Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Is App A Good Domain

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Go Beyond Descriptive Names

How to Choose a Good Domain Name

We learned about different name types in the previous point. We saw that descriptive names are the simplest names out there. While theres nothing wrong with them, they cant help your mobile app stand out in a crowded market.

I suggest we move beyond simple descriptive names when launching a new mobile app. Descriptive names are great when we want to blend in. But we already learned that this isnt the best approach for new developers.

Instead, think of unique words, phrases, and metaphors that could be used to represent your mobile app. This will help you stand out from your competitors.

How App Domain Names Work

Interested in a .App domain name? These names are easy to register at Namecheap, and work just like other domain names with one important caveat.That caveat is that you must use an SSL certificate on your.App domain name. Without the SSL certificate, most browsers wont let people access the domain or the website found there.Its a good practice to use an SSL certificate on all of your websites. In fact, Googles Chrome browser will soon let all visitors know that a site is not secure if there isnt an SSL installed.Heres the good news: Namecheap is offering a free SSL certificate with every .App domain!

App Domains Are For Dreamers

There is a lot of talk about the.

It seems a bit ironic to me that there is so much optimism for the .app new extension. Apps are more like competitors to domain names and websites!

Some will say that apps are sometimes complimentary to websites or the other way around. But most apps dont need a website, meaning that app users dont need a website and almost never visit the app website except only if we are talking about Facebook, Google or maybe Twitter. But all these app/website combos dont have the term app in their domain name.

What most app websites are used for are for development updates, release info, support, company info and inquiries etc. Almost no one has a major interest in this sort of stuff so it is not something you want to invest in by buying a good domain name. A bad .com will do the job and so will a good or bad .app domain.

.App domains are for dreamers

.App domains are simply for dreamers. Not domain name investor dreamers but for the ones that dream of someday building an app. These are the ones that were probably too late buying their dream ****** domain name, that dont want to pay the expensive $2,500 price tag for the .com, that will almost never build this dream app and ultimately will not pay $50,000 to buy a *****.app domain name just because it is the talk of the town for these 3 months.

.App is not different except for Google but that will wear off


A few final comments

Number of app.*** domains to have sold for 5 figures: 6

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Make Sure Its Not Restricted

Once youve verified that you can purchase a domain, you should also check that there are no trademarks or copyrights restricting use of the name. You can search the United States Patent and Trademark Office. This step will help you avoid cease-and-desist notifications in the future.

Ideally, your domain name wont change, so be sure to choose a name thats easy to remember, easy to type, unique, and unrestricted. Choosing a strategic domain name now will prevent confusion and save you money down the road.

Want to talk about your app idea? Get in touch, and well schedule a call.

Tell A Story With Your Domain Extension

Top 10 Tips on How to Choose a Great Domain Name

.tech gives startup entrepreneurs an opportunity to name their website that creates a brand story, adds meaning and value to the domain name, and most importantly keeps it short. In fact, many startups, tech influencers, and big corporates have already accepted .tech with open arms. Some examples of how you can find a name on .tech are:

  • .tech
  • .tech
  • .tech
  • .tech

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Hostgator Free Domain When You Buy Hosting

HostGator is a great place to register domains, no matter where youre at on your online journey. Beyond registering domains theyre mostly known for their hosting. They also offer low-priced hosting and domain registration bundles for as low as $3 a month, which is a total steal. Hosting, Email & a Free Domain for $3 p/m.

If you do purchase a bundle package and decide to get hosting as well, then youll be happy to hear that they have a 99.99% uptime, meaning your website will very rarely, if ever, go offline.

Plus, the currently host over 9 million websites on their platform. HostGator provides a solid foundation for you to start your online journey.

Position Your Mobile App

There are two basic options you have when positioning your mobile app:

You can make your mobile app fit in the marketplace. You can make your mobile app stand out in the marketplace.

If you want to fit it, you should copy the name styles of existing apps in the marketplace. You can even use the same words other companies use.

Just make sure youre creating names that are different enough and wont get you into legal trouble.

If you want to stand out in the marketplace, focus on using unique words and name styles. Make sure your name is different from other apps.

This is the approach I recommend for all new developers. People remember things that are different and stand out. This is the easiest way to position your mobile app for success in the marketplace.

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Check For Trademarks And Availability On Social Media Sites

Before you move forward with any domain name, check if there are any trademarks registered to the name and if it is available on social media sites. One of the pre-requisites of building a successful brand is to ensure you have the same name across platforms. This builds familiarity and makes it easier for your users to associate with you and find you in the future.

Checking for trademarks is to ensure you stay away from any legal troubles. Building a startup is no easy feat and to fight legal battles is a colossal waste of time that can be avoided if careful.

How Does The Transfer Of The App Domain Work

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As soon as you have decided on a .app domain, the rest is simple transferring your domain to IONOS couldn’t be any easier. You will require an authorization code from your previous provider sometimes this is simply abbreviated as Authcode or called Authinfo. Each provider is obligated to communicate this code to their customers on demand. The code consists of 6 to 16 characters and is valid for 30 days. During this period, you are responsible for the domain transfer. To do this, simply go to the IONOS site under domain transfer to enter the domain, then follow the outlined steps. A domain transfer is quite simple and is usually completed within 14 days. Secure your .app domain today.

