, make sure to build authority in a specific niche. It increases your chance to earn money through blogging since the audience will trust your words.

When the users purchase through your site, you will obtain a commission out of it. There are plenty of domain affiliate programs that bloggers can look out for when generating revenue and increasing their credibility in the market.

Here are some of the significant domain affiliate programs that one can include in their blogs.

Having A Brand Name In The Domain Name

One thing you want to avoid, is having a company brand name within your domain name. This means you dont want names such as Google, Amazon, Apple etc. within your domain name otherwise you may be facing a lawsuit from those companies as it may be infringing on their brand.

Another thought to keep in mind is avoid having a product brand name within the domain. For example, Kindle is Amazons proprietary brand for their e-reader and if you have the term Kindle within your domain name, Amazon could come after you.

For example: Breville juicer reviews vs get juiced

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Doing A Manual Google Check

Google can be a handy tool for checking a domains history provided you know how to use it. To do that, search the following phrase, Doing this will reveal whether Google has indexed any pages from the domain in question.

In this particular case, finding results is a good sign because it means that the domain hasnt been banned. If theres nothing to be found, chances are the domain is blank, or the website with that name has been banned. To find out the specifics, youll further research, which brings us to the next method of checking a domains history.

Setting Up WordPress On Bluehost

How to Choose a Domain Name for Affiliate Marketing – Tips

As mentioned, Bluehost has a one-click install. So just click on this link, click on the big green Get Started Now button, and follow the registration process.

Next, choose your domain name:

Since you receive free domain registration with this deal, youre best off using it. Although, you can also use Namecheap.coms tool to find available domain names. Just type in your idea for a domain name, and see what you can find. The more unique you make your name, the more likely it will be available.

Once youre done selecting your domain name, fill in your personal and billing details to create your account.

After youve paid and selected your password, your account is all set up. Next, youll be directed to the installation process.

Bluehost actually drops you inside the backend of WordPress for their wizard:

Now click Launch, and your site is almost ready to go:

Choose the name and site description :

If you ever need to login to WordPress again, just go here:

Bluehost actually has a really great YouTube series of onboarding videos that take you through some basics of driving WordPress. You can watch that video series and learn how to modify the look of your site, install plugins, etc. Check it out below.

If you have any tech support needs while putting your site together, we recommend using WP Tech Support. The team of highly-trained experts there is available 24/7, and can answer any of your troubleshooting needs.

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Make Sure The Domain Name Is Brandable

Having the brandable domain name is also important. Remember you are setting up your online business. And for the long term growth of your business it would be really helpful if you can establish your blog as a brand in your niche.

As you might already know, blogging is not something like a get rich quick scheme. It takes time to bring traffic, grow the blogger bigger, so why not just establish a brand right from the beginning!

You can stand out from others. Your brand is your blogs own unique identity and so it can help your blog stand out from the crowd.

To select the brandable domain name you can either select your personal name and build a brand on it or select any other domain name that can be branded. is the example where Neil Patel has branded himself and made his blog. On the other hand, there is, etc like websites which are not branded on any personal name but a established as unique brand.

Branding is important because it will not only help you to make your blog stand out from others, but also it can let you to get established as a brand in your niche.

If you create good content along with that if you have portrayed a good brand image of your blog then people will more likely link to your website.

Everyone likes to talk about people and blogs that have some kind of authority in the niche, are branded and reputed within the niche. I hope you got my point!

Consider Securing Other Main Extensions Later On

After securing your perfect .com extension , it might also be a good idea to get hold of all other popular extensions and then redirect them to your primary domain. If your main domain name is, for instance, youll also want to secure the likes of,,,, and so on.

While doing this may add to your domain names overall cost, itll help you avoid competing with other sites that may use your domain name but a different TDL. It can also be a great way to prevent other people from creating impostor websites or trademarking some of the other TDLs you havent secured and then selling them to you down the line at a much higher price.

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What Is Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is the process of referring people to a product or service in exchange for a commission. You can think of it as operating a curated storefront: you find products from businesses and creators that you believe your audience may like. When you direct a person to a product that they decide to buy, you get a percentage of the sale as a reward.

Affiliate marketing is a great way to capitalize off your online following, people who trust and are curious about your recommendations. It is also a great option if you have a particular area of expertise that you feel comfortable making recommendations about products and services in a specific category.

