Have You Lost Your Domain Name Or Has It Been Stolen From You In An Illegal Manner
Specialists in domain name recovery from the early nineties
The long experience accumulated and the great number of cases treated, made Turini Group a point of reference for whoever intends to defend his/her online trademark and react to cybersquatters.
The aim is to preserve and defend also on the internet the exclusive use of a trademark.
We propose and adopt all the possible defenses in order to prevent competitors to use business trademarks as keyword or inside social network or as adwords.
But in order to win a procedure of resignation, some requirements must be fulfilled. In the specific:
- Who wants to recover the domain should own a trademark before to the date of registration of the domain at hand
- The name of the domain that we want to recover must be registered with malice
- The one who registered the domain should not have a right or a legitimate interest upon that name.
If these requirements are lacking one may chose between different strategies or address to a courthouse. For example, the disposition of a case may be useful when, besides the recovering a domain, one wants to obtain a reimbursement.
It is worthy to remember that causes today are extremely lighter thanks to the entrance in force of the Code of the Industrial Property which handle them as business signs.
The Limitations Of Restoring Objects By Using Native Methods
The backup and restoration capabilities of Active Directory are limited. Here are just a few of those limitations:
- No in-built report function goes into granular detail.
- Native methods do not allow you to restore deleted objects that have entered Recycled or Physically deleted state.
- You need solid understanding of PowerShell commands and the steps for the LDP.exe. The latter is more complex than former.
- It does not guarantee the availability of backup anytime and anywhere. The backup locations for the data are local drives and network shares only.
- It offers only hourly/daily backups.
- You cannot restore a specific object or attribute.
- The local policies of objects cannot be restored.
- Searching for specific objects in the backup is quite time-consuming.
- It is a daunting task to extract the right set of attributes to be restored from the vast tranche of logs
How To Recover The Tenant Account Of A Domain For Microsoft Teams
Hello, I’m trying to recover the account that signed as a tenant for the company domain name I’m trying to register for Microsoft Teams.
When I try to register with my company email address, the system provide an error:
We can’t finish signing you up because Office 365 Business Essentials isn’t currently available for your work or school account associated with < email address> .
If you want to sign up for Office 365 Business Essentials, you’ll need to set up a new account.
Then, trying to create a new account, during the step “create your business identity” and “Use a domain name you already own” the following error
Sorry, < domain name> is already a part of an existing organization. Enter a different domain.
Now the matter is that a test account has been maybe registered years ago, but we are not able to recover the tenant of that test, and this is locking our domain name.
Is it possible, given the domain name in private, to know at least the email address of the tenant account, to try to login with that account and to transfer the ownership of the domain or at least to recover it?
Thank you
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How To Recover A Domain Controller: Best Practices For Ad Protection
This is the second article from my series on Active Directory protection with Veeam. In the previous post, I reviewed physical and virtual Domain Controller backup procedures. Today, I will discuss recovery procedures.
Knowing your infrastructure 100% is a great help for AD recovery planning. Do you have a single-DC or a multi-DC environment? Read/Write Domain Controller or a Read-Only Domain Controller ? Have you lost just one DC or has an entire AD infrastructure been damaged or corrupted? If you have multiple DCs, do you still use File Replication Service or have you migrated to a Distributed File System Replication service for syncing changes between the multiple DCs? Those are a few questions you should be able to answers if you want performing a successful recovery.
Cases Of Domain Name Recovery
Experience has taught us that the loss of a domain name could occur in various circumstances.
They range from business disputes to innocent mistakes or negligence. Here is a sample of the case we have assisted clients in recovering their domain name following domain name disputes.
Theft of domain name by a business partner
Departure of a business partner or a director who has de facto ownership of name is one of the most common causes of domain name theft.
The director or business partner might have the business domain name registered to their personal name. When they leave the business, often under acrimonies circumstances, they take the domain name with them to start a new business in competition to the one they have just left.
Loss of registration details
The loss of the email address under which the domain was registered and/or the password to the domain control panel is another way people may lose their domain name. The email address or telephone number associated with the registration of the domain name, might have been disposed with, forgotten or even stolen.
Appropriation of a domain name by a web developer
The Appropriation of a domain name by a web developer, is another way businesses might lose their domain name. This might happen because the web developer deliberately appropriated the domain name or because the web developer or their company might have gone out of business before they properly transferred the domain name to their client.
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How To Recover Your Web Domain
Ensuring youve got real ownership of your web domain is a task thats likely to save a huge amount of time, hassle and cost in the long run. Without that ownership, youre at risk of suffering severe outages to your website and email, or potentially having your domain sold to someone else from underneath you putting at risk all that money youve spent investing in your brand and search rankings.
Its a danger thats very real many of our new clients need some kind of help to make sure that their web domain is secured, and an unlucky few have come to us for help in the first place because somethings gone wrong and theyve lost all ability to make changes to their website.
So, where to start? Well, first check who has got control of your web domain. You can do this by going to WhoIs, type in your domain name and click the look-up button. You should get a page back that looks a bit like this:
You want to check three things:
- The name of the registrant is either yours or that of your company
- The registrant address listed is correct
- That you have an account with the listed registrar and that you know the username and password to that account.