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The Making Of A Good Domain Name

LengthWhen it comes to a domain name, less is more. Shorter names are easier to remember and to type, which means users are more likely to find you. It’s also easier to stand out when there’s less to read. It’s a good idea not to exceed two or three words.

SimplicityYou want people to remember your domain name and type it accurately. Complicated or uncommon words or names may be hard to remember and spell correctly.

KeywordsRelevant words help users find you in a search and recognize what you do at a glance. Keywords can include what you do or offer , or even your location. Including your location in your domain name might also help you target local customers and users.

Brand nameYour domain name should reflect your brand, and vice versa. Brands can take time to develop, and including your unique brand name in your domain can help you stand out, gain recognition and increase visits to your website. When creating your brand name and domain name, just be sure not to use any existing brand names or trademarks.

Website nameWhile it may seem obvious, your domain name should be the same as your brand name, or as close to it as possible. You don’t want to confuse people who type in your domain name and get to a website with a different name.

An average domain name is better than no domain name.

Tech Domain Helps In Startup Branding And Positioning

With new domain extensions, you no longer have to choose a long, awkward, and complicated domain name for your cutting-edge tech business. Simply having a great idea or product isnt enough to rise above the competition. You need a brand message that can cut through the noise and stick in the minds of your target audience.

Weve already established in the points above that new domain extensions are short, affluential, memorable, and great for search engine rankings these are the ingredients of a strong brand in the digital era. Since your domain extension clearly gives context about what you do, you can get clever with your name ideas.

You can bolster your brand in the minds of your target audience by simply using your brand name as a prefix to .tech. Viacom uses to denote their technology portal as does, a company that connects Hollywood celebrities with tech brands for social media promotions.

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It’s Okay To Append Or Modify It

If your domain name is not available, it’s okay to go out and add a suffix or a prefix. It is okay to use an alternate TLD extension, like we talked about previously, and it’s okay to be a little bit creative with your online brand.

For example, let’s say my brand name is Pastaterra. Maybe I’ve already got a shop somewhere maybe in the Seattle area and I have been selling pasta at my shop and now I’m going online with it. Well, it is okay for me to do something like, or, or even

With these rules in mind, I would love to hear from all of you about your domain choices, domain name biases, and what you think is working in 2016. Hopefully, we’ll see you again next week for another edition of Whiteboard Friday. Take care.

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How To Pick A Domain Name For Your App

Value Of A Domain Name And Finding A Good Domain Name ...

Your domain name is your apps unique website address, but its also much more than that. It helps to set your product apart and define your professionalism. For these reasons, your domain name is important, and choosing one requires careful thought. Heres what you need to know to pick a domain name for your app thats a strategic one.

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How Do I Choose My Perfect App Domain Name

Finding the ideal domain name has become much easier with the introduction of new TLDs, such as the .app domain, than by using a conventional country TLD. While the .com domain, which is particularly popular in the US market, is already highly sought after most of the particularly memorable domains with this ending have high availability chances with a .app top-level domain ending. Also, by eliminating the country TLD, the entire address becomes more attractive and much more memorable. Regardless of your industry or product, you can find an available .app domain in a variety of attractive combinations. You can let your imagination run free and let your domain more effectively portray your product or speak to the function of your app. Just ask yourself what your app can do, and combine that name or orientation of your app with the corresponding .app top-level domain. Some examples for consideration include: “,” “,” “,” or “” The advantage of using a .app top-level domain is that it highlights the actual product and makes your users immediately aware of what to expect on your website.

Your Domain Name Is Available On Tech

There is a good chance that and are already taken. This is because the internet is home to over a billion websites and traditional top-level domains such as .com, .net, and .org have been around for decades. Needless to say, thousands of businesses are using one of these traditional domain names to denote their space on the web.

However, the chances of being available are very high. For instance, is taken, but is available. As a new domain name, .tech is available and super relevant for your niche. .tech is short and memorable and neatly describes what you do and what your business is about.

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Tech Domain Is Most Meaningful And Relevant For Tech Startups

New domain extensions enable businesses with the option to choose a snappy name that is short and easy to remember. Apart from being relevant and providing a strong sense of context, names on new domain extensions make for meaningful online monikers that are memorable and supremely brandable.

Edgar Oganesyan runs a tech channel on YouTube that has almost 200,000 subscribers and he uses to redirect his viewers to his YouTube channel. Not only is his URL easy to remember, but it clearly implies what to expect when you land on the page.

What Are The Benefits Of Finding A Name On Tech

Use a custom domain name for Heroku App

The biggest benefit of choosing a name on a .tech domain is that you can sport a domain name or URL that is easy to understand and one that builds on your companys name.

.tech piques the interest of a relevant audience and you will tend to drive potential partners and customers to your website since people will be able to find you easily.

Heres why you should consider using .tech as your primary domain extension:

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What Is A App Domain

Googles .app TLD is a domain extension exclusively targeted towards tech business indulging in app development.

And while registering a .app domain may seem like the perfect choice for your tech startup, there are a few things you need to know. To begin with, .app is super specific as it caters to a small niche within the technology vertical.

Secondly, the acronym app stands for application, which is suitable only for programmers, developers, and startups who are in the business of creating apps. There is no scope for scalability into the web once you have a product on .app. For instance, if you are a startup that creates smartphone apps and plans to enhance your business to include web development and AI or AR division, your domain name will restrict you from showcasing your new potential.

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