Exact Match Domain Name

Choosing the Best Domain Name for Affiliate Marketing

Exact Match Domains contains all of your main keywords. The benefit of EMD is you can rank fast. And the reason is this, the topic is pretty set in stone when you pick a domain name.

And if I were to decide to pick a domain like, Ive just decided, I set it in stone, this is what the topic of my domain is going to be about, Im committed to it.

So, Google has a really easy chance to figure out what your site is about.

And thats to have the name, and again when youre creating your onsite SEO, is just to tell Google what this is what it is about. This shortcut that process.

The bad side of EMDs that, theyre hard to do outreach for. People dont like to link to the

Its also easy to over-optimize for example when it comes to anchor texts and sending links to your site. And in addition, theyre not as easy to sell later on.

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Choose A Brandable Domain Name

You probably know that branding is critical to any businesss long-term success, whether it has an online presence or not. But what exactly are the makings of a brandable domain name?

Several traits make a domain name brandable:

  • Having no specific meaning. Think about some of the biggest brands most have domain names that wouldnt make sense as independent words. Google, for instance, isnt a word, and neither is . If you cant incorporate your target keyword into your domain name, this can be an alternative.
  • Uniqueness. Its easier to make a brand out of a domain name thats nothing like what the competition is using. Netflix is a perfect example.
  • Easy to memorize. Avoid domain names that are too wordy or those with weird and complex vowel combinations. These are hard to memorize, which isnt what you want for branding.
  • Easy to pronounce and spell. Whenever possible, choose a domain name that spells precisely as it sounds. Otherwise, potential website visitors may struggle to key it into their address bar or find it using voice search, which may steer them into the hands of your competition.
  • Sounding trustworthy. For illustration, consider these two domain names: and If you were looking to buy lottery tickets, which of the two sites would you use? Probably, because it sounds more trustworthy. While the former site may have pure intentions, it just sounds too bold and a bit shady. You get the point.

How To Choose A Domain Name For Affiliate Marketing Step

Now, Im going to show you how to choose a domain name for your affiliate site by doing some research.

Lets say my niche is going to be horse race trading.

And now Im going to show you how to use these five points to sort of eliminate any potential mistakes.

If you dont understand what that niche is, its simply a niche within the gambling industry. Its a micro niche within gambling.

So, lets look at the list here.

Keep the domain name shortEasy to pronounceUnique and Brandable The right domain extensionAnd then think a year ahead

Lets say for argument sake, I want to go for something like

But that in itself is a good domain name because its short, sweet, it tells you exactly what it is so technically that is a good domain name.

But theres one problem, this word horse,. This here will pigeonhole me because horse race trading means that domain name is going to be very, very stuck in that niche.

Imagine in a year, in two years from today I become an authority within the horse racing business. I make money, I grow, Ive gained more followers, Im making more money.

And then I want to delve into football trading or soccer trading. If Ive got a website called horse race trading, thats going to be difficult.

So, if I were to go for, I can absolutely, but I have to be matured enough and except Im pigeonholing myself into that one niche.

Could I expand to other ones?

Yes, but it will be more difficult to brand.

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How To Choose The Perfect Domain Name

Here is one really important thing to consider as well when choosing the perfect domain name, because..

As a website/blog owner, you are the brand. You need to be the brand.

So your domain name does not have to reflect your niche per say, and if you choose a domain name to niche specific, you will not be able to pivot from it, if your interests change..

As an example: you chose a domain name of, now a year later you change your mind because your interest and focus have totally changed..Now your super focused and passionate about cooking and want to share about that instead..

You couldnt really use the domain to do it.

You cant exactly write and add content for cooking on a domain name that reflects baby toys in its name..

How much time, effort and money have you already put into jumpingbabytoys?

Alternative Domain Names You Can Use

How To Choose A Domain Name For Affiliate Marketing ð¡ Beginner’s Step By Step

There is another way of branding with a domain name as well that can encompass you being able to write about any niche or topic you want.

You can pivot from this type of domain name very easily..And the domain name itself will be easily identified, remembered and catchy.

These types of domain names are really great and personal as well..Example

See that as a domain name, does not encompass anyone specific niche, the firemans wife could write about anything..And a real story could be wrote around it in so many ways.

How to choose a good domain name should encompass something catchy, short and memorable,

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