If any of the details are wrong, or you dont know the login details to your registrars account, dont panic. Most of the time its easy to put right just follow the steps below:
Recovering From A Lost Domain Controller
Say youre a small company and you have a network with only one domain controller. Your domain controller goes down and you discover your backup is corrupted. Will the following recovery procedure work? Re-install Windows Server 2003 on your machine giving it the same computer name and IP address as your old domain controller had, then promote your server to a domain controller giving it the same domain name as you used previously. Will users then be able to use their client computers to log onto the domain as before? No! Youll have to rejoin all your client computers and member servers to the new domain, and reconfigure permissions on all your shared resources on any file servers, print servers, and so on that may be on your network.
Moral of the story? Either invest in a second domain controller for fault tolerance, or invest in more reliable backup hardware/software/media.
Mitch Tulloch was lead author for the Windows Vista Resource Kit from Microsoft Press, which is THE book for IT pros who want to deploy, maintain and support Windows Vista in mid- and large-sized network environments. For more information see www.mtit.com.
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Common Reasons For Losing Domain Access
If you find yourself unable to access your domain for renewal, there is a strong possibility youve been affected by one of the three Ds: Divorce, death or disgruntled employees.
Wow. This is getting dark. Its true that this subject is a bit unpleasant, but these are realities that IT professionals and business owners alike have to deal with when attempting to renew their domain. And its certainly better to be prepared for the domain problems the three Ds can cause, rather than be blindsided by them.
Here are a few tips to ensure that these issues dont prevent you from renewing your domain.
If You Dont Know The Account Details For Your Domain
If the domain is in your name but you dont know, or have lost, the account details then get in contact with the Domain Registrar, explain the situation and ask them what you will need to do.
If the email address on the account is correct, its almost certainly just a question of sending a reminder to you.
If your contact details are out of date it will likely be a little more complicated, but speak to your domain registrar, get the ball rolling and it can be sorted out.
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How To Restore A Domain Name
In most cases, this operation can be done online, from your account:
After logging in, click âDomainâ in the left navigation menu.
Click on the âRestorableâ tab above the list of the domains. Any domains that are currently restorable will be in this list.
Click on âRestoreâ and the restoration will be added to your shopping cart.
When you are ready click on âCheckoutâ in the top left corner and complete your order.
Performing A Restore Of A Domain Controller In An Authoritative Mode
As a reminder, you most likely you dont need this type of restore. But lets dig inside anyway so you understand the reasoning. This operation might be done when youre trying to restore a valid copy of DC in a multi-DC environment, while the entire AD is corrupted at some point . You would, therefore, want to force DCs to accept changes from a restored DC.
To restore a specific deleted object or a subtree in authoritative mode and force this DC to replicate it to other DCs:
The procedure of restore goes this way:
Procedure of restore :
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Have You Lost Your Domain Name Or Web Hosting Login Or Password Here Are Some Ways To Recover Them
The first thing to do is a “whois” check, which will show you who the registrant , administrative and technical contacts are. Since this is public information, there are many websites where you can check this, along with the domain’s creation and expiration dates. The best ones I’ve found are who.is, GoDaddy Whois, and NetSol Whois. Just enter your domain name, including the “com” or “net” at the end, and click the “Search” button.
Due to updated privacy laws, however, as of 2020 more and more domain name registrars are hiding domain name contact information by default, in an attempt to curtail domain name service scams. So a whois check may not work as well as it used to.
In the search results of the whois search, look for the Registrant information. If it’s you, that’s good news. Check to see who the registrar is . This is found at the top of the whois results, after “Registrar WHOIS Server” and “Registrar URL”. Go to that website, and enter the Registrant or Admin email shown in the whois info. If you remember your password, you should be able to access your account if not, you may be able to do a password reset if you still have access to that email address.
If you ARE the registrant but NOT the administrative contact, and you cannot access your domain account, you will need to get the username and password from the administrative contact.
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How To Recover From A Domain Name Hijacking
Even with over 15 years of experience working on the Internet, and having owned a large online retailer for the past 8 years, I had never heard of and wasn’t familiar with domain name hijacking. That is, until it happened to me. On Feb. 3, 2015, my company’s domain name — a very valuable one at that, as ShadesDaddy.com is a large, independent Internet retailer of eyewear as well as a content business — was hijacked by Chinese hackers.
How did this happen? Hackers got into our registrar account, changed all of the information on our account and went ahead and transferred the domain name from our account to their account in China. This is an increasingly common tactic by hackers, as it can be very lucrative depending on the domain name that has been stolen. These domains are used to redirect traffic to other websites or even sold on the black market.
Overnight, we lost our most valuable asset and were out of business. The domain name now redirected to a Chinese website that sold counterfeit merchandise from sunglasses to anything else you could imagine. They had all of our traffic and we were losing thousands of dollars daily in revenue.
1. Understand the Role of the Company That Runs the Domain Name
There are two names in the domain world you need to be aware of, as well as understand what they do:
2. Alert Your Registrar Immediately
3. Lawyer Up
4. Expedite With a Court Order
5. Make Noise
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